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41. Women Kristi Yamaguchi is one of the few skaters that make for not only her skills againstthe women, but against THis is one of the best sports biographies I have http://www.growingsport.com/j/5658/ | |
42. Oct. 18, 1998 American Cup I Short Track Eagan, Minn. skaters pick one distance, and four of the five skaters will compete in For detailedinformation about the sport, including biographies, a schedule, past women. http://www.usspeedskating.org/releases/amercupI'98.html | |
43. GGGG.com - The Online Shopping Guide - Books - Sports & Outdoors - Favorite List Mountaineering Books; Must Have s For skaters; MustHave and survival; best bookson women and mountaineering surfing; great reads; military biography - best books; http://www.gggg.com/best/books/list_2446.html | |
44. Under The Covers: Great Women In Sports By Johnson Oksana trained by day with elite Ukrainian skaters. women athletes, and accomplishmentsof women in general reading for anyone who likes biographies, and this http://www.silcom.com/~manatee/johnson_great.html | |
45. Michelle Kwan Books Kwan women who Win Michelle Kwan A RealLife Reader Biography Winning AttitudeWhat it Takes. Related Links biographies and Autobiographies of skaters http://www.skatelog.com/books/michelle-kwan.htm | |
46. Nancy Kerrigan Books on Ice by Nancy Kerrigan The Kerrigan Courage Nancy s Story women on Ice RelatedLinks biographies and Autobiographies of skaters All Skating http://www.skatelog.com/books/nancy-kerrigan.htm | |
47. Please Wait... female gymnasts, tennis players, skaters, wrestling ladies Model and TopSinger -Gallery, biographies, shareware screen over 100 beautiful and sensuous women. http://www.the-arena.co.uk/launcher.asp?SiteID=224216&Partner_ID=173 |
48. Welles-Turner Memorial Library: Internet Links: Sports women s United Soccer Association http//www.wusa.com chats, bulletin boards, andplayer biographies are all as many other internationallyknown figure skaters. http://www.wtmlib.com/sports_links.htm | |
49. Queen Of Ice, Queen Of Shadows : The Unsuspected Life Of Sonja Henie History Books Biography Sports biographies women in Sports in 1936, SonjaHenie was cast in several movies to play the roles of figure skaters. http://www.crimsonbird.com/history/henie.htm | |
50. Biography Magazine Belarusian ambassadors to Russian figure skaters, SBS can are currently included inWilson biographies Plus African American women A Biographical Dictionary. http://www.ibiblio.org/slanews/conferences/sla1999/ref_bio.html | |
51. Great Olympians - Biographies - JO Great Olympians. biographies JO. women s Individual, fifth, 11th, -, 1596. 30396. Theirson Jean-Pierre was one of only two skaters ever to win against Dick Button. http://users.skynet.be/hermandw/olymp/biojo.htm | |
52. Ice Skaters Suggest a Site CATEGORIES Speedskaters@women (179) SPONSOR P K International IceSkaters Dancers They have Home biographies Job History P K in Fashion P K http://www.spot-sport.co.uk/ice-skating/ice-skaters.html | |
53. Books / Biographies & Memoirs / Book Bargains Super skaters World Figure Skating Stars Steve Milton women of Words A PersonalIntroduction to ThirtyFive of Great 20th Century biographies Kathryn Knox http://www.bookmag.com/books/biographies---memoirs/6.html | |
54. New Page 1 biographies. She has also choreographed for many figure skaters in the Memphis Figure Mrs.Brown is a graduate of Mississippi University for women where she http://www.desoto.k12.ms.us/Train2002/Beck/Beck 07.htm | |
55. Skøyter Or Paul Hanlin s biographies of the women http//home.att.net/~p.hanlinjr/sscnofr.htm.WHAT TO WEAR. At an early stage, skaters discovered that tight clothes http://home.ringnett.no/lars.finsen/speedskating.htm | |
56. Sports upcoming competitions and pages about individual skaters. school, athletic wellnessand star biographies. women s National Basketball Association TV highlights http://kidsite.arapahoelibraries.org/cgi-bin/arapahoe_links?page=sports |
57. Derry Public Library Booklist: Winter Sports Skating J 796.912 RUR Discusses the past and future of women s figure skating andpresents biographies of eight of the sport s most famous skaters Oksana Baiul http://www.derry.lib.nh.us/booklistwintersports.html | |
58. PMA - Biographies 1998 goal is to create climate of success in which young women are encouraged to Multimediapresentation on Olympic skaters created by two Grade 5 students won http://pma-ppm.ic.gc.ca/bio98-e.asp?prov=on |
59. Inline Skates Rollerblades Recreational, aggressive, fitness, women s, and kids Skate Page -Information on skates, biographies and photos of Photos or pro skaters and of http://www.allegiancewars.com/topia/inline skates | |
60. Women Skaters - Speed Skating - Figure Skaters - Olympic Skaters - Ice Dancing - women figure skaters, speed skaters and ice dancers who have won Olympic medals, whether gold, silver or bronze. From the first woman to win at a world championship to recent wellknown medalists . http://womenshistory.about.com/cs/skaters | |
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