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21. CM Magazine: Figure Skating Now: Olympic And World Stars. 2nd. Ed then sections on the men, the women, the pairs and Kraatz, are given several pagesfor their biographies. There are over 25 individual skaters featured as well http://www.umanitoba.ca/outreach/cm/vol10/no12/figureskatingnow.html | |
22. Dancing On Ice the first ever quad jump in women s Olympic figure skating competition, includingfeature stories and biographies of individual skaters, television schedules http://www.riverdeep.net/current/2002/02/021102t_iceskating.jhtml | |
23. Women In Sports In this chapter book, kids are introduced to four medalwinning skaters KristiYamaguchi Mini-biographies of five of the greatest women golfers are also http://www.childrenslit.com/th_sportwomen.html | |
24. The Olympics Ice dancers Torvill and Dean, pairs skaters Gordeeva and Grinkov, solo and to addto a growing body of biographies that presents the lives of women. http://www.childrenslit.com/th_olympics.html | |
25. CNNSI.com - SI For Women - 100 Greatest Female Athletes - Wednesday December 01, Use the menu below to read our biographies of the century s When I was little, alot of women s sports heroes were gymnasts and figure skaters, and I http://www.cnnsi.com/siforwomen/top_100/1/ | |
26. CNNSI.com - SI For Women - 100 Greatest Female Athletes - Monday November 29, 19 the menu below to read our biographies of the Watch professional skaters, and you llsee a more selected by Sports Illustrated For women, Sports Illustrated http://www.cnnsi.com/siforwomen/top_100/32/ | |
27. A Canadian Figure Skating Fan Page and short biographies with Canadian and nonCanadian skaters / Special Thanks Stojko;Underhill and Martini; Short Skater biographies women; Men; Pairs; http://www.skate.org/can/ | |
28. Short Canadian Figure Skater Biographies: Dance Short Canadian Figure Skater biographies Dance. Bowden are probably still betterremembered as pairs skaters. sign the guest book; Short Bios women; Short Bios http://www.skate.org/can/bio-dance.html | |
29. Biographies the Magnificent Seven, the young women who led America s Most Decorated GymnastA Biography Usually ships of Elite Gymnasts and Figure skaters Usually ships http://www.gymmarketplace.com/biographies.htm | |
30. Womenshistory In Directory.co.uk women s History Comprehensive Research Guide - biographies - Quotations women s womenshistory.about.com/cs/boxingwomen Olympic skaters A history of http://www.directory.co.uk/Womenshistory.htm | |
31. View Video: Sports the 1980 s $14.98 1703 The greatest figure skaters of our Director s Commentary Track;Drivers biographies; Multiple Driver Profiles; Fast women in Other http://www.view.com/home-sports.html | |
32. Biographies Includes bios on current and past skaters as well netsrq.com/~dbois/hamill.html Shortbiography on this Olympic gold medal winner in women s figure skating http://www.woodlawn.district96.k12.il.us/Pages/WLHP Links/biographylinks.html | |
33. Page Two Summary The story of two champion skaters going for Olympic gold Summary Containsbrief biographies of Esther, Cleopatra, Eleanor of Acquitaine women of courage http://web.dexter.k12.mi.us/staff pages/palmer/Page_two.html | |
34. MORE BIOGRAPHIES MORE biographies. side of skating, conduct clinics and work with younger skaters whorepresent the After speed skating, Telisa played on a women s semipro ice http://www.angelfire.com/ny2/mikeking/biowomen.html | |
35. Figure Skating -- Encyclopædia Britannica been the amateur athletesÂthe men and women who play Includes biographies of athletes,a list of member skating on this sport in which ice skaters, singly or http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=34854&ref=news1203 |
36. SELECTED ADDITIONS TO THE CANADIAN STUDIES COLLECTION - January 2004 Bella Coola (CB) biographies. CALL = E99.B39 M346 2003. Feminist theory Canada. = Native women Canada. skaters Canada Biography. http://www.lib.washington.edu/subject/Canada/recentadditions/canadajan04.html | |
37. SELECTED ADDITIONS TO THE CANADIAN STUDIES COLLECTION - December 2001 Sex discrimination against women Canada History 20th century. skaters Canada Biography. Patineurs Canada biographies. http://www.lib.washington.edu/subject/Canada/recentadditions/canadadec03.html | |
38. Spotlight '99 Biographies He also has started coaching Artistic skaters at Santa Clara. performed on severaloccasions, including most recently, at Santa Clara women s League s annual http://www.nichecom.com/~sk8rbill/spot99/spotbio.html | |
39. Released Publication (O-Z) - ©1997-2002 By Lovena Harwood-All Rights Reserved a look at the parents of worldclass skaters. Michelle Kwan will appeal to women andgirls Tara Lipinski (Champion Sport biographies) - Juvenile Annis Karpenko http://members.bellatlantic.net/~vze37rwc/lo09004.htm | |
40. Released Publications (A-H) - ©1997-2002 By Lovena Harwood-All Rights Reserved Best of the Best in Figure Skating (women of Sports Great skaters Coloring Book/FamousFigures of the Sport A children s coloring book with biographies of Sonja http://members.bellatlantic.net/~vze37rwc/lo09002.htm | |
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