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1. Women In Olympic Skating of Elite Gymnasts and Figure skaters 1995, 2000. More biographies, by name A B CD E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. More women s History  Site http://womenshistory.about.com/library/bio/blbio_list_skating.htm | |
2. Famous Athletes, Athlete Biographies, Sports Legends - LibrarySpot.com Distinguished women Discover women who are setting the Tennis Hall of Fame Biographiesof tennis greats Skateweb s Elite skaters Men s, women s and pairs figure http://www.libraryspot.com/biographies/athletes.htm | |
3. Women's Biography Sites, Sports Homework Center biographies about women from different sports provides an extensive list of women and men who have excelled in the Olympics as figure skaters, 1896 to present http://home.earthlink.net/~sharynh/WBSports.htm | |
4. Women's History helping win the vote for women. Articles, resources, biographies, writings, and more women Figure skaters Olympic Medal Winners - Female Ice Skating. women figure skaters of the http://www.jjnet.com/sites/allcs.htm | |
5. Women Olympic Skaters search for speed skaters by last name, or to list skaters from any More women s History Site index  biographies of notable women  women s History http://womenshistory.about.com/library/weekly/aa020207a.htm | |
6. Biographies JSOURCE biographies Jewish women s Archive. Skateweb s Elite skaters Sports biographiesSwimming Hall of Fame Space Pioneers Scientific Community. http://www.information-professional.com/main/general/biographies.htm | |
7. CNNSI.com - SI For Women - 100 Greatest Female Athletes - Wednesday December 01, Use the menu below to read our biographies of the century's greatest sportswomen and then tell a lot of women's sports heroes were gymnasts and figure skaters, and I just http://cnnsi.com/siforwomen/top_100/1 | |
8. Gale Schools - Women's History Month - Biographies - Sarah Elizabeth Hughes There, she would compete against seasoned skaters like 1996 became the fourth youngestOlympic women s figure skating Reproduced in Biography Resource Center. http://www.galeschools.com/womens_history/bio/hughes_s.htm | |
9. Gale - Free Resources - Women's History Month - Biographies - Sarah Elizabeth Hu women's History Month. Activities. biographies. Featured Titles junior category, the penultimate level in women's figure skating. While other skaters left home to skate with the best http://www.gale.com/free_resources/whm/bio/hughes_s.htm | |
10. Nancy Kerrigan Making and Breaking of Elite Gymnasts and Figure skaters 1995, 2000. More women sHistory  Site index  biographies of notable women  women s History http://womenshistory.miningco.com/library/bio/blbio_kerrigan_nancy.htm | |
11. Links On Women's History, By Category Carefully selected and categorized web links on a variety of women's history topics. Frequently updated. in America, helping win the vote for women. Articles, resources, biographies, writings, and more women figure skaters of the Olympics medal winners and world champions in http://www.jjnet.com/women/netlinks.htm | |
12. Persons of the greatest male speedskaters in history Paul Hanlin s biographies of the sweet sixteen women Canadian team Dutch federation skaters German skaters http://home.quicknet.nl/qn/prive/cvanstaaveren/schaatsen/links/persons.htm | |
13. Skate.org and NonCanadian Short Skater biographies. Figure Skating by Discipline. women. Chen Lu, Midori Ito and most direct ways of contacting specific skaters ( short of buying those http://www.skate.org/ | |
14. Speed Skating Links Full results of all major events, skaters biographies etc Results of many recordsDutch skaters IFS Rankings Which skaters are the 2801-04 and women results http://home.quicknet.nl/qn/prive/cvanstaaveren/schaatsen/links/speedskatinglinks | |
15. Reference Tools inductees. Skateweb s Elite skaters Men s, women s and pairs figureskaters. Sports biographies - biographies sponsored by Infoplease. http://www.bayschools.com/jms/DigitalMedia/resources/Reference Tools.htm | |
16. Themed Reviews, Famous Women well produced series on women artists. The biographies contain firstrate, full-color introduced to four medal-winning skaters Kristi Yamaguchi, Oksana Baiul, Nancy Kerrigan http://www.childrenslit.com/th_famous.html | |
17. LookSmart - Directory - Women's Ice Skating women s Ice Skating Keep up with female ice skaters with this US features results,rankings, a listing of skating clubs, athlete biographies, and press http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317902/us554370/us64028/us70464/us263 | |
18. Rainbow Ice - Flavor Of The Month biography because they are not biographies or autobiographies too friendly with anyof the other boy skaters. of Eisler s relationships with women (including a http://www.plover.com/rainbowice/flavor0900.html | |
19. Books - Biographies Of Gymnasts the Magnificent Seven, the young women who led America s Most Decorated Gymnast,A Biography Usually ships of Elite Gymnasts and Figure skaters Usually ships http://www.usgyms.net/books.htm | |
20. CM Magazine: Super Skaters: World Figure Skating Stars in the four skating disciplines (men s, women s, pairs and The biographies are keptto one page in length the full page colour photos show the skaters in action http://www.umanitoba.ca/outreach/cm/vol4/no1/superskaters.html | |
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