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41. Sports Skating Roller Skating Aggressive The site contains pictures, team biographies and skate video Includes photos, careerhighlights, and general information about this professional skater.. http://world.ammissione.it/browse_/Sports/Skating/Roller_Skating/Aggressive/ |
42. NOAA History - Profiles In Time/C&GS Biographies - Walter H. Bainbridge it was a beautiful wedding in the home of the Surveyor general of the the old WashingtonFigure Skating Club and became proficient as an amateur ice skater. http://www.history.noaa.gov/cgsbios/bioa4.html | |
43. Figure Skating -- Encyclopædia Britannica of the Brians, referring to US skater Brian Boitano Includes biographies of athletes,a list of member Includes general facts, a schedule, ticket material http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=34854&ref=news1203 |
44. Competitive Figure Skating FAQ: Skating People And Events season music information, check out the skater biographies on the In general, youCAN T get backstage passes t be disappointed if your favorite skater doesn t http://www.faqs.org/faqs/sports/skating/ice/figure/people/ | |
45. PhatNav Directory - Sports/Skating/Roller_Skating/Aggressive team biographies and skate video reviews. Aaron Churder In Focus. Includes photos,career highlights, and general information about this professional skater. http://www.phatnav.com/directory/Sports/Skating/Roller_Skating/Aggressive.cat | |
46. Adobe PDF EBooks - Bestsellers! biographies Artists Writers $1.75 The Birds Aristophanes Aristotle Literature Classics $2.99 The Cavalry general Xenophon (translated A skater Mouse Saga http://www.ebookmall.com/best-sellers/adobe-pdf-ebooks.htm | |
47. CM Magazine: Figure Skating Now: Olympic And World Stars. 2nd. Ed is an introduction which gives a general synopsis of Châtaigneau who is a formerfigure skater himself. Kraatz, are given several pages for their biographies. http://www.umanitoba.ca/outreach/cm/vol10/no12/figureskatingnow.html | |
48. Articles At "The Russian Way" The first one is Editorials general articles, about Interviews and Bios are skater sand other figure skating specialist s biographies and interviews http://skating.chat.ru/English/Articles/ | |
49. Ice Skating Links & Figure Skating Links Page I Dance, Speedskating (France) The Figure Skating Corner skater biographies, WorldwideEvents sites or sports gambling sites, but every general audience site http://www.icesk8.com/links.htm | |
50. History Of The Great Lakes. Volume II : F at Gettysburg, where the cavalry under general Custer defeated Puritan and Petoskey,engineering the skater two seasons at the Marine Captains biographies site http://www.hhpl.on.ca/GreatLakes/Documents/HGL2/default.asp?ID=s387 |
51. WSF Biographies WSF biographies. career, she has been Chief of Staff of the general Services Administration OlympicGold Medalist, was the dominant male figure skater of the http://www.worldskating.org/news/bios.shtml | |
52. Short Canadian Figure Skater Biographies: Women Short Canadian Figure skater biographies Women. Contains Sherry Ball / Petra Burka / Angela Derochie / Susan Humphreys / Netty Kim / Suzanne Morrow / Jennifer Robinson / Barbara Ann Scott. Sherry http://www.skate.org/can/bio-women.html | |
53. Guide To Skating Books - Many Books About Skating Inline skating and quad roller skating books for all ages. general Interest Skating Books. Instructional skating books, regional skating books, fun and entertaining books about skating and skater http://sk8log.securesites.net/books | |
54. Olympic Memorable Moments: Dorothy Hamill talent, looks, and personality wins the affection of the general public more at Innsbruck,Austria, it clearly belonged to American figure skater Dorothy Hamill http://www.infoplease.com/spot/02olhamill.html | |
55. Target : Entertainment : Books : Children's Books : People & Places : Biographie Katarina Witt Magical skater (Olympic Gold) by Wayne R. Coffey, Our Price $16.45.Helen Keller Out of a Dark and Silent World (Gateway biographies) by Sandra H http://www.target.com/gp/browse.html?page=27&index=books&field-browse=2354&size= |
56. Iceskate.Net - Books - History/General Interest Figure Skating site with news, avi downloads, images, calendar, and results Index Books - History/general Interest. Books - biographies. Books - Instruction/Technical. Books - History/general http://www.iceskate.net/books_gen.html | |
57. Speed Skating Links Championships World Cups general Jeroen Heijmans This is the site you re lookingfor!!! Full results of all major events, skaters biographies etc Results of http://home.quicknet.nl/qn/prive/cvanstaaveren/schaatsen/links/speedskatinglinks | |
58. The Royal Archive :: Royal Biographies And More! The Royal Archive Royal biographies and more! 2004 553 pm Post subject skater BOY HARRY S Jump to Select a forum. http://www.royalarchive.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=phpBB2&file=viewtopic&p= |
59. Some Noteworthy Americans Of Asian Or Pacific Island Heritage Weight lifting Michelle Kwan Figure skater. Ray LaHood House of Representatives,Illinois Bill Lann Lee Lawyer; Acting Assistant Attorney general for Civil http://falcon.jmu.edu/~ramseyil/asiabio.htm | |
60. Azfamily.com | News For Phoenix, Arizona | Newschannel 3 | Biographies NewsChannel 3 / biographies. Michael Jackson, Hollywood madam Heidi Fleiss and iceskater Tonya Harding Channel 3 in August 1996 as a general assignment reporter http://www.azfamily.com/3tv/3tvbios/stories/KTVK3TVBiosWatkiss.111b08817.html | |
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