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         Six Day War History:     more books (100)
  1. The Six-Day War: A Retrospective
  2. The Six Day War by Randolph S. Churchill, Winston S. Churchill Jr., 2002-10
  3. Arab Politics, Palestinian Nationalism and the Six Day War: The Crystallization of Arab Strategy and Nasir's Descent to War, 1957-1967 by Moshe Shemesh, 2008-05-30
  4. Foxbats over Dimona: The Soviets' Nuclear Gamble in the Six-Day War by Isabella Ginor, Gideon Remez, 2007-06-05
  5. The Soviet Union and the June 1967 Six Day War (Cold War International History Project)
  6. 10,000 Days of Thunder: A History of the Vietnam War by Philip Caputo, 2005-09-27
  7. Six Days: How the 1967 War Shaped the Middle East by Jeremy Bowen, 2005-02-01
  8. Impact: The Army Air Forces; "Confidential Picture History of World War IIBook 6 Bombing Night & Day: The Two Edged Sword
  9. Six Days in June: How IsraelWon the 1967 Israeli-Arab War by Eric Hammel, 2003-12-25
  10. SIX DAYS OF WAR : June 1967 and the Making of the Modern Middle East (LIBRARY OF MILITARY HISTORY)
  11. The Day Man Lost: Hiroshima, 6 August 1945 by Pacific War Research Society, 1981-08
  12. Voices of Valor: D-Day, June 6, 1944 by Douglas G. Brinkley, 2004-05-05
  13. D-Day: June 6, 1944 -- The Climactic Battle of WWII by Stephen E. Ambrose, 1994-06-06
  14. Seis dias de guerra/ Six Days: El Conflicto De 1967 Y La Configuracion De Oriente Medio/ How the 1967 War Shaped the Middle East (Historia Contemporanea/ Contemporary History) by Jeremy Bowen, 2007-01-08

41. Six Days In June: How Israel Won The 1967 Arab-Israeli War
of maps that help illustrate the history of the Israel Won the 1967 ArabIsraeli war Customer Review Tactical Retelling of 1967 six day war Hammels six days
Six Days in June: How Israel Won the 1967 Arab-Israeli War
Six Days in June: How Israel Won the 1967 Arab-Israeli War

by Authors: Eric Hammel
Released: 01 March, 2001
ISBN: 0935553541
Sales Rank:
List price:
Our price: Book > Six Days in June: How Israel Won the 1967 Arab-Israeli War > Customer Reviews: Average Customer Rating:
Six Days in June: How Israel Won the 1967 Arab-Israeli War > Customer Review #1: pretty comprehensive review of the war

The six days war is a pivital event in Middle East Politics after the second world war. Hammel provides an excellent detailed account of the war in six days in june. Hammel splits the book into seven sections. The first is the road to war and gives a background into the origins in the conflict. Part two is entitled Zahal focusing on the Israel Defense Force. Countdown to War is part three and focuses on other armies like those of Egypt and Syria and the days leading up to the war. Part 4 deals with the war in the Sinai peninsula. Part 5 deals with Jerusalem. Parts six and seven deal with two of the most important issues of the war, the west bank and golan heights respectfully for these along with the gaza strip are a source for continuing conflict. There are plenty of maps that help illustrate the history of the war. In addition, order of battle contains information on the different Israeli commands and forces involved.

42. Jordan History | Lonely Planet World Guide
history. The six day war of 1967 put paid to Jordan s burgeoning tourist industrywhen Israel retook the West Bank and half of that huge drawcard, Jerusalem.
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In 331 AD Emperor Constantine became a Christian and gave his official stamp of approval to the previously illegal religion. Suddenly everyone wanted to know about the Holy Land, and a rash of buildings, including the churches of the Holy Sepulchre and the Nativity, sprang up all over Palestine to mark sites of religious importance. But Christianity's hold over the country was not to last long - in 638 AD Jerusalem fell to Caliph Omar and was declared a Holy City of Islam, on the grounds that the Prophet Mohammed had ascended to heaven from atop the Temple Mount. Christians around the world raised their hackles at this desecration, and by 1099 they'd scrounged a crusading army together and occupied Jerusalem, murdering everyone they could get their hands on and beginning nearly 100 years of Christian rule. But by 1187 the Muslims again had the upper hand - after decades of Christian/Muslim scuffling, the Islamic Mamluks knocked over the last Crusader stronghold in 1291. The next 500 years were some of the quietest Palestine has seen. Empires rose and fell, and control of the country changed hands with monotonous regularity, eventually coming to rest in the hands of the Ottoman Empire. Much of desert Jordan sidestepped all this change and remained a Bedouin stronghold.

43. MSN Encarta - Search Results - Six-Day War
six day war, 1967*. Archive Article—Encarta Encyclopedia. The ArabIsraeli warof 1967 may go down as the last great set-piece campaign in military history.
MSN Home My MSN Hotmail Shopping ... Money Web Search: logoImg(''); Encarta Subscriber Sign In Help Home ... Upgrade to Encarta Premium Search Encarta Encarta Search results for "Six-Day War" Page of 2 next Exclusively for MSN Encarta Premium Subscribers Six-Day War Article—Encarta Encyclopedia Six-Day War , armed conflict in June 1967 between Israel and the Arab states of Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. In six days, Israel conquered the ... article outline Introduction Causes of the War The Battles Begin Aftermath related items Arab-Israeli Conflict summary of the war areas involved causes ... Arab-Israeli Conflict, including the Six-Day War Article—Encarta Encyclopedia Arab-Israeli Conflict , conflict between Arabs and Jews in the Middle East over the land of historic Palestine. The conflict has led to several wars,... Gaza Strip, occupied by Israel following the Six-Day War Article—Encarta Encyclopedia Gaza Strip , region in southwestern Asia, bordered on the south by Egypt, on the west by the Mediterranean Sea, and on the north and east by Israel.... Golan Heights, conquered by Israel during the Six-Day War

44. 20th Century History Glossary : Six Day War 1967
20th Century history Glossary six day war 1967.

45. Six Day War Unresolved 35 Years Later - 06/02/02
in modern times has so short and localized a conflict had such prolonged, globalconsequences, writes Michael Oren in six Days of war, a new history of the

Sunday, June 2, 2002




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46. Israel On Campus Network - Search Directory > Arab Israeli Conflict > Six Day Wa
stm). The IDF website offers a history of the 1967 six day war fromthe view of the Israeli army. 5/4/2003 13 Views Rate it!.
Israel on Campus Resource Directory SUGGEST A SITE Add Resource Top Resources What's New ... Arab Israeli Conflict Six Day War Links Disputed Territories, Forgotten Facts ( Excellent summary of basic facts regarding Israel and the territories conquered in the 1967 Six Day War. Rate it! IDF Site: The Six Day War ( The IDF website offers a history of the 1967 Six Day War from the view of the Israeli army. Rate it! The Six Day War - 35th Anniversary ( Jerusalem Post supplement commemorating the 35th anniversary of the Six Day War. Rate it! Ministry of Foreign Affairs: The Six-Day War ( MFA summary of events surrounding the Six Day War. Rate it! NY Times Front Page and Article from June 10, 1967 ( An image of the front page of the New York Times and the lead article from June 10, 1967, the last day of the six day war.

47. Six Days Of War: June 1967 And The Making Of The Modern Middle East
of Middle Eastern history and politics. As the title suggests the writing is primarilyconcerned with the events leading to and during the sixday war of June
Six Days of War: June 1967 and the Making of the Modern Middle East
Six Days of War: June 1967 and the Making of the Modern Middle East

by Authors: Michael Oren , Michael B. Oren
Released: 03 June, 2003
ISBN: 0345461924
Sales Rank:
List price:
Our price: You save: Book > Six Days of War: June 1967 and the Making of the Modern Middle East > Customer Reviews: Average Customer Rating:
Six Days of War: June 1967 and the Making of the Modern Middle East > Customer Review #1: Well Researched History of Israels Incredibly Swift Victory

Michael Orens book is a must for anyone who wants to understand the world political context of the Six Day War. The author has researched U.S., Soviet, U.N., Israeli, and Arab archives and documents to show the superpower background of this incredible war. Other books on this war are excellent summaries, but this one specializes in the political context, both within Israel, among the Arab nations, and the international scene. While the many footnotes and nuanced views may be laborious for the general readerthus the four of five star ratingthose who want to know the full story of one of the swiftest military victories in all of history must read Mr. Orens account. Especially interesting is the section on the Israelis mistaken attack on the U.S. reconnaisance ship the Liberty, still a source of contention at times, yet shown decisively here to have been a tragic and unintentional mistake by the Israelis.

June 5 six day war begins Israeli Airforce attacks airfields in The war ended,leaving Israel in control of the A history of Israel, Howard Sachar (New York
"For the man whose knowledge is not in order, the more he has of it, the greater will be his confusion." Herbert Spencer (1820-1923) Last month Israel marked the 30th anniversary of the most decisive military victory in its modern era, the 1967 Six Day War. Revisionist commentators conjured up visions of an aggressive, expansionist Zionist state warring against its neighbours and greedily gobbling up territory. "Israel attacked the Arabs," they pointed out. "... not vice-versa." Let's take another look. Israel did indeed simultaneously attack Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Iraq on June 5, 1967. It had little choice. For weeks leading up to that day, Israel's Arab enemies upped the temperature by amassing troops on the borders of the tiny Jewish state, while threatening murder and mayhem. Consider the following: May 14, 1967: Egypt's President Gamal Nasser demands the withdrawal of United Nations forceestablished in 1957 as an international "guarantee" of safety for Israelfrom the Sinai peninsula. The UN meekly obeys; the United States and Britain fail to rouse the Security Council to take action. May 15: Three Egyptian army divisions and 600 tanks roll into the Sinai. World community does nothing.

49. The JPost - Six Day War Special
The lesson from the six day war the most stunning defeat ever handed to Syriain modern history - should not be forgotten reckless statements and
Don't know much about history By Max Abrahms The last time Syria pursued a brazen, unrestrained foreign policy, it winded up losing the Golan Heights. The lesson from the Six Day War - the most stunning defeat ever handed to Syria in modern history - should not be forgotten: reckless statements and provocations can have unintended, disastrous consequences. Regrettably, there are already perceptible parallels. In February 1966, a new, inexperienced Syrian leader by the name of Salah Jadid came to power. Because he assumed the presidency through a military coup and his Alawi-based regime did not represent the Sunni majority, Jadid lacked legitimacy. In June 2000, a new, inexperienced Syrian leader by the name of Bashar Assad came to power. Because he essentially inherited the position from his deceased father, who was also an Alawite, Bashar does not have broad-based legitimacy. To shore up domestic support and rally the Arab world behind him, Jadid adopted extreme positions by threatening Israel. In the months preceding the Six Day War, the state-run Radio Damascus gushed, 'Arab masses, this is your day. Fight Arabs, we have decided to oust you, aggressors (Israel).' To shore up domestic support and rally the Arab world, Assad has adopted an extreme position against the war in Iraq. Assad has taken the lead in trying to unite the Arab world against what he regularly calls 'American aggression.'

Bamahane IDF Magazine by men who took part in the key moments of the six DayWar, which helped change the course of Jewish, Middle East and world history.

First Strike

Former Air Force commander Avihu Bin-Nun describes leading the aerial attack on Egyptian airfields that gave Israel supremacy of the skies. The first of three eye witness accounts provided to 'Bamahane - IDF Magazine' by men who took part in the key moments of the Six Day War, which helped change the course of Jewish, Middle East and world history. A defender of Jerusalem
Greer Fay Cashman talks to Uzi Narkiss, a long-time warrior who dreams of peace. The earliest, most vivid childhood memory of Brig.-Gen. (res.) Uzi Narkiss, who commanded the forces which captured the Old City in the Six Day War, is of the 1929 Arab riots. Bloody Gaza
Labor Knesset member Ori Orr recounts the brutal battle of the Rafiah Junction, which was fought as the armored corps began its push into Sinai. The second of three eye witness accounts provided to 'Bamahane - IDF Magazine' by men who took part in the key moments of the Six Day War, which helped change the course of Jewish, Middle East and world history. Live from the Western Wall
Television producer Yossi Ronen recalls broadcasting the liberation of the Temple Mount and Western Wall. The third of three eye witness accounts provided to 'Bamahane - IDF Magazine' by men who took part in the key moments of the Six Day War, which helped change the course of Jewish, Middle East and world history.

51. Arab-Israeli Conflict #3: Six Day War
The battle then moved to the ground, and some of history s greatest tank battles Bythe end of the six day war, Israel had conquered enough territory to more
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by Mitchell Bard
Arabs launch a war of annihilation, and wind up humiliated.
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Israel: Life in the Shadow of Terror
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Hard Cover book On May 15, 1967, Israel's Independence Day, Egyptian troops began moving into the Sinai and massing near the Israeli border. By May 18, Syrian troops were prepared for battle along the Golan Heights. Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser ordered the UN Emergency Force (UNEF), stationed in the Sinai since 1956, to withdraw on May 16. Without bringing the matter to the attention of the General Assembly, as his predecessor had promised, Secretary?General U Thant complied with the demand. After the withdrawal of the UNEF, the Voice of the Arabs proclaimed on May 18, 1967: As of today, there no longer exists an international emergency force to protect Israel. We shall exercise patience no more. We shall not complain any more to the UN about Israel. The sole method we shall apply against Israel is total war, which will result in the extermination of Zionist existence. An enthusiastic echo was heard May 20 from Syrian Defense Minister Hafez Assad: Our forces are now entirely ready not only to repulse the aggression, but to initiate the act of liberation itself, and to explode the Zionist presence in the Arab homeland. The Syrian army, with its finger on the trigger, is united... I, as a military man, believe that the time has come to enter into a battle of annihilation. .

52. Six Days Of War: June 1967 And The Making Of The Modern Middle East - By Michael
The New York Times Book Review “A FIRSTRATE NEW ACCOUNT OF THE CONFLICT.”—The Washington Post “The definitive history of the six-day war . . .
Six Days of War: June 1967 and the Making of the Modern Middle East
History of Military Science Book Review
AUTHOR: Michael B. Oren
ISBN: 0195151747
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History of Military Science History of Military Science Editorial Review from Amazon
Six Days of War: June 1967 and the Making of the Modern Middle East
- Book Review, by Michael B. Oren
From Publishers Weekly
From Library Journal
Robert L. Pollock, Wall Street Journal

"Oren brings a novelist's flair to recounting...the war. His meticulous research cuts through the propagandized histories on all sides."
Gary J. Bass, New York Times Book Review "Six Days of War is a powerful rendering of what has turned out to be a world-historical event." Jack Fischel, Philadelphia Inquirer "A magisterial work that is riveting reading" Benjamin Schwarz, The Atlantic Monthly "Oren's will remain the authoritative chronicle of the war. His achievement as a writer and a historian is awesome." Fouad Ajami, on NPR's The Connection "There have been many books written on the Six Day War, none breaks new ground like this magnificent book does." Review ?POWERFUL . . . A HIGHLY READABLE, EVEN GRIPPING ACCOUNT OF THE 1967 CONFLICT . . . [Oren] has woven a seamless narrative out of a staggering variety of diplomatic and military strands.?

June 7, 1967, was one of the most important days in Israel s history. Breakingthrough St. The consequences of the six day war were extraordinary.

54. Reading21
HH362/history OF THE MIDDLE EAST. THE sixday war. SELECTION 1. Nasser sSpeech to National Assembly Members (May 29, 1967). Brothers Six-Day War.htm
HH362/HISTORY OF THE MIDDLE EAST THE SIX-DAY WAR SELECTION #1. Nasser's Speech to National Assembly Members (May 29, 1967) Brothers, when Brother Anwar as-Sadat informed me of your decision to meet me I told him that I myself was prepared to call on you at the National Assembly, but he said you were determined to come. I therefore responded to this and I thank you heartily for your consideration. I was naturally not surprised by the law which Brother Anwar Sadat read because I was notified of it before I came here. However, I wish to thank you very much for your feelings and for the powers given me. I did not ask for such powers because I felt that you and I were as one, that we could co-operate and work for the sublime interest of this country giving a great example of unselfishness and of work for the welfare of all. Thanks be to God, for four years now the National Assembly has been working and has given great examples. We have given great examples in co-operation and unselfishness and in placing before us the sublime and highest objectivethe interest of this nation. I am proud of this resolution and law. I promise you that I will use it only when necessary. I will, however, send all the laws to you. Thank you once again. The great gesture of moral support represented by this law is very valuable to my spirit and heart. I heartily thank you for this feeling and this initiative.

55. BBC - Radio 4 - This Sceptred Isle - The Six-Day War And Devaluation
This Sceptred Isle Search The Website. The sixday war and Devaluation In1967 the Israelis went to war against the Egyptians and the Jordanians.

56. In-Depth Specials - Mideast: Land Of Conflict
sixday war. As Egypt, Syria and Jordan mobilized their forces in spring 1967for an evident impending attack, Israel launched a preemptive strike.
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Six-Day War As Egypt, Syria and Jordan mobilized their forces in spring 1967 for an evident impending attack, Israel launched a preemptive strike. Starting on June 5, the Israeli air force destroyed Egypt's planes on the ground; then Israeli tank columns and infantry overran the Golan Heights, the West Bank of the Jordan River, including the Old City of Jerusalem, Gaza and the Sinai Peninsula. The war was over by June 10, ended by a U.N.-arranged cease-fire. Egypt and Syria attacked Israel in October 1973 (during Yom Kippur, the Jewish holy day). Israel suffered heavy casualties but managed to repulse the attacks. It even pushed Egyptian forces back across the Suez Canal and occupied its west bank before the belligerents agreed to another cease-fire arranged by the United Nations. In a series of 1974 agreements Israel withdrew its forces back across the canal into Sinai and came to cease-fire terms with Syria. In the Camp David Accords of March 1979, Egypt and Israel finally ended the war between them. Israel returned the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt, and Egypt recognized Israel's right to exist.

57. AEI - News & Commentary
As most everyone knows by now, if you want to know about the sixday war, just getyourself a copy of Michael It’s everything a fine work of history should be
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Six Days of War Six Days of War Print Mail By Michael A. Ledeen Posted: Monday, July 8, 2002 BOOK REVIEWS American Spectator. Publication Date: July 8, 2002 Six Days of War: June 1967 and the Making of the Modern Middle East
By Michael B. Oren
Oxford University Press / 446 pages / $30 As most everyone knows by now, if you want to know about the Six-Day War, just get yourself a copy of Michael Oren’s book. It’s a bargainless than a dime a page, less still if you engage in the rewarding work of studying the notes and bibliography. It’s everything a fine work of history should be. It’s amazingly thorough, based on material from Arab, American, Israeli, Soviet and European documents and living persons. It’s beautifully written, building tension with careful understatement, letting the events unfold without distracting adjectives. It’s passionately dispassionate, producing sympathetic portraits of major and minor actors on all sides. And above all, it’s refreshingly anti-didactic. Six Days of War is not a “message book” (although myriad lessons emerge from it). It’s what Sidney Greenstreet famously told Humphrey Bogart after finishing telling the story of the Maltese Falcon: “That, Mr. Spade, is the stuff history is made ofreal history, not that junk H. G. Wells writes about.”

58. Books | Six Days That Shook The World
history between these two peoples; both sides continually point to past grievancesto justify their present policies. One war, the socalled six-day war of

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  • Six days that shook the world An Israeli historian talks about the weeklong war that shaped the modern Middle East and still fuels the Arab-Israeli conflict. By Suzy Hansen As the Middle East crisis becomes more and more desperate, historians and journalists beyond debating what Israelis and Palestinians should do next keep looking to the past to understand what went wrong. Invariably, thinkers on both the right and left end up at Camp David, 2000, when Yasser Arafat rejected Ehud Barak's historic peace plan a plan that included, among other things, returning almost all of the occupied territories to the Palestinians. document.write('');

    59. The Turbulent Past
    Israel s history. The six day war took place in 1967, where Israel took what wasto become known as the occupied territories, particularly half of Jerusalem.
    Israel's History
    On May 14 1948, the British Mandate of Palestine ended, and the State of Israel was proclaimed. The first Prime Minister was David Ben Gurion. A day later, Israel was invaded by five neighbouring Arab states in the War of Independence, which lasted two months with Israel emerging victors. Also that year, the Israeli Defence Force was set up.
    In only a year after that, peace deals were signed with Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon, and Israel was accpeted into the United Nations. As a result of the setting up of the State, mass immigration of Jews occured (making Aliyah) for the next few years.
    In 1956, Israel became the aggressor and took the Gaza Strip and the whole of the Sinai region, in response to prevention on travel of Israeli shipping, and the setting up of a giant military base in Sinai, which was too great a threat to Israel. The Sinai Campaign took only eight days, until Egypt granted Israel free travel in the Gulf of Eilat, upon which Israel withdrew over the next few months.
    The Six Day War took place in 1967, where Israel took what was to become known as the occupied territories, particularly half of Jerusalem. The War was in response for the continual Syrian bombardment of Galilee, and general military build-ups by all Israel's neighbours. After an amazing campaign, Israel emerged victors from a war on three fronts, and had gained the Golan Heights, Judea, Samaria, Gaza and half of Jerusalem.

    60. Six-Day War - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
    Printable Version of this Page Encyclopedia help PhatNav s Encyclopedia A Wikipedia . six-day war. history Military history war

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