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81. National University Of Singapore - History Department - Politics (*Singapore: In National University of singapore history Department. Organisation Name, National University of singapore - history Department. Country, singapore. http://www.signposts.uts.edu.au/contacts/Singapore/Individual/421.html | |
82. History Of Singapore :: Online Encyclopedia :: Information Genius history of singapore. Online Encyclopedia. The 1955 election was the first lively political contest in singapore s history. Automatic http://www.informationgenius.com/encyclopedia/h/hi/history_of_singapore.html | |
83. ABX LOGISTICS - Singapore - History history. 1989. Establishment of Thyssen Haniel Logistics in singapore. 1996. Building of the ABX LOGISTICS Centre, as it is now called http://www.abxlogistics.com/SG/ENGLISH/history/index.aspx | |
84. Singapore Tourism Board: Discover Singapore: About Singapore: History The early history of singapore is an intriguing blend of fact and fiction, dating as far back as the 3 rd century when a Chinese anecdote described singapore http://www.tourismsingapore.com/Discover/aboutHistory.asp | |
85. ACCESS | Asia 's Newspaper On Electronic Information Product & Service Digitising singapore s history. British Library and National Library Board of singapore project puts historic documents on the Web. http://www.aardvarknet.info/access/number41/monthnews.cfm?monthnews=04 |
86. Respected Citizens: The History Of Armenians In Singapore And Malaysia The book Respected Citizens the history of Armenians in singapore and Malaysia records the history of the Armenian families their businesses, successful or http://www.amassia.com.au/ | |
87. : : [ T H E  G I R L S '  B R I G A D E  S I N G A P O R E - H I S T O R Y All Rights Reserved © The Girls Brigade singapore 2002 ® All Wrongs Reversed 795 Upper Serangoon Road, singapore 534667 Tel 6288 6284 Fax 6288 6735. http://www.gb.org.sg/hist_gbi.html | |
88. The Photographic Society Of Singapore National organization shows courses available, news and events, history, pictures from past exhibitions and application for membership. http://www.pss1950.org/ |
89. Linux Users' Group (Singapore) History Brief history. A group of Linux enthusiasts got together under the sponsorship of the singapore Computer Society s Bulletin Board Special Interest Group in http://pachome1.pacific.net.sg/~harish/lugs-history.html | |
90. SINGAPORE, A History Of The Lion City Much of the very earliest days of singapore s history is known only by traveler s accounts or court inscriptions from other lands. A history of singapore. http://www.hawaii.edu/cseas/pubs/singapore/singapore.html | |
91. History Of Singapore Elections http://www.elections.gov.sg/history/History.html |
92. Fodors.com > Miniguide > Singapore Features A Good Walk Colonial singapore. You ll find the heart of singapore s history and its modern wealth in Colonial singapore. The area http://www.fodors.com/miniguides/mgresults.cfm?destination=singapore@146&cur_sec |
93. Swiss School Singapore - History in 1967, nobody could have foreseen the incredible development of singapore, nor the In the first year of the schoolÂs history, teaching took place at the http://www.swiss-school.edu.sg/cgi-bin/e-site/cgi-bin/prod_list.pl?974454343@974 |
94. Ricoh Singapore - History About history . Ricoh (singapore) Pte Ltd is a subsidiary of the Ricoh Group, with head office at Ricoh Asia Pacific. To strengthen http://www.ricoh-singapore.com.sg/about/history.html | |
95. Singapore : Arts And Humanities : History singapore Arts and Humanities history, singapore Arts and Humanities history homepage, singapore Arts and Humanities history web, singapore Arts http://search.asiaco.com/Singapore/Arts_and_Humanities/History/ | |
96. Channelnewsasia.com : Travel From Asian civilisation to stamps to contemporary art, you can gain a better understanding of singapore s history from the four major museums in singapore. http://www.channelnewsasia.com/cna/travel/singapore/museums.htm | |
97. Tuition Job At Chua Chu Kang, Singapore (history) Phone Number 655*****. Student Level sec2. Tuition Subjects history. Location chua chu kang. City singapore. State / Country singapore North. Students 1. http://nextlevel.com.my/JobInfo2.php?JobID=15009 |
98. MOE Intranet Services A comprehensive listing of all the websites of school and institutions of higher learning in singapore provided by the Ministry Of Education. http://schools.moe.edu.sg/ |
99. Singapore Government Directory Interactive An online information service to facilitate communication between the civil service and the public. http://www.gov.sg/sgdi |
100. Untitled Document Provides quality outdoors adventure programs. http://www.obs.org.sg/ |
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