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61. Untitled Document the Department of History hosted the Department of History from the National University of Singapore for a twoday workshop on Hong Kong and singapore history. http://hkuhist2.hku.hk/history/hknus.htm | |
62. Www.happening.com.sg/performance/features/1997/august/nat-ed/index2.html Internet Public Library History The Electronic Journal of singapore history http//www.knowledgenet.com.sg/singapore/shf/e_journal/e_journal.htm These pages contain articles and reviews on http://www.happening.com.sg/performance/features/1997/august/nat-ed/index2.html |
63. SINGAPORE ENVIRONMENT COUNCIL singapore's environmental philosophy, history and ongoing programs plus a substantial section on green consumerism. http://www.sec.org.sg/ | |
64. Encyclopedia: Singapore/History Updated Apr 04, 2003. Encyclopedia singapore/history. The 1955 election was the first lively political contest in singapore s history. http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Singapore/History | |
65. Encyclopedia: History Of Singapore Updated May 18, 2004. Encyclopedia history of singapore. The 1955 election was the first lively political contest in singapore s history. http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/History-of-Singapore | |
66. The History Of Singapore The history of singapore. General. singapore InfoMap Outside the Postcolonial Web. PreColonial Times. A Chronology. Colonial Period http://www.postcolonialweb.org/singapore/history/historyov.html | |
67. Singapore - History history. singapore was first mentioned in a 3rd Century Chinese account, which described it as Puluo-chung , or island at the end of the peninsula. http://www.marimari.com/content/singapore/general_info/history/history.html | |
68. Columbus World Travel Guide - South-East Asia - Singapore - History And Governme World Travel Guide singapore - history and Government - includes information on the constitution and politics. http://www.worldtravelguide.net/data/sgp/sgp580.asp | |
69. MapZones.com History singapore, history, Back to Top. Favorably located at the southern end of the Strait of Malacca, the shortest sea route between China http://www.mapzones.com/world/asia/singapore/historyindex.php | |
70. Rolls-Royce: Singapore Our now established relationship with singapore Airlines was launched when the airline in 1995, representing the largest order in RollsRoyce history of its http://www.rolls-royce.com/singapore/history/default.htm | |
71. Local History & Culture - Visiting The City - Singapore - WGuides.com of singapore (Sentosa) The past à la Madame Tussaud Sentosa (Monorail Station 4) National Archives of singapore Archive of singapore s history 1 Canning Rise http://www.wguides.com/city/85/subsub_168.cfm | |
72. Singapore - History Although legendary accounts shroud singapore s earliest history, chroniclers as far back as the second century alluded to towns or cities that may have been http://countrystudies.us/singapore/3.htm | |
73. About Singapore - History history In Brief Early records of singapore are vague, though it seems to have been a small seaport during the period when the mighty Sumatran Sri Vijaya http://www.regit.com/regitour/spore/about/history.htm | |
74. Singapore's History singapore s history. singapore was founded in 1819 by Sir Stamford Raffles, a 19th century British civil servant. He worked for the http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/5994/history.html | |
75. Asiatour.com / Singapore / History Please check here for more details. singapore. singapore / history. singapore. The Country and its People. history. Population. Medical Facilities. Communication. http://www.asiatour.com/singapore/e-01land/es-lan10.htm | |
76. Asiatour.com / Travel Guide To Singapore - History, Attractions, Entertainment, Sexual relationships in singapore. The service lists some 25,000 singapore residents explicitly interested in noncommercial sexual relationships. http://www.asiatour.com/singapore/content1.htm | |
77. ThinkQuest : Library : History Of Singapore chronology. Here s where you can see singapore s history in chronological order. Historical Buildings. Take a walk through singapore s architectural history. http://library.thinkquest.org/10414/ | |
78. ThinkQuest : Library : History Of Singapore Chronological Index of The history of singapore. 1819. A trading station was established by Sir Stamford Raffles under an agreement http://library.thinkquest.org/10414/chronology.html | |
79. Singapore - History , history. Â, arrival. Â, information. Â, public holidays. Â, festivals. Â, overland routes into singapore. Â, religions of singapore. singapore history. http://www.cityreference.com/singapore/history.htm | |
80. NUS: KE > October 2001 > Digging Up Singapore's History Oct 2001 Issue, Digging up singapore s history. Associate Professor John Miksic, 54, recently led a team on an archaeological dig http://newshub.nus.edu.sg/ke/0104/articles/sghistory.htm | |
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