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44. Robert Sutton's Eastern Religion Calender RA Ch. 6, Jainism and sikhism AS Ch. 4 and 5. 9, Shinto. Final Exam 5/3, Monday. Lastday of class, Wednesday, May 5th, 2004. Return to eastern religion Handout. http://cfcc.net/faculty/rsutton/easterncal.html | |
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46. Wilfrid Laurier University Press, Readings In Eastern Religions Readings in eastern religions Harold Coward , editor , Eva Buddhism (including TibetanBuddhism), sikhism, Early Chinese for Studies in religion and Society at http://www.wlu.ca/~wwwpress/Catalog/coward.shtml | |
47. Cult Of Sikhism Historians and specialists in eastern religions generally believe that Sikhismis a religion fused together from several others, originally related to the http://www.eaec.org/cults/sikh.htm | |
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52. Angel City Books: Sikhism, Reference, Arabic, Near eastern. Reference, Chinese, Japanese. Reference,Tibetan. Religious Studies and Comparative religion (all). sikhism (all). http://www.angelcitybooks.com/cgi-bin/acb455/scan/fi=products/st=sql/co=yes/tf=t | |
53. Asia Bookroom: Eastern Religions & Philosophies A Popular Dictionary of sikhism. having to do with their geographical peculiarity,religion, and natural Tom Owen Edmunds travelled in the eastern part of http://www.asiabookroom.com/LatestLists/asianrelphil.htm | |
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60. Links Directory: Sikhism http://www.technoetic.com/noosphere/Religion/Eastern_Religions/Sikhism.html | |
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