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81. Sierra Leone - Countrywatch.com Centuries of slave trade and British colonialism led to the rise of distinct Krio (Creole) culture and language in sierra leone, while the addition of non http://aol.countrywatch.com/aol_topic.asp?vCOUNTRY=153&SECTION=SOCIAL&TOPIC=CLPE |
82. Sierra Leone Faces Significant Obstacles In Establishing Rule Of Law, HRSP Concl society at large. The Special Court in sierra leone may impact thecountry s culture of impunity, Hussain said. The tribunal is http://www.law.virginia.edu/home2002/html/news/2004_spr/hrsp04.htm | |
83. 1001newsgroups.com Soc.culture.sierra-leone http://www.1001newsgroups.com/lmess.php?name=soc.culture.sierra-leone |
84. Sierra sierra leone. sierra leone is the presentday country from whose territory the Amistad Africans were abducted. A country of roughly 4.7 million residents, sierra leone is situated on the west coast http://www.law.cornell.edu/amistad/sierra.html | |
85. Senegal Vacation Guide: Romantic Senegal Vacations, Senegal Cruises sierra leone Overview. COUNTRY DESCRIPTION sierra leone is a developingcountry that has few facilities for tourism and poses considerable http://www.travelwizard.com/africa/SierraLeone_Overview.html | |
86. Sierra Leone by Religions for Peace to assist in establishing traditions of democracy and aculture of human rights, the IRCSL has become sierra leone s most effective http://www.wcrp.org/RforP/Conflict/SIERRALEONE.html | |
87. Conflict Resolution : Sierra Leone Hassan Jalloh and the Warriors Excombatant Cultural Group perform at the event.In March 2002, Talking Drum Studio-sierra leone partnered with local groups http://www.sfcg.org/locations.cfm?locus=SL |
88. AllAfrica.com: Sierra Leone: Entertainment period, Evelyne visited several places and beaches with her father, Mamah, Lumleyand Kent among others, performed a few songs for the sierra leone public at http://allafrica.com/stories/200405190701.html | |
89. Sierra Leone, Actualités De Ce Pays D'Afrique - Journal, Annuaire, Quotidien - http://www.afrik.com/sierra_leone | |
90. The Muslims Internet Directory: Countries/Sierra Leone sierra leone Page Information about geography, history, economy, cultureof sierra leone. Compiled by the University of Pennsylvania. http://2muslims.com/directory/Countries/Sierra_Leone/index.shtml | |
91. Sierra Leone Africa Regional English isierra leone (iSL) is a group of websites dedicated to providing historical ( isierraleone sierra leone In Cyberspace ) cultural, and related information http://www.interactiva.org/Dir/I/English/Regional/Africa/Sierra_Leone/ | |
92. Sierra Leone | - Warm Africa Directory sierra leone In Cyberspace isierra leone (iSL) is a group of websites dedicatedto providing historical, cultural, and related information on sierra leone. http://www.warmafrica.com/directory/index.php/Regional/Africa/Sierra_Leone/ | |
93. Sierra Leone: South African Reggae Star Thrills Fans - West Africa | Culture Stadium has been rehabilitated with help from the Chinese and cultural as well as AsDube leaves the shores of sierra leone, he leaves behind a controversial http://www.warmafrica.com/index/geo/4/cat/3/a/a/artid/143 | |
94. SIERRA LEONE : Flag, Cities, President, Map, Links, Etc. - ClickAfrique: Referen sierra leone Flag, Cities, President, Map from ClickAfrique.com http://www.clickafrique.com/Reference.asp?param=sierraleone |
95. SGI - Features Focus on sierra leone Olara Otunnu visited sierra leone in June 1998, September 1999and April 2000. Olara Otunnu on a visit to sierra leone Michéle Griffin. http://www.sgi.org/english/Features/quarterly/0210/feature4.htm | |
96. Afrol News - Your Portal To Africa! Arts culture Africa. http://www.afrol.com/html/Index/indexpages.htm | |
97. Chiefs Of State And Cabinet Members Of Foreign Governments Min. of Capital Investment, Ilic, Velimir. Min. of culture, Kojadinovic, Dragan.Min. Min. of culture, Kilibarda, Vesna. Min. of Economy, Uskokovic, Darko. Min. http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/chiefs/chiefs156.html | |
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