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61. Government Ministries - Sierra Leone High Commission (UK) MTCUL, Ministry of Tourism culture Ministerial Building George Street FreetownSierra leone Tel (232) 22 222588/223772/225946 Fax (232) 22, Minister. http://www.slhc-uk.org.uk/ministries.htm | |
62. NIC - Soc.culture.sierra-leone The culture of sierra leone. Readers 5700 (0.1%) Mesgs per month/day92/3 Crossposting 15% Megs per month/day 0.2/0.007 Sites http://www.ibiblio.org/usenet-i/groups-html/soc.culture.sierra-leone.html | |
63. Sierra Leone Live » Links » » Society & Culture From Norway. Rating (0.0). HOME » LINKS » SOCIETY culture ». Environment (0).People (0). Religion (0). Search sierra leone Live News or click to list all http://www.sierraleonelive.com/sll/Links/cat.asp?iCat=4&iChannel=5&nChannel=Link |
64. Sierra Leone Live » Businesses » » Recreation & Culture HOME » BUSINESS PAGES » RECREATION culture ». Cultural Attractions, Events, Facilities (0). Search sierra leone Live News or click to list all http://www.sierraleonelive.com/sll/Businesses/cat.asp?iCat=943&iChannel=18&nChan |
65. IEARN Sierra Leone iEARN sierra leone was cofacilitator in the iEARN project Colouring Our culture put up by Ms. Jo Tate at http//www.araratcc.vic.edu.au/users/web/culture http://www.iearnsierraleone.org/html/ourprojects/ourproj2.html | |
66. The Unreached Peoples Prayer Profiles What are their beliefs? The Susu in sierra leone are almost entirelyMuslim, and Islam dominates their religious culture and practices. http://www.ksafe.com/profiles/p_code6/1778.html | |
67. Society And Culture - Sierra Leone - Society & Culture Resources Society and culture sierra leone. Society culture Resources. Societyand culture sierra leone Society culture Resources. http://www.wowdirectory.com/dir/57/183.php | |
68. PHOAKS Frequency For Soc.culture.sierra-leone Martens) Date Mon, 31 Jul 2000 005032 MET DST Newsgroups soc.culture.african,soc.culture.sierraleone,soc.culture.somalia,soc.culture.kenya 266 lines http://www.phoaks.com/phoaks2/newsgroups/soc/culture/sierra-leone/resources0.htm |
69. Indiana University Bloomington Libraries Green Box Reference Sources: Sierra Leo HB849.1.P67 (LC reference) culture/Cultural Policy World culture Report, CB430 Developmentplans Action Programme for the Development of sierra leone 20012010 http://www.indiana.edu/~libgpd/guides/green/sierra_leone.html | |
70. A Dissenting View Of Creole Culture In Sierra Leone http://etudesafricaines.revues.org/document740.html | |
71. Canadian Friends Of Sierra Leone - Building A Culture Of Peace Building a culture of Peace in sierra leone. The Canadian Friendsof sierra leone will implement the second phase of their culture http://yfocus.ncf.ca/sierraleone/phase2.htm | |
72. Christianity In 19th Century Sierra Leone boisterous Christianity with them back to Africa, defining their new culture inChristian terms, and spreading its message to all in sierra leone who would http://www.bethel.edu/~letnie/AfricanChristianity/SSASierraLeone.html | |
73. Untitled-3 D., University of Toronto, 1986. BYERS, Albert M. « A sierra leone Communityin Crisis A Study of culture Organization » MA, McGill University, 1969. http://caas.concordia.ca/htm/pays/sierra.htm |
74. SOS Children's Villages: Country Information On Sierra Leone culture. sierra leone s most important national holidays are IndependenceDay (27 April) and Revolution Day (29 April). Christian http://www.sos-childrensvillages.org/html/country_information_on_sierra_leone.ht | |
75. ArtsNet Minnesota: Identity: Africa, Sierra Leone mask? Africa, sierra leone, Sande Society Mask. What individual? Why? Whatkinds of initiation ceremonies are a part of your own culture? In http://www.artsconnected.org/artsnetmn/identity/africa3.html | |
76. PHR Sierra Leone Report: March 2000 Preliminary Investigation sierra leone is a culture of forgiveness, the population is extremely resourcefuland resilient, and should the peace hold, the Truth and Reconciliation http://www.phrusa.org/campaigns/sierra_leone/sierra_tripreport.html | |
77. 16 - The Process Of Health Reform In Sierra Leone Reform in Africa Lessons from sierra leone, World Bank own National Health ActionPlan, the sierra leoneans were Moving to a task culture Consultant studies http://www.worldbank.org/afr/findings/infobeng/infob16.htm | |
78. Why Kosovo And Not Sierra Leone?, Sojourners Magazine/July-August 1999 the rebel leadership and Ahmed Tejan Kabbah, the president of sierra leone, haveagreed is also unclear that the rebels can reverse their culture of violence http://www.sojo.net/index.cfm?action=magazine.article&issue=soj9907&article=9907 |
79. Sierra Leone- Books, Maps And Atlases by Donald Hugh O Keefe This book provides more information and insight on the dailylife and culture of the people of sierra leone than anything else in print. http://www.africaguide.com/country/sleone/books.htm | |
80. Sierra Leone - Countrywatch.com sierra leone. While the wellseasoned traveler will have acquired sufficient experienceto recognize the stages of culture shock and know how to deal with it http://aol.countrywatch.com/aol_topic.asp?vCOUNTRY=153&SECTION=APP&TOPIC=CDATA&T |
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