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21. Brief History Of The Olympic Games Brief history of the olympic Games. War II forced cancellation of the olympics in1916 hockey, gymnastics, handball, judo, rowing, shooting, soccer, swimming http://www.nostos.com/olympics/ | |
22. USA Archery - About USA Archery the United States had its origin as a result of just such a turn in our own country shistory. In butt shooting, the ancestor of olympic target archery http://www.usarchery.org/about/History.htm | |
23. Know Your Sport About olympic history abounds with tales of athletes who overcame crippling adversityto Takacs was part of Hungary s worldchampion pistol-shooting team in http://www.woaolympians.com/shooting.html | |
24. HISTORY OF SKEET SHOOTING THE history OF SKEET shooting. by the International shooting Union, a worldwide shootingorganization, and the International olympic Committee, producer of http://www.ohioskeet.org/SkeetHistory.html | |
25. MSN Encarta - Skiing extra time is added to the crosscountry result depending on shooting accuracy. inthe 1994-95 season, and snowboarding made its olympic debut at VI, history. http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761574346_3/Skiing.html | |
26. Kiat.net: Olympic Games Athens 1896 The revival of the ancient Olympics attracted athletes from 14 nations fencing, gymnastics,wrestling, swimming, weightlifting, tennis and shooting (rowing and http://www.kiat.net/olympics/history/01athens.html | |
27. Kiat.net: Olympic Games Los Angeles 1932 14 sports (shooting added, football dropped), 116 events. Los Angeles and the Coliseumwitnessed renewed olympic fervor, and the introduction of photofinishes http://www.kiat.net/olympics/history/10losangeles.html | |
28. USA Basketball: Men's Olympic History - 1984 It was the first time in olympic basketball history that a olympic team had recordedsince they started keeping olympic field goal shooting statistics in http://www.usabasketball.com/history/moly_1984.html | |
29. USA Basketball: Womens Olympic History -- 1984 1984 olympic GAMES FINAL STANDINGS shooting 70.8 percent (1724) from the field andlimiting Australia to 15.4 percent shooting (4-26) in the first half, the http://www.usabasketball.com/history/woly_1984.html | |
30. History The shooting sport had fulfilled the requirements demanded of olympic events by theAtlanta olympic Broadcasting System sport has ever received in its history. http://www.issf-shooting.org/Info/body_history.html | |
31. UK Online - Official ISP Of The Olympics history. shooting dates back to the Middle Ages, St Sebastianus shooting Club inCologne, Germany was formed in 1463. The olympic disciplines of skeet and trap http://www.ukonline.net/olympics/?art=sportwatch&page=sportcode&sportid=19 |
32. Press Release Every day is part of history. I had a good feeling about this all week and secondbest is never enough, Redgrave admitted. Ian Peel olympic Trap (shooting). http://www.olympics.org.uk/press/pressdetail.asp?boa_press_id=27 |
33. Malta Olympic Committee - History history. was represented by the largest contingent ever at the 1960 olympic Games,which shooting and Cycling were the two sports Malta took part in at the http://www.nocmalta.org/kom_history.htm | |
34. Malta Olympic Committee - History - By Year 1956 remains known in history for two sad events  the Suez Canal Malta participatedfor the 7th time in the olympic Games with shooting, Archery and http://www.nocmalta.org/kom_history_year.htm | |
35. ThinkQuest : Library : The Olympics olympic history abounds with tales of athletes who overcame crippling adversity towin Takacs was part of Hungary s worldchampion pistol-shooting team in 1938 http://library.thinkquest.org/CR0214546/solympics.html | |
36. ThinkQuest : Library : Archery: Sport Of Champions Early American history. V. olympic Archery. They used a tactic of shooting with theirupper half of the body facing towards the enemy and firing backwards while http://library.thinkquest.org/27344/history.htm | |
37. Shooting olympic Records Qualifications...... Home olympic Games Sports shooting shooting. history Equipment Events Athletes shooting Events http://www.athens2004.com/Shooting | |
38. ATHENS 2004 Olympic Games history. », Antiquity, », Revival, », The olympic Games Timeline. Sports. ,Sailing, », Hockey, », Modern pentathlon. », shooting, », Table Tennis, »,Taekwondo. http://www.athens2004.com/page/default.asp?id=5154&la=2 |
39. Stdin: [sixties-l] Olympic History athletes in white America reflects the history of African He was shooting on the streetwheremasses of receiving for his comments regarding the olympic boycott http://lists.village.virginia.edu/lists_archive/sixties-l/1496.html | |
40. History Of Olympic Game Farm history of olympic Game Farm, Inc. That same land eventually became olympic Game Farm thestudio would be interested in buying some of the film he was shooting. http://www.olygamefarm.com/farmhistory.htm | |
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