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81. Shipwrecks worldWorld—Disasters shipwrecks. shipwrecks Since 1833. Mysterious Disappearances. Related content from HighBeam Research on shipwrecks. http://www.infoplease.com/cgi-bin/id/A0001448.html | |
82. Metro West Dive Club - File Not Found and history of the steel vessel and the conditions under which it was shipwrecked, along with information on the site for diving purposes....... http://www.mwdc.org/mwdc2/Shipwrecks/vineyardsoundlightship.html | |
83. Shipwrecks Of The Lizard - Part 2 A diver s guide to the shipwrecks of the Lizard PART 2 THE EASTERN LIZARD. Concluding our survey of wreck sites off the Lizard http://www.divernet.com/wrecks/lizwrek2.htm | |
84. Diver's Den Full service retail and training dive store, located in Lake Orion. Dive trips to local lakes, rivers and Great Lakes shipwrecks. http://www.diving101.com | |
85. Ships' Crew, Ships' Pictures And Shipwrecks shipwrecks Environment Australia hosts the National Shipwreck Database, Australia This database includes all known shipwrecks in Australian waters. http://www.coraweb.com.au/ship2.htm | |
86. Maritime History Of The Great Lakes: Home Port Ship lists, regional histories, government reports and newspaper accounts featuring shipbuilding, shipwrecks and the working lives of steamboats, schooners and the people who sailed them. http://www.hhpl.on.ca/GreatLakes/ | |
87. Shipwrecks/2000 shipwrecks/2000 was held Saturday, March 25, 2000 in the same Welland location. shipwrecks/99. shipwrecks/98. shipwrecks/97. shipwrecks/96. shipwrecks/95. http://www.vaxxine.com/nda/shipwrecks/sw2000.htm | |
88. Domain Direct - Australian Edition List and details of wrecks around this long stretch of coastline, including those of the Second World War. http://www.ion.com.au/~stevel/ | |
89. New Page 1 http://www.vaxxine.com/advtech/shipwrecks/sw2004.htm | |
90. Shipwrecks Around Flinders Island shipwrecks around Flinders Island. The first and one of the most well known wrecks around the Furneaux Group is the Sydney Cove, wrecked in 1797. http://focusonflinders.com.au/shipwrecks.htm | |
91. MSNBC - River Yields Sunken Scientific Riches From MSNBC, Hudson mapping project reveals hidden treasure, including scores of historic shipwrecks. http://www.msnbc.com/news/948811.asp?cp1=1 |
92. Michigan Sea Snoopers Information on Great Lakes shipwrecks, cold water diving, underwater photography, and club events. http://www.seasnoopers.com | |
93. CNN.com - Clive Cussler On Searching For Shipwrecks - Dec. 2, 2002 CNN http://cnn.com/2002/SHOWBIZ/books/12/02/cnna.cussler/index.html | |
94. Diversion II / NJScuba.com - Shipwrecks - Chart Virtual Museums. New Jersey s Top Ten shipwrecks. NJScuba Local shipwrecks. NJ Reef program. Reef shipwrecks List. New Jersey Scuba Diver. Home Page. http://www.njscuba.com/shipwrecks/ | |
95. Shipwreck Links : Devon Shipwrecks: Submerged Productions SUBMERGED productions shipwrecks around Devon and the world, shipwrecks around the Gower Peninsula, and all the essential things to know about this area. http://www.submerged.co.uk/links.htm | |
96. Bob Hampton's Web Presence Photographs of shipwrecks from a diving enthusiast. http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Galaxy/9989/ships.html | |
97. ProSEA, Professional Shipwreck Explorers Association ProSEA, represents worldwide members specializing in salvage, archaeology and preservation of shipwrecks and underwater cultural heritage. http://prosea.org/ | |
98. Shipwrecks In The Atlantic shipwrecks in the North Atlantic. Instructions Select the Sort Method, click on the Search button and a list of all resources will be displayed. http://www.cimorelli.com/safe/shipwrecks.htm | |
99. CNN.com - Shipwrecks Lure Divers To Great Lakes - Dec. 22, 2003 CNN http://cnn.com/2003/TRAVEL/DESTINATIONS/12/22/great.lakes.ap/index.html | |
100. Shipwrecks And Treasures Book Sales shipwrecks Treasure. cover, The Atlas of shipwrecks Treasure The History, Location, and Treasures of Ships Lost at Sea by Nigel Pickford http://www.schoonerman.com/book/swreck.htm | |
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