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161. UK.Merial.com Livestock Farmers Sheep Merial is dedicated to helping the sheep farmer get the most out ofhis sheep flock. Whatever the size of your flockfrom sheep Home. http://uk.merial.com/livestock_farmers/sheep.asp |
162. Truax Company Top/Business/Agriculture_and_Forestry/livestock/sheep/Supplies_and_Equipment http://www.truaxcomp.com/ | |
163. Weld County - Cooperative Extension- Livestock - Sheep And Goats decisions. The articles below are from our livestock Agent. Articlesof Interest (sheep Goats Production from Brad Gillmore). http://www.co.weld.co.us/departments/extension/ext_livestock_sheep_goats.html | |
164. American Livestock Breeds Conservancy (ALBC) A nonprofit membership organization working to protect nearly 100 breeds of cattle, goats, horses, asses, sheep, swine and poultry from extinction. http://albc-usa.org/ | |
165. Sheep: The Life-Giving Livestock Bringing Hope To The Navajo | Heifer Internatio sheep The LifeGiving livestock Bringing Hope to the Navajo. Storyand photographs by Darcy Kiefel Roy Kady is one of the Navajo http://www.heifer.org/Our_Work/Our_Impact/In_North_America/Sheep_Give_Life.shtml | |
166. U.S. Livestock Genetics Export, Inc. A nationwide livestockspecific, not-for-profit, trade association representing the international market development interests of the U.S. dairy, beef, sheep, swine and horse breeding industries. http://www.uslge.com/ | |
167. NLPA Home Page A national trade association for livestock marketing and credit cooperatives. NLPA members represent 215,000 beef, dairy, hog, sheep and goat producers in the United States and Canada. http://www.nlpa.org/ | |
168. Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers' Mart Based in Cumbria, England, cattle and quota auctioneers C D were founded in 1926 and Longtown Mart is the largest livestock market in the UK for sales of sheep. http://www.cdfarmersmart.co.uk/index.html | |
169. National Livestock Management Database Offering livestock farmers a means of keeping their records online. Provides online and catalogue auctions of livestock, including bulls, cows and sheep. Located in The United Kingdom. http://www.nlmd.co.uk/ | |
170. Newline ASP Providing contact details for livestock markets and marts in the UK, Ireland and New Zealand. Advertising livestock cattle, sheep, pigs, deer for sale or wanted for restocking. http://www.auctionmarts.com/ | |
171. Garvie Sheep - Breeders Of Champion Club Lambs Oklahoma Club Lamb producers. Photos of livestock show winners upcoming sales. http://www.garviesheep.com/ | |
172. C H Livestock Company A Texas club lamb breeder who also raises club goats, club calves, broilers, and hair sheep. http://www.geocities.com/hmjentsch/ | |
173. Feeding Management For Show Lambs (PDF) Top/Business/Agriculture_and_Forestry/livestock/sheep/Club_Lambs http://ag.arizona.edu/pubs/animal/az1053.pdf |
174. OMAF Livestock Index Page Lots of great information about sheep (and other topics) from the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. http://www.gov.on.ca/OMAFRA/english/livestock/index.html | |
175. Index A Suffolk and commercial sheep breeder. Also a halter making business. http://www.geocities.com/amadeusliv | |
176. Minisheep For Sale - Mini Sheep Acres - Miniature Sheep - Livestock Farms And Ra Mini sheep Acres. Natalie Brennan Email. Welcome! I raise rare OldeEnglish miniature Babydoll sheep and German angora rabbits. Both http://www.agrisupportonline.com/minisheep.htm | |
177. Sustainable Sheep Production This publication introduces concerns and practices specifically related to sustainable sheep production. Topics include breed selection, controlled grazing, pasture lambing, alternative health Of http://www.attra.org/attra-pub/sheep.html | |
178. Sheep, Swine, Goats, Calves, Research, Biomedical, Animals, Livestock WHAT WE OFFER. One convenient Source for all your biomedical research livestockrequirements. sheep Goats Swine Calves. Blood Isolated Tissue Feed Hay Equipment. http://www.kbarlivestock.com/ | |
179. Cattle, Sheep, Swine Growers Magazines Cattle Growers.com, sheep Growers.com and Swine Growers.com are the most comprehensiveInternet Magazines designed for farmers, ranchers, agribusinessman http://www.livestockpage.com/ | |
180. Electronic Zoo / NetVet Veterinary Resources - Small Ruminants Gene Catalog of Ovine Genes of Interest in Endocrinology and Reproduction; KatahdinSheep; Lambing Frequently Asked Questions; livestock Improvement Online http://netvet.wustl.edu/smrum.htm | |
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