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121. ABCNEWS.com : Scientists Create Designer Livestock Creating Flawless livestock. Scientists Use New Technique to Design Healthier livestock.June 29 Â From the same people who produced Dolly the sheep come three http://abcnews.go.com/sections/science/DailyNews/genetarget000629.html | |
122. Index An alternative to livestock auctions and slaughter, this facility offers livestock adoptions and longterm sanctuary to horses, cows, sheep, pigs, and any other livestock. http://www.xs-xpress.20m.com | |
123. American Livestock Supply, Horse And Animal Health Products TrackShipment, PastOrders, giftideas, giftcertificates, newproducts. sheep. Feel Freeto email us with questions or comments. mailto American livestock Supply Inc. http://www.americanlivestock.com/sheep.mhtml | |
124. Evaluating Farm Resources And Sheep Production Systems Article helps the shepherd identify and evaluate resources that are available on the farm and to match these assets to an appropriate production system. http://www.gov.on.ca/OMAFRA/english/livestock/sheep/facts/evaluate.htm | |
125. Windmill Farms Of Randolph Texas Near Dallas TX Specializes In Long Wool Sheep, Handspinners flock of fine, long wool exotic sheep, some on endangered list. Fleeces both raw and processed for sale, will ship and livestock for sale. http://www.windmillfarmsoftexas.com | |
126. Virginia 4-H Programs - Curriculum List In addition to raising sheep, the sheep project offers competitionssuch as livestock Judging and Junior Stockmens contests. Your http://www.ext.vt.edu/resources/4h/4hpubs/anscience.html | |
127. This Page Has Moved Cattle, horses, sheep and pigs are common livestock species in Colorado. Accidents caused by livestock every year account for a significant number of the deaths and injuries to people. http://www.colostate.edu/Depts/CoopExt/PUBS/LIVESTK/01813.html | |
128. Teagasc - Research - Livestock - Sheep Teagasc Research - livestock - sheep. http://www.teagasc.ie/research/sheep.htm | |
129. ATLEX ... Making YOUR Stockwork Quicker Easier And Safer. Design and manufacture of livestock yarding and handling equipment for sheep, cattle, feedlots, and saleyards. http://www.atlex.com.au/ | |
130. Nutrition Of The Ewe Flock Steps to prevent empty gut disease caused by the inadequate supply of nutrients. http://www.gov.on.ca/OMAFRA/english/livestock/sheep/facts/eweflock.htm | |
131. Business, Agriculture And Forestry, Livestock: Sheep OMAFRA livestock Index Page Lots of great information about sheep (and othertopics) from the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. http://www.combose.com/Business/Agriculture_and_Forestry/Livestock/Sheep/ | |
132. St. Claude Abattoir - Man 10 - Manitoba Agriculture And Food Specializing in the slaughter of cattle, pigs, bison, sheep/lambs, goats, rabbit and wild boar. http://www.gov.mb.ca/agriculture/livestock/abattoir/bac01s10.html | |
133. Livestock Industries Institute Located in the centre of the livestock Industries Institute, it forms a focal theDepartment of Animal Science and includes facilities for sheep, cattle, pigs http://ansc.une.edu.au/lii/ | |
134. Management Practices Can Influence Predation Predisposing factors. http://www.gov.on.ca/OMAFRA/english/livestock/sheep/facts/info_mgmtpredinf.htm | |
135. U Of MN Extension - Consumer Topic Listing By Material Type Lambing Season Problems; Ovine Progressive Pneumonia in sheep; PlantsPoisonous to livestock; sheep Diseases; Starting or Expanding http://www.extension.umn.edu/topics.html?topic=4&subtopic=79 |
136. Testing Livestock Feeds For Beef Cattle, Dairy Cattle, Sheep And Horses, G89-915 This NebGuide provides tips on how to determine feeds you should analyze and nutrients to measure. It tells how to interpret the results of feed analysis. http://www.ianr.unl.edu/pubs/range/g915.htm | |
137. North Carolina 4-H Youth Livestock Evaluatingand Recognizing Youth Using the Danish System ANS96=006B MC Claeys Livestockand Dairy Production Mike Yoder and BA Hopkins sheep Project Books 56 http://www.cals.ncsu.edu/an_sci/extension/animal/4hyouth/sheep/sheeppage.htm | |
138. Baled Haylage For Sheep This paper will be limited only to discussions on baled haylage, with limited references to conventionally stored haylage. http://www.gov.on.ca/OMAFRA/english/livestock/sheep/facts/haylage.htm | |
139. Zareba: Animal: Livestock: Sheep/Goats Protect Your livestock Investment. Considering the investment you have inyour sheep and goats, you ll want to know they are safely contained. http://www.zarebasystems.com/products/animal_livestock_sheepGoat.aspx | |
140. Feeding Sheep Corn Silage Nutrient value and guidelines that should be followed when incorporating corn silage in ewe and lamb diets. http://www.gov.on.ca/OMAFRA/english/livestock/sheep/facts/shepcorn.htm | |
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