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181. Pilot Has Been Terminated Click here to upgrade to mail.msu.edu. Please note Customers who did not upgrade before Pilot was shut down should go to http//mail.msu.edu/upgrade http://pilot.msu.edu/user/heinric6/soft.htm |
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190. FreeShareInfo.com - Bienvenue Recherche et t©l©chargement de sharewares et freewares en fran§ais. Moteur de recherche, classement th©matique. http://www.freeshareinfo.com/ | |
191. HTMLCAL, The Web Calendar Maker And Editor HTMLCAL, the Web group calendar maker and editor has moved. Please make note of the new address http//www.htmlcal.com/. © 1999 http://www.cybertalk.com/~tim/software/ | |
192. Networking & Server Software For Windows 2003, 2000 & NT - ServerFiles.com Home, Sunday, 5/23/2004. Software  Network security  Internet server  Comm. collaboration  Network administrator  Microsoft http://www.32bit.com/ | |
193. XP Archive http://www.win2000archiv.de/ | |
194. K3's Favorite Shareware And Freeware Games For OS/2 Warp http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Heights/5953/ | |
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