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1. IHAS - The Shakers A brief history of the Shaker movement, including their cultural and musical contributions. http://www.pbs.org/wnet/ihas/icon/shakers.html | |
2. Religious Movements Homepage: Shakers; The United Society Of Believers The shakers. institutionalization is another cause. The shakers own evolution as a group is the biggest reason, though. In all the http://religiousmovements.lib.virginia.edu/nrms/Shakers.html | |
3. About The Shakers About the shakers. The shakers, or United Society of Believers in Christs Second Appearing, are the most The first shakers, led by Ann Lee, came to America from Manchester http://www.hancockshakervillage.org/old/shakers.html | |
4. Canterbury Shaker Village Founded in 1969 to preserve the heritage of the Canterbury shakers, Canterbury Shaker Village is an internationallyknown, non-profit museum and historic site http://www.shakers.org/ | |
5. Hancock Shaker Village Home Page Hancock Shaker Village is an historic site in western Massachusetts, USA. We interpret the lives of the shakers who lived here from 1783 to 1960. http://www.hancockshakervillage.org/ | |
6. The Quaker Corner: Differences Between Shakers And Quakers From JTR joannerabun@comcast.net Subject shakers/Quakers. Encyclopedia of Religion Website? Date Sat, 7 Jun 1997 220413 0400. Does anyone have a good explanation of the difference between shakers and Quakers? http://www.rootsweb.com/~quakers/shakers.htm | |
7. THE SHAKERS REGGAE BAND HOMEPAGE OF REGGAE Good Days Ahead" THE shakers. Home Page Of Reggae The shakers Bio. Read about our history, which started in the early '70s. http://www.aloha.net/~shakers | |
8. The Shakers Of South Union The shakers are a communal religious organization that flourished in America during the 19th century and The religious beliefs of the shakers set them apart from mainstream America http://www.logantele.com/~shakmus/history.htm | |
9. Y3kshakers.co.uk THE unofficial Bury FC site, powered by rivals.net, your independent voice for Bury and the shakers. http://bury.rivals.net/ | |
10. Flatfoot Shakers Fourpiece band from Melbourne, Australia. Site includes band information, lyrics, tour schedule, and sound samples. http://www.geocities.com/Nashville/Opry/7641/ | |
11. Sabbathday Lake Shaker Village Historical background of the United Society of Believers (shakers), links to museum, library archives, calendar, and the herb catalog. http://www.shaker.lib.me.us/ | |
12. Shakers - A Research Guide (At the New York Public Library) Reference bibliography. http://www.nypl.org/research/chss/grd/resguides/shaker.html |
13. Buy Dog Salt And Pepper Shakers Dogs To Order Some advice on how to collect dog salt and pepper shakers, with pictures. http://www.delightfuldogs.com/delightfuldogssaltandpepper.htm | |
14. Cookie Jars By Kicki's Kollectables Carries a variety of advertising cookie jars and salt and pepper shakers. Includes Mr. Peanut, Pillsbury Doughboy, McDonald's, Hershey, and Lionel. http://www.newcookiejars.com/ | |
15. ÃýÃø»ç æÃÿÃÃ
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°Ãû ￵ÃôôÃ!! manufacturer and supplier of laboratory equipment, temperature, humidity chambers, dry ovens, incubators, shakers, bath, circulators, temperature and humidity chamber. http://www.jeiotech.com/ |
16. Shakers The shakers, a member of the United Society of Believers in Christ s second appearing, was one of the utopian farming communities of the early 1800 s. http://rebelweb.anoka.k12.mn.us/rebel/student4/sundvall/Home.htm | |
17. Cute Old Stuff And Other Collectibles Offers collectibles including cookie jars, salt and pepper shakers, Shelley, Chintz and other English China. http://www.cuteoldstuff.com/index.html |
18. The Official Site Of Those Legendary Shackshakers Welcome to the Official Site of Those Legendary Shack*shakers updates bio photos quotes tour dates artwork links. http://www.cockadoodledont.com/main.html | |
19. STEWARTS WOOD WORKS:Your Source For Fancy Handmade Wooden Pepper Mills & Salt Sh Purchase wooden and inlayed pepper mills and salt shakers. http://www.stewartswoodworks.com | |
20. Biological & Combi-Chem Shakers New Brunswick Scientific offers dozens of innovative shakers for cell culture, hybridization, staining and duty shaking needs and our CLine shakers for less demanding applications. http://www.nbsc.com/products/shakers | |
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