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81. Scholarly Publishing On The World Wide Web HTML (HyperText Markup Language), a simple application of sgmllike markup simplicity has contributed to its popularity and made web publishing more accessible http://digitalarchive.oclc.org/da/ViewObject.jsp?fileid=0000003278:000000085775& |
82. Four Myths About XML (Bosak) ISO style sheet style sheet language designed for use with sgml has the January 1998, is busy defining this enabling language for XMLbased web publishing. http://metalab.unc.edu/pub/sun-info/standards/xml/why/4myths.htm | |
83. BUBL LINK: 070.5 Electronic Publishing: Articles Author Bill Kasdorf Subjects electronic publishing, sgml DeweyClass 070.5 ResourceType article Location usa web publishing Paradigm Article considering http://link.bubl.ac.uk/ISC2051 | |
84. DOD Builds Virtual Archives - GCN March 31, 1997 to print. web publishing is based on Hypertext Markup Language, a subset of sgml that lacks some of sgml s functionality. HTML is http://www.gcn.com/archives/gcn/1997/march31/dod.htm | |
85. Data Entry Website Design XML Pdf Doc Conversion Publishing Making Transcription Using an sgml/XMLbased publishing concept enables a for structured documents and data on the web. the Standard Generalized Markup Language (sgml) widely used http://www.softwebsnepal.com/xml_data_entry_conversion.htm | |
86. MTG ANN: Portals To The Web At The SGML Forum Of NY that allows for CD and web delivery for professional publishing. Tonight s demo will include a publishing solution for Scientific American. sgml Forum of New http://www.biglist.com/lists/xsl-list/archives/199903/msg00080.html | |
87. Campus Publishing In Standardized Electronic Formats -- HTML And TEI. document it is not difficult to convert a specific set of sgml tags to a document, and not one simply dictated by a desire to publish in HTML on the web. http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/articles/arl/dms-arl94.html | |
88. NTSGML A brief tutorial how to set up a free sgml editing and publishing system for Windows NT. Encourages use of free software options. http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/hoenicka_markus/ntsgml.html | |
89. Electronic Publishing - A CompInfo Directory Electronic Books Resource web (David Noakes) This web contains information on electronic publishing, as well as links to electronic books and magazines, and http://www.compinfo-center.com/tpdtp-t.htm | |
90. SGML - A CompInfo Directory sgml and XML News (Robin Cover); sgml on the web This page includes pointers to sgml resources and events, information about new or changed sites offering sgml http://www.compinfo-center.com/epub/sgml.htm | |
91. Mulberry Technologies, Inc. An electronic publishing consultancy specializing in sgml and XML-based systems. http://www.mulberrytech.com/ | |
92. Retrieval Systems Corporation A professional services firm offering technical resources to the publishing industry. Specialities include XML, sgml, Omnimark and server side Java. http://www.retrievalsystems.com/ |
93. MikroDigital Conversion: Data Conversion, XML, PDF And Graphic Conversion Servic Provides database conversion, sgml coding, scientific publishing, prepress services and library cataloguing. http://mikrodc.com | |
94. :: Welcome Website Of Ninestars Information Technologies Ltd :: Offering high quality typesetting, data capturing sgml, XML and other electronic publishing services. http://www.ninestar.co.in | |
95. XML Schulung Content Management XML IT-Dienstleistungen - INFOTAKT Beratungsunternehmen zu den Themen Umsetzung zu Electronic publishing, XML und sgml. Es werden auch Schulungen angeboten. http://www.infotakt.de | |
96. D O C T R O N I C - XML Multichannel Publishing & Retrieval, Consulting & Servic Doctronic bietet eine Standardl¶sung (Xaver) f¼r medien¼bergreifendes Electronic publishing, vielf¤ltige Dienstleistungen rund um sgml und XML-Daten sowie individuelle Anwendungsentwicklung an. http://www.doctronic.de/index.html | |
97. TWWW.com - Web Hosting Books - HTML, Java, CGI, VRML, SGML Web Publishing Unleas Free Newsletter Enter your email to subscribe to the twww.com newsletter. You'll get answers to all your web hosting and web marketing questions. Free PHP Contact Us script to all subscribers. Name http://www.twww.com/web-hosting-store/pd1575210517 | |
98. Faith Publication Services An Internet technology publishing and consulting organization, specializing in electronic publishing using HTML, sgml, JAVA, JAVAScript, CGIBIN, HELP and other On-line Documentation technologies. http://www.faithpbs.com/ |
99. NDS Info.com :: Outsourced Data Processing Services Company Specializing in data entry services, data capture, outsourced forms processing, XML, sgml Conversion, electronic publishing and E learning solutions. http://www.ndsinfo.com | |
100. Arbortext: Enterprise Publishing Software Developer of sgml authoring and publishing tools. http://www.arbortext.com | |
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