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81. Chamber Of Commerce And Economy Of Serbia The history of the serbian Chamber of Commerce, The year 1857 (February 28, according to the Old calendar). The duke of serbia at the time, Aleksandar http://www.pks.co.yu/pksen/servlet/XMLProcesor?i_sys=pksen&i_xml=a166&i_xsl=s103 |
82. World History Archives: History Of Serbia (Yugoslavia) history of serbia (Yugoslavia). Hartford Web Publishing is not the author of the documents in the World history Archives and does http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/62/index-i.html | |
83. History Serbia.html history serbia. http://www.iconbook.org/History Serbia.html | |
84. [04-23-99] Franz Schurmann, In Both Serbia And America -- History Is Driving Kos In Both serbia and America history is Driving Kosovo War. By Franz Schurmann. fschurmann@pacificnews.org . Date 0423-99. When http://www.pacificnews.org/jinn/stories/5.08/990423-history.html | |
85. Serbia In History is unified. 1972 Ceylon adopts a new constitution and changes its name to Sri Lanka. May, 22 in history . serbia. 1878 July, 13 http://history.worldsearch.com/serbia/ |
86. Review Of The Destruction Of Serbia In 1915 history. Without a single citation of sources, Fryer covers serbia s history from Dusan to Sarajevo in eight pages. The remaining http://www.ess.uwe.ac.uk/genocide/reviewy9.htm | |
87. Modern History Sourcebook: Dushan Popovitch & T. Katzerovitch: Memorandum On The Modern history Sourcebook Dushan Popovitch T. Katzerovitch Memorandum on the AustroHungarian Occupation of serbia Presented to the Socialist Conference at http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/mod/1917serbia1.html | |
88. Narodna Skupstina Republike Srbije - National Assembly Of The Republic Of Serbia Includes information on legislature, parties and deputies, activities, history, and art collection. http://www.parlament.sr.gov.yu/ | |
89. H-Net Review: Alex Popovich On C.E.J. Fryer, The Destruction Of Serbia In 1915 Without a single citation of sources, Fryer covers serbia s history from Dusan to Sarajevo in eight pages. serbia history 18041918. http://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.cgi?path=4047937425523 |
90. Yasui ÂmÂÂ, History, Europe, Serbia The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.yasui-kaimono.com/books-us-subtier/History/Europe/Serbia/ | |
91. H-Net Review: Nicholas Miller On Branimir Anzulovic, Heavenly Serbia: From Myth 2), in the body of his book Anzulovic does in fact interpret virtually every event in serbia s history following 1389 through the prism of the Kosovo myths. http://www.h-net.msu.edu/reviews/showrev.cgi?path=1923926098751 |
92. Serbia's Secret War Riesman. Philip CohenÂs book provides a useful counter to current myths about serbiaÂs history during the Second World War. By http://www.tamu.edu/upress/BOOKS/1997/cohen.htm | |
93. [Project Rastko] THE HISTORY OF SERBIAN CULTURE - Zoran Glusevic: A Century And Zoran Glusevic. A century and a half of photography in serbia. Chapter from the book The history of serbian Culture . The history of serbian culture, Courtesy of. http://www.rastko.org.yu/isk/zgluscevic-serbian_photography.html | |
94. Target : Entertainment : Books : History : Europe : Serbia The Serbs history, Myth and the Destruction of Yugoslavia by Tim Judah, Timothy Judah Avg. Inat Images of serbia and the Kosovo Conflict by Scott Taylor Avg http://www.target.com/gp/browse.html?node=4975 |
95. Text Details For The Balkans (A History Of Bulgeria . Serbia . Greece Rumania . Help with reading texts. Resources. This program Report errors See reported errors. The Balkans (A history Of Bulgeria . serbia . Greece Rumania . Turkey ), 1915. http://www.archive.org/texts/texts-details-db.php?id=69929 |
96. Search IRC, The Most Advanced IRC Search Engine. missserbia currently has 3 users in 6 channels. history. Under construction. Information to come. miss-serbia currently has 3 users in 6 channels. http://searchirc.com/history/miss-serbia | |
97. CIA - The World Factbook -- Serbia And Montenegro General facts and information on geography, people, government, economy, communications, transportation, military. http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/yi.html | |
98. Serbia Info News / Front Page Website of the serbian Ministry of Information. Features an online Encyclopedia of serbia. http://www.serbia-info.com | |
99. Reference To Serbs In F.Y.Republic Of Macedonia Throughout The Ages A bibliography, with excerpts, on the appearance and ethnicity of Serbian names in historical sources. http://www.geocities.com/skopljanac2001/ | |
100. Index Official site including team, player and national team profiles with latests result tables http://www.fsj.co.yu/ | |
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