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Senufo Indigenous Peoples Africa: more detail | |||||
21. Africa Indigenous People Resources Bangwa africa, african Anthropology General Resources. By peoples http://www.archaeolink.com/africa_indigenous_people_resourc.htm | |
22. Joshua Project - Peoples By Country Profiles Alternate People Names Tagba; Suppire; Sicite; senufo, Sicite; senufo, Sicijuubii. People Name General Sicijuubi. indigenous Fellowship of 100+ Yes. http://www.joshuaproject.net/peopctry.php?rop3=108985&rog3=UV |
23. Joshua Project - Peoples By Country Profiles People Name General Bamana, Mamara senufo. Language. Primary Language Senoufo, Mamara. Onsite Church Planting Team Yes. indigenous Fellowship of 100+ http://www.joshuaproject.net/peopctry.php?rop3=100920&rog3=ML |
24. Africa Direct-Ethnographic Art, Trade Beads, Masks, Carvings, Artifacts, Textile senufoSUPERB $2,175.00. Helmet Mask (Kponyungo) senufo people (Central) Ivory A fine piece with old insect damage and indigenous repair of Fang or Bulu People. http://www.africadirect.com/specials2.html?category=Specials&pagenum=12&start=33 |
25. Africa Direct-Ethnographic Art, Trade Beads, Masks, Carvings, Artifacts, Textile . Grebo mask, indigenous repairFINE $900.00. Mask. Grebo people....... senufo people. Ivory Coast (Cote d Ivoire.) Wood, stain. Height 16 inches. . Full http://www.africadirect.com/ccproducts2.php?category=11&subcategory=96 |
26. SIRIS Image Gallary senufo senufo, Shaangan Shangama Shaangan Shangama, Shona Basuto, South africa South africa, Swahili Swahili. earliest images of indigenous people worldwide; and http://sirismm.si.edu/siris/naaLot97africaculture.htm | |
27. ArtLex On African Art african art, defined with images of examples, great quotations, and links to other resources. with the cultures of africa's northern parts typically referred to a culture as diverse as africa's. With this thought d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast), senufo peoples, Mask, 19th20th century http://www.artlex.com/ArtLex/a/african.html | |
28. World And General Books (tw3)(worPage1) african, Montol, Songe, Pende, senufo, Bambara, Oceanic to be fully codified) (Keywords Ethnology, africa, Pacific,. to learn about the indigenous people of the. http://www.tribalworldbooks.com.au/worPage1.html | |
29. GeographyIQ - World Atlas - Africa - Burkina Faso - People Facts And Figures HIV/AIDS people living with HIV/AIDS 440,000 groups Mossi over 40%, Gurunsi, senufo, Lobi, Bobo Religions indigenous beliefs 40%, Muslim 50%, Christian http://www.geographyiq.com/countries/uv/Burkina_Faso_people.htm | |
30. Map & Graph: Africa:Countries By People: Ethnic Groups US who had been slaves), Congo People 2.5% (descendants Mozambique, indigenous tribal groups 99.66% (Shangaan, Chokwe Mossi over 40%, Gurunsi, senufo, Lobi, Bobo http://www.nationmaster.com/graph-T/peo_eth_gro/AFR | |
31. Cote D'Ivoire. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 groups are the Baoule, Beti, senufo, Malinke, Anyi 1893, strong resistance by the indigenous people delayed French Federation of French West africa, and several http://www.bartleby.com/65/co/CotedIvo.html | |
32. Africa.iafrica.com | Countryinfo | Burkina Faso | People BURKINA FASO People. Ethnic groups Mossi about 24%, Gurunsi, senufo, Lobi, Bobo, Mande Religions indigenous beliefs 40%, Muslim 50%, Christian (mainly Roman http://africa.iafrica.com/countryinfo/burkinafaso/people/ | |
33. Sentinel Butte, North Dakota - Encyclopedia Article About Sentinel Butte, North used to apply to nonblack africans, such as Arabs from northern africa. Indians, Amerindians, Amerinds, or Red Indians) are indigenous peoples and descendants http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Sentinel Butte, North Dakota | |
34. Niger-Congo Languages - Encyclopedia Article About Niger-Congo Languages. Free A The above are families indigenous to africa. The about 20 senufo languages are part of the Gur language is the mother tongue of the Swahili people who inhabit http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Niger-Congo languages | |
36. The Africa Guide - Newsletter - August 2003 There are so many different people groups and Fulani, Maasai, Pygmies, Samburu, senufo, Wolof, Yoruba Musical Instruments and Dance indigenous African musical http://www.africaguide.com/newsletter/034.htm | |
37. African Masks linked to the human body, african masks are mobile in their indigenous settings. Since the middle of this century, as the peoples of africa have modified http://www.africaszawadi.com/africa today/art/masks/masks1.htm | |
38. A Reflection On The Scholar-Warrior Tradition In Africa And America both the Songhai of Mali and the senufo of Burkina ancient, ie, found in old africa, (2) indigenous to africa it sprang from the genius of african people, and (3 http://www.themarcusgarveybbs.com/board/msgs/10654.html | |
39. Collection - Charles Derby and insects) account for the loss of much indigenous historical evidence. points up the complexity of modern africa, whose peoples may simultaneously http://www.africans-art.com/index.php3?action=page&id_art=236 |
40. ThinkQuest : Library : The Global Relations Of The Many Nations groups Mossi about 24%, Gurunsi, senufo, Lobi, Bobo mainland Christian 45%, Muslim 35%, indigenous beliefs 20 is the mother tongue of Bantu people living in http://library.thinkquest.org/18401/text/africa.html | |
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