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61. RoleModel Software: Our Contribution Software Community. eXtreme programming (XP). Various team members have been on the program committees of both XP Universe and the European XP200n conferences. http://www.rolemodelsoft.com/patterns/self-enc.htm | |
62. Shmuel Katz's Home Page The Technion Language constructs for distributed programming (superimposition, multiparty interactions, reconciliations), tools for design and programming of distributed systems (debugging, domain archetypes), interleaving set temporal logic (including for cache consistency), self-stabilization and fault-tolerance, formal specification methods. http://www.cs.technion.ac.il/~katz/ | |
63. Janos Gyerik's Homepage programming resources online downloadable books and references; small set of selfmade free utilities in Perl, shell script, Java, C++, and CGI programs. Other resources dictionary, encyclopedia, bible, rock lyrics. http://infoshako.sk.tsukuba.ac.jp/~gyjanos/ | |
64. [cond-mat/0109099] Hierarchical Self-Programming In Recurrent Neural Networks Hierarchical selfprogramming in Recurrent Neural Networks. Authors T Uezu, ACC Coolen Comments 53 pages, 19 figures. Submitted to J. Phys. http://arxiv.org/abs/cond-mat/0109099 | |
65. Flash Facilitates MCU Self-programming - GD Technik Atmel s new family of AVR microcontrollers features a revolutionary selfprogramming Flash memory. Flash facilitates MCU self-programming. http://www.electronicstalk.com/news/gdt/gdt113.html | |
66. Welcome To TrainingA selfpaced computer training CDs available for Windows, Office, web design, programming, hardware, and small office. Courses offer multimedia and testing. http://www.traininga.com/ | |
67. Evolution Of Complexity - HOME selfemergence and artificial life, genetic algorithms, genetic programming - essays and links http://www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/1402/ | |
68. The MPSGE Modeling Framework (Mathematical programming System for General Equilibrium analysis) describes the GAMS subsystem for CGEmodeling developed by Thomas Rutherford. Introduction, material for self-study, papers and downloadable library of examples. http://www.gams.com/solvers/mpsge/index.htm | |
69. Fiscal 1994 Project Portfolio Report Top/Computers/programming/Languages/Smalltalk/self http://research.sun.com/techrep/1994/annualreport94/self.html | |
70. Self-Improvement Through Self-Hypnosis Mind programming using selfhypnosis to, stop smoking, lose weight, improve relationships, banish fears, and improve memory. http://www.paepublications.com/mindtapes.htm | |
71. NLP Learning Systems Corporation, Dallas, Texas Business and personal training using neurolinguistic programming for sales, communication skills, and self-improvement. Introductory classes, practitioner certification and customized programs. http://www.nlpLearningSystems.com/ | |
72. Abstracts: "Self-Programming" Resource Database Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences. Result of Keywords Search. selfprogramming . Computer-aided assessment. http://www.chelt.ac.uk/gdn/keywords/selfprog.htm | |
73. Concurrency In Ada By Alan Burns, Andy Wellings; Cambridge University Press, 1998, ISBN 052162911X. A main Ada trait is facilities for concurrent programming; thorough, selfcontained book, good for beginners to experts. Cambridge University Press http://books.cambridge.org/052162911X.htm | |
74. Hierarchical Self-programming In Recurrent Neural Networks J. Phys. A Math. Gen. 35 (29 March 2002) 27612809. Hierarchical self-programming in recurrent neural networks. T Uezu 1 and ACC http://www.iop.org/EJ/abstract/0305-4470/35/12/306 | |
75. INT Computer Services, Inc. Handson, instructor-led or self-paced training in A+ Certification prep., Cabling, programming, and various PC Applications. Located in Virginia, United States. http://worldzone.net/internet/wamint |
76. Asynchronous Socket Programming self.connect ((host, 79)) done_fun is a function that will be called when the finger server has sent all the data and closed the connection. this programming http://squirl.nightmare.com/medusa/async_sockets.html | |
77. Diana Beaver Make life simpler, be more effective; have more confidence, more selfesteem, more time and a lot more fun, with NLP (Neuro-Linguistic programming)and Lazy Learning with Diana Beaver. http://www.dianabeaver.co.uk | |
78. Paul McKenna Training : Neuro Linguistic Programming NLP - Hypnosis - Self Help Linguistic programming Training and Hypnotism with Paul McKenna Paul McKenna Training Neuro Linguistic programming NLP Hypnosis - self Help Development http://www.paulmckenna.com/site_map.html | |
79. Virginia 4-H Educational Centers Both residential and day 4H camping programs have a rich history of providing educational programming to thousands of youth annually through hands-on, experiential learning. The leadership skills that are given major emphasis in Virginia's 4-H camping program include Understanding self Communicating and relating to Others, Acquiring, Analyzing, and Using Information, Problem Solving and Decision Making, Managing Resources, Working with Others http://www.ext.vt.edu/resources/4h/edcenters.html | |
80. Hypnosis Hypnotherapy Neuro-Linguistic Programming NLP Self-Improvement Offers audio cassette tapes for hypnosis, hypnotherapy, NLP neurolinguistic programming and self-improvement training and certification. http://www.weslandinstitute.com | |
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