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1. The Self Programming Language language overview. Programming as an Experience The Inspiration for Self gives an overview and retrospective of the Self project. The http://research.sun.com/self/language.html | |
2. Wikipedia Self Programming Language Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia's article on 'self programming language' Self is an objectoriented programming language based on the concept of prototypes 8 Adding slots 9 The environment 10 External links History Self was designed primarily by David http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self_programming_l |
3. Self Programming Language - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia self programming language. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Self is an objectoriented programming language based on the concept of prototypes. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self_programming_language | |
4. The Self Programming Language Self The Power of Simplicity explains the ideas behind Self and gives a brief language overview. Programming as an Experience The Inspiration for Self gives an overview http://www.sunlabs.com/self/language.html | |
5. Self Programming Language - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia self programming language. (Redirected from SELF). Self is an objectoriented programming language based on the concept of prototypes. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SELF | |
6. Self Programming self programming. The Centre is available for group use for those who wish to run their own programme. This facility is ideal for youth forums, other youth groups and also small orchestras, bands, drama groups. form. Accommodation. Location. Safety. Selfprogramming. Teambuilding. Social work http://www.garelochheadoutdoorcentre.co.uk/uploads/selfprog2.cfm | |
7. Developing An Application Using SELF Programming Language A. Shah Developing an Application Using self programming Language A. Shah and H. Mathkour Department of Computer Science King Saud University PO Box 51178, Riyadh 11543 http://linus.socs.uts.edu.au/~cotar/proto/shah.txt | |
8. Dr. Thomas Yarnell - CATALOG_FRONTPAGE - Self Programming For Success - Self Imp PERSONAL GROWTH self programming For Success Quantity List Price $12.95 FIND HAPPINESS HERE AND NOW BY BECOMING THE SUCCESSFUL PERSON YOU WERE MEANT TO BE. http://www.help4uonline.bigstep.com/item.jhtml?UCIDs=841896&PRID=1455429 |
9. Part III: Focused Visualization Or Self Programming Focused Visualization or self programming. The SPC Program is based along similar lines. The Selfprogramming Procedure is quite simple. http://www.lifelines.com/Spc/program/part3.html | |
10. Self Programming Wiki self programming Wiki. A specialized WikiWithProgrammableContent, in which the actual source code of the WikiEngine is editable through the wiki. http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?SelfProgrammingWiki |
11. Self Programming Language - Encyclopedia Article About Self Programming Language Total Recovery/SelfProgramming Publication Date 2/99. Catalog Number 222. Chapter 6 Self-Programming. Try? There is no try. There is only do or not do. Yoda, The Empire Strikes Back. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Self programming language | |
12. Programming Home- Design self programming. To setup for self programming, the designer programs a simple boot loader algorithm in a codeprotected area of the FLASH program memory. http://www.microchip.com/stellent/idcplg?IdcService=SS_GET_PAGE&nodeId=86 |
13. Dictionary Of Programming Languages Remarks Computer science researchers at Sun Microsystems Labs and Stanford University worked on the self programming environment from about 1991 to 1995. http://cgibin.erols.com/ziring/cgi-bin/cep/cep.pl?_key=Self |
14. Ai Forums - The Artificial Intelligence Forum i found ur question very interesting. i would like to know why ur thinking about self programming program? Rob Hoogers. posted 8/14 http://www.ai-forum.org/topic.asp?forum_id=1&topic_id=8110 |
15. Self Programming Language :: Online Encyclopedia :: Information Genius self programming language. Online Encyclopedia Self is an objectoriented programming language based on the concept of prototypes. http://www.informationgenius.com/encyclopedia/s/se/self_programming_language.htm | |
16. Merlin Home Page Was Merlin OS. Persistent OS based on self programming language. Available by CD or download, from Brazil. Open Source http://www.lsi.usp.br/~jecel/merlin.html | |
17. :: Papers About Self And OO Programming :: Systemwide Vision of Concreteness, Uniformity, and Flexibility (1995) Randall B. Smith, John Maloney, and David Ungar - The self programming system attempts http://www.natbat.co.uk/self/papers.php | |
18. :: Contribution :: What Self contributed to programming languages. Other random things about what the self programming language brought to programming languages as a whole http://www.natbat.co.uk/self/contribution.php | |
19. Brad Appleton's Programming Languages Links Sather links at Cetus The Scheme Programming Language Scheme Intro Langauge and Implementation The self programming Language Self, Cetus Links Self Tutorial http://www.cmcrossroads.com/bradapp/links/prog-langs.html | |
20. PIC Programming self programming PIC16F873 kit works with any terminal program on any operating system can also be used as a Windows PIC programmer to program other PICs! http://www.al-williams.com/app1.htm | |
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