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61. Geology 6650 Observational Seismology Geol/Phys 6650. Observational seismology. By professor Anne Sheehan, Spring1997. Syllabus. Homeworks. Term paper guidelines. Class questionnaire results. http://www.colorado.edu/GeolSci/courses/GEOL6650/ | |
62. Geophysics/Tectonophysics/Seismology Geophysics/Tectonophysics/seismology. 63, 845 AM, POSSIBLE SEISMIC DISCONTINUITIESIN THE LOWER MANTLE LIU, Kelly H. and GAO, Stephen S., geology, Kansas State http://gsa.confex.com/gsa/2002AM/finalprogram/session_3310.htm | |
63. Geophysics/Tectonophysics/Seismology Geophysics/Tectonophysics/seismology. Stop 964 Box 25046, Denver Federal Center,Denver, CO 80225-0046, saltus@usgs.gov, HUDSON, TL, Applied geology, PO Box http://gsa.confex.com/gsa/2003AM/finalprogram/session_10012.htm | |
64. Harvey Henson, Geophysicist (Geology At SIUC) Museum. Interests Applied Geophysics, Ground Penetrating Radar, seismology,geology Outreach Mentoring. Educational Background MS http://www.science.siu.edu/geology/people/henson/ | |
65. Weston O'Connor Library houses a specialized collection of earth sciences monographs, periodicals, andmaps, particularly in the areas of seismology, geology, and geophysics. http://www.bc.edu/bc_org/avp/ulib/port/protof/lac-weston.html | |
66. How To Do A Seismology Experiment HOW TO DO A seismology EXPERIMENT. DIRECT LINKS TO PAGES ANATOMY OF AN EXPERIMENTHOW TO DO A geology EXPERIMENT 600 HEAD OF TEXANS MORE FUN AND GAMES ALL GOOD http://www.passcal.nmt.edu/~bob/passcal/hillafb/hafb02.htm | |
67. BC Education - Geology 12 - Internal Processes And Structures (Seismology) geology 12 Internal Processes and Structures (seismology). This sub-organizercontains the following sections Prescribed Learning http://www.bced.gov.bc.ca/irp/esg/12intsei.htm | |
68. SwRI Geology And Geophysics in a broad range of geoscience disciplines, including general geology, potentialfield geophysics, seismology, structural geology, volcanism, geomorphology http://www.swri.edu/4org/d20/gg/home.htm | |
69. Danbom Geophysics: Presentations 1986 Multicomponent Experimental seismology, geology and Geophysics DepartmentSeminar, University of Connecticut, September 25, Storrs, Connecticut. http://www.danbomgeophysics.com/presentations.html | |
70. EQNET: Hindu Kush Region, Afghanistan Earthquakes seismology, geology and Strong Ground Motion. seismology, geology and StrongGround Motion. SeismoWatch A M7.3 earthquake hits Northeast Afghanistan. | |
71. Geological & Planetary Sciences Sciences, collecting and providing access to materials in the fields of earth andplanetary geology, geophysics, geochemistry, seismology, and paleontology. http://library.caltech.edu/collections/geology/default.htm | |
72. Branner Earth Sciences--Earthquakes And Seismology Bibliography of seismology; INSPEC file help. (1969+) Coverage includes physics,geophysics, physics of minerals and structural geology. Stanford only. http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/branner/information/seismo.html | |
73. SULAIR: Branner Library And Map Collections: Earthquakes And Seismology GeoRef Serials List; Bibliography of seismology; INSPEC file help. (1969+) Coverageincludes physics, geophysics, physics of minerals and structural geology. http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/branner/research_help/earth_sciences/seismo.ht | |
74. Geology Open Night Spring 2002 Understanding of these phenomena requires direct studies of the Earth itselfthrough seismology, geology, and modeling. However, understanding http://pbisotopes.ess.sunysb.edu/openight/spring02.html | |
75. Books, Scientific, Technical & Medical, Geology, Volcanology & Seismology Volcanology seismology 1 10 of 405 Products, Reservoir seismology Geophysicsin Nontechnical Language (PennWell Nontechnical Series) - Mamdouh R. Gadallah. http://www.co-uk-shopping.com/cat-570800/Books/Scientific-Technical-&-Medical/Ge | |
76. Earthquake, Seismology, Plate Tectonics Incorpoated Research Institutions for seismology (IRIS); Institute for Crustal Studies;Lawrence Livermore National Lab (geology and Geophysics); Seismological http://www.library.vanderbilt.edu/science/geology/quake.html | |
77. ORFEUS: Seismology Links Seismic, Seismicity, Earthquakes, Nuclear, Nuclear testban treaty, Geophysics, geology,Map earthquake European University of Zaragoza, seismology Group, Spain http://orfeus.knmi.nl/other.services/seismology.links.shtml | |
78. Books > Subjects > Scientific, Technical & Medical > Geology > Volcanology & Sei in active tectonics, geomorphology and natural hazards taught in either geology ordepartments. as an introduction to the field, Modern Global seismology is a http://www.priceclash.co.uk/books/9353 | |
79. UW-Madison Department Of Geology And Geophysics - Geobulletin December 5, 2003 8213861 or email krichard@usgs.gov POSITIONS AVAILABLE DETAILS AVAILABLE INTHE OFFICE - COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY seismology, geology, and Tectonophysics http://www.geology.wisc.edu/news_events/geob/geob.12.05.2003.html | |
80. Department Of Earth And Planetary Science Physics. TANAKA, Hidemi, Lecturer, Material seismology, Structural geology.FUKAHATA, Yukitoshi, Research Associate, Tectonophysics. MOCHIZUKI http://meibo-eps.eps.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/meibo/tree.html?lang=en |
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