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41. Things To Know Before You Begin Searching be on any topic, can be trivial, commercial, taskspecific, or a rich treasure devotedto your topic. databases; and sometimes by keyword searching in general http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/TeachingLib/Guides/Internet/ThingsToKnow.html | |
42. Searching For Search Engines: New Site Makes Finding Information Simpler [URLwir searching for Search Engines New Site Makes Finding Information Simpler, This isan excellent resource for locating topicspecific search tools, says Search http://www.urlwire.com/news/012500.html | |
43. Poynter Online - Searching Newsgroups They are basically a massive collection of topicspecific bulletin boards better luckif you focus on specific groups, rather than searching the entire http://www.poynter.org/content/content_view.asp?id=3128 |
44. Information On Industry Specific Business Directories - Directory Pages results as well as other sub categories for you to click on that might be more specificto what you are really searching for. Click on the topic closest to the http://www.directory-pages.com/specific-directories.htm | |
45. Lukol Directory - Computers Internet Searching engines, together with news and newsletter archives on searching and search GeniusfindCategorizes thousands of the most useful topicspecific directories and http://www.lukol.com/Top/Computers/Internet/Searching/ | |
46. ScienceDaily -- Browse Topics: Computers/Internet/Searching Provides information, news and advice about web site searching technology. Geniusfind Categorizes thousands of the most useful topic-specific directories and http://www.sciencedaily.com/directory/Computers/Internet/Searching |
47. HSU Library - Searching The Scientific Literature 1) identified through subject searching of indexes and catalogs; 2) derived fromyour personal knowledge of the literature on a specific topic; 3) gleaned from http://library.humboldt.edu/infoservices/sslitwrksht.htm | |
48. MEDLINE Tutorial: Introduction & Subject Searching If you are a novice searcher, prior to going online review the keyword searchingand Boolean For the topic above, the individual, specific concepts which http://www.health.library.mcgill.ca/eguides/tutorial/ | |
49. Ashland University Library - Searching The Web collection of indexes or links targeted at a specific audience or topic. As the webcontinues to evolve, subtle changes to each method of searching have melded http://www.ashland.edu/library/internet/engine.html | |
50. Searching HealthSTAR Subject searching. HealthSTAR uses Medical Subject Headings (MeSH),a specific list of terms, to arrange journal articles by topic. http://www.medlib.iupui.edu/ref/hlth.html | |
51. SEARCHING MEDLINE Subject searching. MEDLINE uses Medical Subject Headings (MeSH),a specific list of terms, to arrange journal articles by topic. http://www.medlib.iupui.edu/ref/medl.html | |
52. Searching The Internet If there s one available, use a topicspecific index before you use a For a comprehensiveONLINE resource about searching check http//searchenginewatch.com http://www.uvm.edu/~jmorris/search.html | |
53. Searching For History developments). However, there are topic specific lists for many historicalperiods which can save you hours of searching. The advantage http://www.wwnorton.com/college/history/ralph/research/searchin.htm | |
54. WebbResources - Support And Help Guide to Effective Internet searching An indepth guide to searching. ArgusClearinghouse Offers links to topicspecific directories. http://webbresources.com/webbresources/support/searchengines.php | |
55. Subject Keyword Index Subject searching is comprehensive, and so it s ideal for research. when you wantto find everything in the database on your specific topic; when you need to http://www.lib.iastate.edu/commons/resources/lcsh/ | |
56. Web Searching At Global Internet Business Search Best of the Web (13 links). Boolean searching (3 links). Geniusfind Geniusfind.comcategorizes thousands of the most useful, topicspecific search engines on the http://www.globalinetbiz.net/askbiz/category.php?n=458 |
57. Web Searching Strategies to determine the kind of information you need broad topic, specific document,statistics Use field searching - equivalent to Subject searching in an online http://library.lib.binghamton.edu/guides/wwwsrch.html | |
58. Effective Web Searching Advantages comprehensive large number of sites searched at once;useful when searching for a specific topic. Disadvantage must http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/staff/kcollins/web.html | |
59. Searching For The Synthesis Or Reactions Of Specific Compounds Or Classes Of Com desired modifications to occur only at specific points on possible to do graphicalreaction searching in Gmelin of HoubenWeyl on the topic of Stereoselective http://www.indiana.edu/~cheminfo/C471/471csri.html | |
60. Searching The Internet searching the Internet. Need to narrow a topic? Use a subject directory to browsea broad topic, and locate a more specific topic in the subcategories. http://lib.sdstate.edu/lib11/research/Internet.htm | |
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