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21. Searching For Statute References In Case Law to find only references to that specific subsection. and the section number when searchingfor documents Folder Area of Law By topic / Taxation / Cases and http://support.lexis-nexis.com/lawschool/record.asp?ArticleID=Legal_Refs_to_USCS |
22. Basic Internet Searching translation feature, available family filter, full boolean searching in advanced clickabledefinition available with every search; topic specific search pages http://marylaine.com/basic.html | |
23. Creating Your Own Web Tours If you create a list of topicspecific portal sites youÂll save yourself, and others,great amounts of time finding the best of the Great searching Tutorials. http://lone-eagles.com/owntours.htm | |
24. Searching In A Specific Web Users viewing this topic none. Printable Version. All Forums Web Development Advanced Web Development searching in a specific web, Page 1. Login, http://www.frontpagewebmaster.com/m-185390/tm.htm | |
25. Searching, Organizing And Synthesizing Knowledge/Informaiton On The Web Automati searching, Organizing and Synthesizing Knowledge/Informaiton on the Web Automatically. attempta novel and challenging task, mining topicspecific knowledge on http://www.cs.uic.edu/~liub/Synthesize/orgSynthesize.html | |
26. LEARN THE NET: Advanced Web Searching Techniques research on a specific topic. It enables them to limit the results to pages createdsince their last search. It is also useful when searching for current event http://www.learnthenet.com/english/html/77advanc.htm | |
27. Technology Integration In Education By Linda J. Burkhart: Middle School - Uses O Random searching perpetuates the myth If its on the Internet it must be true. Alternatively,make a list of topicspecific bookmarks for students. http://www.lburkhart.com/middle/search_tips.htm | |
28. Information Skills: Further Research: Literature Searching: Topic: Oxford Brooke time to plan and analyse your topic before you start searching. resource for reportsof research, current information on specific topics, recent developments http://www.brookes.ac.uk/services/library/skill/skill2a.html | |
29. Invision Power Services > Searching Improvement.. as searching through a huge thread which is 50+ pages long is so hard. ridoy.Mar 2 2004, 0115 AM. my 2nd suggestion how about topic specific search? http://forums.invisionpower.com/lofiversion/index.php/t115986.html | |
30. Invision Power Services -> Searching Improvement.. agree .. as searching through a huge thread which is 50+ pages longis so hard. 41,287, my 2nd suggestion how about topic specific search? http://forums.invisionpower.com/index.php?showtopic=77342&view=old |
31. Information Research On Internet: Techniques Strategy And Resources - Web Sites, topic specific Search Engines; List of Search Engines / Directoris.Tips for Web searching. Introduction. Webpages are often of unknown http://in.geocities.com/samdarshipali/library/webpagesearch.htm | |
32. Search Tips On KillerInfo - Easy Searching......... A Keyword searching .. KillerInfo uses more the 230 different data sources tobuild and display results from our topic specific Search Channels, Country http://www.killerinfo.com/tips.html | |
33. Special Features On KillerInfo - Easy Searching......... 3. Search Channels Below the KillerInfo Logo you will find a ChannelBar that includes buttons for topic specific searching. Using http://www.killerinfo.com/features.html | |
34. News: The Clutter Is Gone: Let The Intelligent Searching Begin are fullyautomated search engines, built on comprehensive, topic-specific searchindexes. they need to succeed or offer innovative searching capabilities to http://www.logika.net/clutter.htm | |
35. Web Searching Web searching. Metasearch Engines. In addition to its general metasearchfunction Metor has 24 topic specific metasearch channels. http://carrollton.k12.mi.us/cms/websearching.htm | |
36. Searching If You Want To Find Information About A Specific Topic You Will Need To find information about a specific topic you will need to use a Search Tool. Beforeyou start searching it is wise to plan your search by clearly defining http://users.tpg.com.au/welwel/mlcinetut/searching.htm | |
37. Refining A Topic, Guide To Library Research For more information, consult Electronic searching can give you some ideas for narrowinga topic. geographical locations, material types, or specific aspects of http://www.lib.duke.edu/libguide/refining.htm | |
38. Web Searching are a large number of search sites devoted to specific topics. comprehensive listingfor a particular topic than a features such as custom searching, access to http://www.kin.ucalgary.ca/courses/knes381/searching.html | |
39. Second Generation Searching On The Web When you are looking for a specific site or targeted topic and want natural languagesearch, truncation, case sensitivity and field searching; Ixquick sends http://library.albany.edu/internet/second.html | |
40. Finding Information On The Web usually arranged from general to more specific subjects covering the most significantsites relevant to a topic. already done the work of searching and sorting http://www.wesleyan.edu/libr/tut/websearch/searching.html | |
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