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41. Superhighway Safety Schools Documents Searching For Images preset image searching from the homepage, often with safe searching options to AskJeeves for kids is primarily a fast, easy and safe way for kids to find http://safety.ngfl.gov.uk/schools/document.php3?D=d71 |
42. .:: Advanced Searching Techniques :: Dynamic Zone FX ::. http//www.beritsbest.com) directory of safe, reviewed, Web 5000 Web sites builtby kids for kids. Note Because students searching for multimedia pieces to http://www.dzfx.com/workshops/list/2/Advanced_Searching_Techniques/ | |
43. Is The Internet Safe For Kids? Volunteers spend am inimum of two hours a week searching the Internet for AmazingWeb sites that are fun and safe. Walt Disney is great for younger kids. http://www.thelutheran.org/9603/page28.html | |
44. Kids Teens Chat Safe In Directory.co.uk 2. Sex Chat Search searching 15 UK Search Engines for sex chat Sponsored by http//www.Searchy.co.uk 6.(¯`· LINKS4kids safe Sites kids and Teens http://www.directory.co.uk/Kids_Teens_Chat_Safe.htm | |
45. Firehouse.Com's InfoZone - SAFE KIDS safe kids Wants You To Have A safe Holiday Season The scene is all too familiar.Frenzied parents rushing through packedto-the-ceiling aisles searching for http://www.firehouse.com/safekids/ | |
46. Kids Search Tools AOL kids Only is a search engine that links only to sites that are safe for children.AOL Netfind Tips give kids directions and examples of searching techniques http://www.forsyth.k12.ga.us/kadkins/Kidsearch.htm | |
47. Searching The Web How SMART and safe are you on the web? Take the safe Cyber Searcher quiz totest your knowledge! Back to Top. searching TOOLS. Ask Jeeves for kids! http://www.stls.org/Kids/Searching the Web.htm | |
48. Kid's Tools For Searching The Internet NET.AU kids.net.au is a non profit search engine just for kids, which is operatedby volunteers. searching sites that are fun, educational, and child safe. http://www.laceyville.com/KIDS-CORNER/surf_the_net.htm | |
49. National Library Of Australia - Search The Internet kids.net.au, The site contains over 20,000 child safe sites, and over The web guidefor kids. Includes tips for promoting and submitting sites and on searching. http://www.nla.gov.au/pathways/pthw_global.html | |
50. Kidzownclub.com Ideas for children s safe searching. Since using most search engines is the waymany kids stumble on inappropriate material on the Net, children (as well as http://www.kidzownclub.com/parents/parents.cfm?content=parents_articles.cfm&arti |
51. Lakewood Public Library - Subject Searching LookSmart Little League. kids Search Tools Reviewed, selected orfiltered searching safe and useful for kids. The Home Team. Be http://www.lkwdpl.org/elder/eesubj.htm |
52. QUE Publishing - Special Edition Using The Internet And Web 1st Edition - Paper searching for Email Addresses. searching for Home Pages. Online Shopping-Is It safe?Shopping for Places to Shop. Troubleshooting. 32. The Internet for kids. http://www.pearson.ch/pageid/34/artikel/72613QUE/QUEPublishing/0789726130/Specia | |
53. Safe Searching On The Internet Play safe on the Net. Stratford Public Library. Rules for safety onthe Internet. by www.safekids.com. 1. I will not give out personal http://www.stratford.library.on.ca/kids/safety.htm | |
54. Searching! Kid safe Search Engines. sas_logo.gif (1606 bytes) Ebsco Host. AOL kids Only- http//www.aol.com/netfind/kids/. Ask Jeeves - http//www.ajkids.com/. http://www.hsv.k12.al.us/edresources/reference/search.html | |
55. Web Searching For Kids Kid friendly web searching for our students at Holly Tree. LEARNNC for studentsscreen shot, LEARN NC Media Center. A safe place for students to begin Internet http://www.nhcs.k12.nc.us/htree/CoolKidSites/WebSearching.html | |
56. Searching Teaching Reference searching With Students. ask question in plain English, backup metasearch, linksto kid safe partner sites; AOL for kids (http//search.aol.com/ cat.adp?from http://www.uncwow.org/classes/advanced_searching/index.php | |
57. Net Family Newsletter engine use, both to assure safe exploring and to be sure kids are finding readinglevelappropriate material. Monitoring can mean searching right along with http://www.netfamilynews.org/nl020705.html | |
58. Net Family News: Online-Safe Resources For Kids And Families safe searching. Lycos.com, or other search engines that allow for filtered searching(see links kids can easily disable the filters, but hopefully they can be http://www.netfamilynews.org/resourcesoverview0110.htm | |
59. Homework Help: Searching Tools For Kids searching Tools for kids. A list of lots of search tools that are kid safe. Checkit out US Government websites for kids You can find all kinds of information http://new.oplin.org/ohkids/Homework/hmwksrch.htm | |
60. North Canton City School's Kid's Tools For Searching The Internet Berit s Best Sites This is a directory of safe, recommended Web Kid s Click -World of Web searching Click here for Internet Search Lessons for kids. http://www.northcanton.sparcc.org/~greentown/grsearch.htm | |
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