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22. Search Engines Become familiar with safe surfing/searching techniques and your school s AcceptableUse Policy. Ask Jeeves for kids Type in a question using plain English http://www.creighton.k12.az.us/internet/6_search_engines.html | |
23. Search Engines Very safe Search Engines. engines more effectively Simple Version Seven Steps TowardBetter searching More Detailed Search Engines For Older kids and Adults. http://www.bow.k12.nh.us/dgirard/Middle School/search_engines.htm | |
24. Search Page The goal is to provide a safe educational online database of links to help the studentsift through the maze of kids Tools For searching the Internet Puts http://www-eh.beth.k12.pa.us/staff/pboccadoro/search.htm | |
25. Safe Surfing With Students - Teachers Handbook Ask Jeeves for kids! (http//www.ajkids.com/) allows students to enter a questionin plain English. The same strategy applies if you are searching an index. http://www.cmi.k12.il.us/Urbana/tech/internetsafety/searching.htm | |
26. Brighton District Library - Kid's Castle - Web Searching For Kids For more information about safe search engines see the web) kidsClick s World of Searchingexcellent advanced Librarian s Guide to CyberSpace for Parents kids. http://brightonlibrary.info/kids/search.html | |
27. Start Your Searching Here The following search sites were designed with kids in mind. Results have been filteredby the site provider to produce relatively safe searching for students http://www.burlington.k12.il.us/pv/pvsearch.htm | |
28. WLA: Children's Center, Searching to search for information at Worlds of Web searching before you www.onekey.com/) Morethan 60,000 kid safe sites you for the best in websites for kids from the http://www.wiltonlibrary.org/kids/school/search.html | |
29. Savvysearching.html as your kids develop book smarts and street smarts , they ll need to acquire search smarts the tricks of safe, constructive and efficient searching. http://www.childrenssoftware.com/articles/savvysearching.html | |
30. Student Safe Searching brendan/kidshomework.html The Amazing Picture Machine http//www.ncrtec.org/picture.htmSearch Engine Watch (Site with helpful tips for productive searching) http://bw.k12.ri.us/Tech/search/search.htm | |
31. ReferenceResources:SearchEngines AOL NetFind for kids Kidsafe searching, and resources for everythingfrom homework help, to hands-on science and MORE. Ask Jeeves http://www.schoollink.org/twin/searching_the_internet_for_kids.htm | |
32. Surf Safe, Surf Smart: Tips For Searching The Internet you need, but youÂre not quite sure where to start searching, NoodleTools can onthe Internet, be sure to visit the LibraryÂs special kids section, How to http://www.skokie.lib.il.us/s_kids/kd_surf/tips.html | |
33. Search Tips AOL NetFind kids Only. From AOL, it contains links to sites that are safe forkids. Awesome Library. Information can be found by browsing or searching. http://www.barrackht-p.schools.nsw.edu.au/search_tips.htm | |
34. Web Searching Presentation on searching the Internet and Internet Resources. Just for kids. Thesesearch tools claim to filter content to keep their sites safe for kids. http://web.pdx.edu/~bullocd/searching.html | |
35. Searching For: Chats And Forums - JRLOOK - THE SEARCH ENGINE OF SEARCH ENGINES Bidding is free, searching is free, and registering is free. All of the chats aresupervised and monitored to make sure they re safe for kids seven through http://www.jrlook.com/?p=468836&category=Chats and Forums |
36. Searching For: Traffic And Road Safety - JRLOOK - THE SEARCH ENGINE OF SEARCH EN Stay Alert Stay safe kids SASS rabbit mascots, Bert and Gert, invite childrento learn about safety on the streets through games, puzzles, coloring pages http://www.jrlook.com/?p=515005&category=Traffic and Road Safety |
37. Internet Searching For Children The main site, for both kids and their parents is safekids.Com. Visitthese sites often and stay safe. Search the library catalog. | |
38. Family Friendly Sites the danger of using the Internet. It teaches kids the skills theyneed to be safe when searching through the web. Tips for kids. http://www.familyfriendlysites.com/FamilyFriendly/viewcat_ws.asp?ID=241 |
39. Shop@McGruff-Safe-Kids.com searching searching for a product can be done http://www.mcgruff-safe-kids.com/cgi-bin/checkitout/checkitout.cgi?mcgruffsSTORE |
40. WEB SEARCHING FOR KIDS WEB searching FOR kids! WEB safeTY TIPS. AOL Netfind For kids A searchengine that links only to sites that are safe for kids. Ask http://www.dearborn.lib.mi.us/childrens/Main Pages/pages/web_searching_for_kids. | |
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