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21. You Can Get There From Here - SEARCHING THE WEB - Magazine - Darwin Magazine And as you become familiar with each, you ll discover that they can be used to filldifferent And keep in mind, searching the Web is like most thingsÂthe http://www.darwinmag.com/read/060101/can.html | |
22. PSU Library--Focus On Faculty 2003 In many cases, they rely on the internet because it is the most familiar tool,and it seems too difficult to learn about searching other databases. http://www.lib.pdx.edu/instruction/Focus/focusonfaculty.html | |
23. Boolean Searching It assumes you are already familiar with Boolean searching the basic commands thatare all most people need Power searching For Anyone This teaches you advanced http://searchenginewatch.com/facts/article.php/2155991 | |
24. Searching The Web World Wide searching the Web World Wide. sporadic electricity and the high cost of new appliances;most people are research on a region or industry you aren t familiar with http://searchenginewatch.com/searchday/article.php/2159101 | |
25. LLRX.com - Notes From The Tech Trenches - Searching About Search Engines since I m not very familiar with any touse interfaces that highlight the most powerfuland search engine reporting covering Internet searching, site marketing http://www.llrx.com/columns/notes59.htm | |
26. Home Of The Underdogs - Entry: Bartlett's Familiar Quotations: Expanded Multimed Bartlett s familiar Quotations has most useful to writers and all those interestedin getting text in new ways are the flexible searching capabilities offered http://www.the-underdogs.org/game.php?id=4739 |
27. SLI Systems - News - Cleaver Searching Adds Value To Veritas Support Site having the most difficulty finding the information they needed through searchingwere those who lacked experience with the product or were not familiar with http://www.sli-systems.com/news-archives-02-september.shtml | |
28. The William Blake Archive: The Archive At A Glance for the first time in any medium) advanced imagesearching tools that so yields anaugmented Blake considerably larger than the one most familiar to students http://www.blakearchive.org/public/about/glance/ | |
29. Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, RPO, London, UK, Classical Music Concerts And Reco Daniele Gatti has the gift of making even the most familiar music sound Reachingthe end of Tchaikovsky s soulsearching symphony No.5, Gatti had become a http://www.rpo.co.uk/about_reviews.asp | |
30. :: Concept Searching :: Technology most people are familiar with searching highly structured data, typically in a relationaldatabase, where the query is very specific (eg find all invoices from http://www.conceptsearching.com/Technology/Woa.aspx | |
31. The University Of South Carolina Beaufort Ixquick searches 14 of the most familiar search engines and with the most stars arethe most likely to be for phrases; Supports Booleantype searching with AND http://www.sc.edu/beaufort/library/pages/bones/lesson14.shtml | |
32. MLANET: MLA Expert Searching Policy Statement Index the first database with which medical librarians became familiar they were of thepower and convenience of computer searching were in most cases required http://www.mlanet.org/resources/expert_search/policy_expert_search.html | |
33. ICYouSee: Find: How Can You Find Anything On The World Wide Web? Once you have become even somewhat familiar with the way of the Web, intelligentguessing can most search engines share some universal searching shortcuts http://www.ithaca.edu/library/training/find.html | |
34. Macromedia - Developer Center : JD's Forum: Searching Tips, Tools, Toys, And Tom regularly do specialized research, then get familiar with its For more searching techniques,as well as searchoptimization most of these toys are based on the http://www.macromedia.com/devnet/jd_forum/jd022.html | |
35. Download ALANIS MORISSETTE - MTV UNPLUGGED - 06 - PRINCES FAMILIAR Mp3 For FREE Try searching for the same artist in the Morissette MTV Unplugged - 06 - PrincesFamiliar Mp3 FAST and resolving conflict in our most immediate relationships http://www.musicmass.com/MP3_alanismmorissettemmmmtvmunpluggedmmm06mmmprincesmfa | |
36. Orientation Making the most of the Workshop. where you see this notebook) about what you discoverin searching. After you are familiar with searching the collections, go to http://memory.loc.gov/learn/educators/workshop/search/orient.html | |
37. Paper Given In Palermo of data on the behavior of real sailors searching for, finding of the interbehavioralfield and (perhaps most importantly) his I found myself on familiar ground http://web.utk.edu/~wverplan/biblio49.html | |
38. Mina Rees Library - Boolean Searching searching the CUNY+, the bibliographic and fulltext databases to which perform suchsearches, a researcher must be familiar with the most commonly used http://library.gc.cuny.edu/RESEARCH/boolean.asp | |
39. Technique - Career Fair Brings Back Familiar Anxieties For Many Students Career fair brings back familiar anxieties for many students Undergrads considergrad Now, most of the students that are job searching conveniently submit http://cyberbuzz.gatech.edu/technique/issues/fall2003/2003-09-12/20.html | |
40. Poynter Online - Searching For The Threshold Rather than searching for analogies, journalists must find the designed to ensureonly the most passive reporters country will create a more familiar problem. http://www.poynter.org/column.asp?id=53&aid=62768 |
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