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1. Navy Fact File: Navy SEALs Information on hardware of the U.S. Navy Groups were formed to aid UDTs, seals, and two other unique units Boat Support War, UDTs performed reconnaissance missions and seals carried out numerous offensive operations http://www.chinfo.navy.mil/navpalib/factfile/personnel/seals/seals.html | |
2. Roland Walker's Home Page seals Home Page. Philosophy. seals is not an automated system for genome analysis. We find that this goal is neither possible nor desirable. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Walker/SEALS/ | |
3. NAVYSEALS.COM Dedicated to the US Navy seals, their History, Training, Equipment, Operations as well as News Reviews Interiews and Articles. http://www.navyseals.com/ | |
4. Navy SEALs.com - US Navy SEAL Information,Training,History,Gear,Equipment,Store Navyseals.com TODAY!. We are proud to donate 7.5% of our Net Profit to the Navy seals Foundation and Navy SEAL Museum. Shop the http://www.navyseals.com/community/main.cfm | |
5. Orlando Seals seals Fans, Here's your chance to make a lasting impression on Downtown Orlando. The seals are sponsoring a tagline contest http://www.orlandoseals.com/ | |
6. Sprayskirts For Kayaking seals Sprayskirts makes highquality neoprene and nylon sprayskirts for whitewater kayaking, touring and sea kayaking, as well as sport and recreational type kayaks. For questions or comments regarding seals products please email info@sealsskirts.com Copyright 2003-04 by seals Sprayskirts. All rights reserved. http://www.sealsskirts.com/ | |
7. Ningbo Keli Ceramics Seals Co., Ltd Manufacturer of single spring mechanical seals, in silicon carbide, tungsten carbide, ceramic and carbon materials. http://www.china-mechanical-seals.com/ | |
8. BMN Review: Navy SEALS (1990) Ken M. Wilson's review Rent it and watch it with a group of your most testosteroneladened pals, except root for the bad guys. http://www.hit-n-run.com/cgi/read_review.cgi?review=32201_ken |
9. Naval Special Warfare :: Official U.S. Navy Web Site Navy seals Navy SWCC - Navy Parachute Team http://www.seal.navy.mil/ | |
10. Harwal Oil Seals - Home Page Distributes oil seals, Vrings, axial seals, end caps, ptfe seals. Seal designs offered with stainless springs. http://www.harwal.com | |
11. Easter Seals: Helping People With Disabilities Gain Greater Independence Skip to Content, Easter seals, Easter seals provides services to children and adults with disabilities and other special needs, and support to their families. http://www.easterseals.com/ | |
12. Navy Seals (1990) Fan site containing plot information, pictures, posters, trailer, and production details. http://www.geocities.com/navyseals1990/ |
13. Naval Special Warfare :: Official U.S. Navy Web Site Navy seals Navy SWCC - Navy Parachute Team - FOIA - Accessibility - Privacy/Security - NSWC - Navy.MIL - NavyJobs.COM An official US Navy web site, developed http://www.sealchallenge.navy.mil/ | |
14. Http://www.crossmanufacturing.com Manufactures brush seals and metal sealing rings for piston and gas turbine engines. http://www.crossmanufacturing.com/ | |
15. Official U.S. Navy SEAL Information Web Site the crew reported to the Dive Motivators, where they attempted to pass the initial physical screening for special programs, such as seals, Special Warfare http://www.sealchallenge.navy.mil/seal/default.asp | |
16. SOCOM: U.S. Navy Seals Official Sony game site. Find game information including training, objectives, and weapons. Include a sign up for eseals, the game newsletter. http://www.us.playstation.com/games/SCUS-97134/ |
17. Navy SEALs : Covert Operations Five second fuses always burn three seconds. http://www.ns-co.net/ | |
18. International Fund For Animal Welfare | Join Campaigns | Saving Harp Seals Presents both sides of the story, with links to both prohunting sites and animal welfare groups. Offers daily news and updates, hunt statistics, image gallery, and information about seals. http://www.canadasealhunt.ca | |
19. Seals seals http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.aqua.org/animals/species/seals.html& |
20. Harbor Seals Harbor seals. A Sea World Education Department Publication. Contents. http://www.seaworld.org/animal-info/info-books/harbor-seal/ | |
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