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1. Friends Of The Sea Otter (FSO) Sea Otter (FSO) is an advocacy group dedicated to actively working with state andfederal agencies to maintain the current protections for sea otters as well http://www.seaotters.org/ | |
2. Monterey Bay Aquarium: Sea Otter Exhibit - Otter Cam Live streaming images of the Monterey Bay Aquariums sea otter exhibit. Outer Bay. Penguins. Sea Otter Cons. sea otters. Seafood Watch Male juvenile sea otters can cover hundreds of kilometers http://www.mbayaq.org/efc/efc_fo/fo_ottr_cam.asp | |
3. OceanInfo: Sea Otters, Enhydra Lutris Based on morphological differences in color, body and skull sizes, three subspeciesof sea otters have been proposed historically El lutris Linn., the http://oceanlink.island.net/oinfo/otterpage/otter.html | |
4. Home - The Otter Project Its midApril and the local media is full of sea otter news, unfortunately, its not good news News Kids Research. About sea otters About Us Links Contact Us Site http://www.otterproject.org/ | |
5. Help Save The Sea Otters Find Out More . Sea Otter Video . Official Defenders Gear . You can help save sea otters by using a Defenders of Wildlife credit card. Apply Today! Our Privacy Policy sea otters are what scientists refer to as "keystone species " a term that refers to their http://www.saveseaotters.org/ | |
6. Monterey Bay Aquarium: Aquarium Exhibits - Live Sea Otter Exhibit Information about the Sea Otter exhibit and the care and feeding of sea otters at the Monterey Bay Aquarium, Monterey, California. Our sea otters came to us as orphaned pups. All our exhibit sea http://www.mbayaq.org/efc/efc_fo/fo_otter.asp | |
7. Monterey Bay Aquarium: Aquarium Exhibits - Live Sea Otter Exhibit Information about the Sea Otter exhibit and the care and feeding ofsea otters at the Monterey Bay Aquarium, Monterey, California. http://www.mbayaq.org/efc/efc_fo/fo_ottr_exhibit.asp | |
8. OceanLink Answers To Seal, Sea Otter And Manatee Questions BACK TO SEAL INDEX OR ANSWER FILE. sea otters. Sea A. Although sea ottersdo enjoy eating sea urchins, this is not their only food! They http://oceanlink.island.net/ask/seals.html | |
9. Golden State Images - California Sea Otter Photographs - Stock Photography Photography of sea otters taken in the wild along the southern California coast. http://www.goldenstateimages.com/otter.htm | |
10. Sea Otters, California Apos;s Threatened Treasure sea otters, California apos;s Threatened Treasure This ThinkQuest Junior site contains information about the sea otter. Included are facts about the sea otter apos;s habitat, what they eat, how http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://library.thinkquest.org/J0111704/&y=0 |
11. Sea Otter -- Kids' Planet -- Defenders Of Wildlife California, or southern, sea otters are listed as Âthreatened under the federalEndangered Species Act (ESA) and Âfully protected under California http://www.kidsplanet.org/factsheets/otter.html | |
12. Arctic Studies Center sea otters are playful animals that spend almost all their time in the sea. In thedaytime sea otters float on their backs eating Abalone, their favorite food. http://www.mnh.si.edu/arctic/html/sea_otter.html | |
13. Friends Of The Sea Otter - Otter_Info - FAQs About Sea Otters Frequently Asked Questions about sea otters. Whom are sea otters related to? sea otters are part of the Mustelid or weasel family, which includes http://www.seaotters.org/Otters/index.cfm?DocID=109 |
14. Animal Bytes: Sea Otter Class Mammalia Order Carnivora Family Mustelidae Genus species Enhydra lutrisStatus sea otters once lived along most of the coastal North Pacific Ocean. http://www.seaworld.org/AnimalBytes/sea_otterab.html | |
15. Animal Bytes - Sea Otter Habitat Population Status sea otters once lived along most of the coastal NorthPacific Ocean. More information about sea otters. Return to Animal Bytes. http://www.seaworld.org/animal-info/animal-bytes/animalia/eumetazoa/coelomates/d | |
16. Arctic Studies Center sea otters are playful animals that spend almost all their time in the sea In the daytime sea otters float on their backs eating Abalone, their favorite food http://www.nmnh.si.edu/arctic/html/sea_otter.html | |
17. Sea Otter Population Today there are fewer than 2,000 southern sea otters off the coast ofCalifornia. Southern sea otters typically reach about four feet in length. http://www.npca.org/marine_and_coastal/marine_wildlife/seaotter.asp | |
18. OTTERNET.COM - Homepage sea otters use rocks to pry abalone off rocks and to break open shells.Our sea otters are one of the rare mammals who use tools. We http://www.otternet.com/ | |
19. OTTERNET.COM Species Profiles- Sea Otter Sea Otter. There are, in fact, two kinds of sea otters, Southern SeaOtters, which live more to the south than Alaskan sea otters. http://www.otternet.com/species/seaotter.htm | |
20. Sea Otter Printout- EnchantedLearning.com Sea Otter Printout. sea otters are sleek, furry, streamlined marine mammalsthat live along rocky Pacific Ocean coasts. They are a type of weasel. http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/mammals/weasel/Seaotterprintout.shtml | |
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