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101. Benvenuti Nel Distretto 108Ia1 Notizie, organigramma, appuntamenti, elenco dei club del distretto. http://www.lions108ia1.it/ | |
102. FSLMMC: Friends Of The Sea Lion Marine Mammal Center Nonprofit, volunteer organization that rescues, rehabilitates, and releases sick and injured seals http://www.fslmmc.org/ |
103. Lions World Services For The Blind Main Page Located in Little Rock, Arkansas, this is the site of one of the World's largest, multiservice rehabilitation centers for the blind and visually impaired persons. http://www.lwsb.org/ | |
104. Florida Lions District 35L Serving Central Florida, USA. Officers, clubs, history, events, charities, links and contact and membership information. http://members.tripod.com/webcityfl/ | |
105. LionsFans.com: Front Page Team site with provides statistics, roster, schedule, chat, and scores. http://lions.theinsiders.com/ | |
106. Home Summer Camp for physically and mentally challenged and diabetic youth of Louisiana. http://www.lionscamp.org/ | |
107. LIONS DISTRIKT 106B 2003-04 D¦kker den nordlige halvdel af Jylland. Om aktiviteter og lokale klubber. http://www.106b.dk/ |
108. Pawleys Island, SC Lions Club Includes membership information, activities calendar, and current projects. http://pawleysisland.sclions32c.org/ | |
109. Lions Distretto 108 Ia3 Presenta gli obiettivi dell'associazione ed inoltre l'organigramma, i servizi offerti, lo statuto e l'elenco dei club del distretto. http://lions108ia3.it/ | |
110. Secondhand Lions Review and pictures. http://www.haro-online.com/movies/secondhand_lions.html | |
111. Lions Clubs Of Central Australia Provides a photo gallery and links to clubs in the District (201S3). http://www.ozemail.com.au/~bloomgj/lions.htm |
112. XOOM.it Servizi Iscritti: Root Andrea and Luca, two little Italian brothers that live to swim. This is their story. http://members.xoom.virgilio.it/pisculli/toswimtowin.htm | |
113. Lions Club Cr©© par le lions Club Besan§on Cit©. Pr©sentation du mouvement, moteur de recherche, forum de discussion, r©pertoire des clubs fran§ais h©berg©s par le site. http://www.lionsclub.net/ |
114. Potsdam Lions Offizielle Homepage des Hobbyteams aus Potsdam/Brandenburg http://www.potsdam-lions.de | |
115. Camp Kirk Coed residential camp whose mission is to provide a nurturing, non-competitive, and structured atmosphere for 6 to 14 years olds who have learning disabilities and/or ADD/ADHD. Located in Kirkfield, Ontario. Testimonials, FAQ, dates, rates, and application. http://www.campkirk.com/ | |
116. The BC Lions Football Club Official team site. News, schedule, player profiles, ticket information, mailing list and message board. http://www.bclions.com | |
117. LionNet Turkiye ðletià Âim bilgileri, aktiviteler ve duyurlar. http://www.lionnet.org.tr/kurtulus | |
118. Kingborough Lions United Soccer Club Men's women's and junior teams based in Kingborough, south of Hobart, Tasmania http://www.klusc.org.au/ | |
119. Official AFL Website Of The Brisbane Lions Football Club Official web site with the latest news, match reports and selection updates. http://www.lions.com.au/ | |
120. A Page Full Of Lions Lots of lion dancing pictures. http://www.pixi.com/~sgwserv/LionPage.html |
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