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81. DRC - Sea Lions California sea lions. SEALS VS. sea lions IS THERE A DIFFERENCE? Sealsand sea lions have several visible differences. sea lions http://www.dolphins.org/Learn/lmm-slfs.htm | |
82. CBC News:Vancouver Sea Lions Part Of Ocean Project Vancouver sea lions part of ocean project Last Updated Thu, 18 Sep2003 143556 That s where trained sea lions like Sitka come in. http://www.cbc.ca/stories/2003/09/18/sea_lions020918 | |
83. Monterey County Herald | 05/29/2003 | Mass Of Sea Lions Keeps 'rescuers' Busy Mass of sea lions keeps rescuers busy. Now that 600 hungry young sea lions haveconverged on Breakwater Cove, marine mammal rescuers have a lot of work to do. http://www.montereyherald.com/mld/montereyherald/news/local/5967403.htm | |
84. Rescued Sea Lions Released To Waiting Sharks Rescued sea lions Released to Waiting Sharks, ocean wild. sea lionsand other marine mammals either survive or they don t. In a home http://www.kron4.com/Global/story.asp?S=973906 |
85. Ananova - US Navy Sends Sea Lions Into Gulf Action The US Navy has deployed trained California sea lions to the Gulf, to act aslookouts for those who may be trying to attack a port or ship. http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_744583.html?menu=news.weirdworld.animaltale |
86. Collapse Of Seals, Sea Lions & Sea Otters In North Pacific Triggered By Overfish Collapse Of Seals, sea lions Sea Otters In North Pacific TriggeredBy Overfishing Of Great Whales. A new paper published in the http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2003/09/030924055244.htm | |
87. Long Goodbye To Steller Sea Lions: Creatures Are Disappearing The Steller sea lion, the largest of all sea lions, has suffered decliningnumbers that threaten its existence. In some parts of http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2001/05/010524062648.htm | |
88. Science Notes 2001: Sea Lion Savvy Two California sea lions are making waves in scientificcircles and proving that animals do think. http://scicom.ucsc.edu/SciNotes/0101/sealion.htm | |
89. Steller Sea Lions Beleaguered By Salmon Farmers And Commercial Fisheries - 8/21/ Steller sea lions beleaguered by salmon farmers and commercial fisheries.Tuesday, August 21, 2001. By Koren Capozza, Environmental News Network. http://www.enn.com/news/enn-stories/2001/08/08212001/sealion_44692.asp | |
90. Australian Sea-lion The Australian sealion. sea-lions swim in cold sea water. They are coveredin fur. sea-lions are pinnipeds , which means fin foot , like seals. http://www.kidcyber.com.au/topics/sea-lion.htm | |
91. Seal Bay Conservation Park - Australian Sea-Lion sealions. Along with Fur-seals, sea-lions belong to the eared seal family, orOtariidae. Diving. sea-lions demonstrate quite remarkable diving abilities. http://www.environment.sa.gov.au/parks/sealbay/sealion.html | |
92. Logical Sea-lion Nature. The logical sealion of Santa Cruz. sea-lions don t do that in the wild,so the question is whether there s any scientific point in doing it. http://www.geocities.com/Omegaman_UK/sealion.html | |
93. Sea Lion Caves Copyright ©2001 sea Lion Caves All rights reserved. No part of thisweb site may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by http://www.sealioncaves.com/ | |
94. LionNet - On The Net, We Serve Internet resource directory for lions Clubs International. http://www.lionnet.com/ | |
95. Volunteer Organization Dedicated To Leadership Development Through Community Ser International headquarters site. Lionism resources. 8 languages. http://www.lionsclubs.org/ |
96. CT Lions Web Site Multidistrict information and links for local clubs in Connecticut http://www.ctlions.org/ | |
97. Detroit Lions Official Website Official team site with audio and video clips, team news, depth charts, transactions, statistics, and player profiles. http://detroitlions.com/ | |
98. Lions Camp Crescendo Provides free camps for youth who are blind and vision impaired, deaf and hard of hearing, and living with AIDS. Also available for band camps, church camps, and other rentals. Located in Lebanon Junction, Kentucky. Program details, photos, and newsletter. http://rclind.net/camp |
99. Lions Danmark Fagomr¥der, aktiviteter, nyheder og links. http://www.lions.dk/ | |
100. Berea Lions Club -- Main Page Find out about the organization and events or get directions. http://www.berealionsclub.org/ | |
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