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21. The Marine Mammal Center mission of The Marine Mammal Center is to rescue and humanely treat ill, injured,or orphaned marine mammals including seals, sea lions, sea otters, dolphins http://www.tmmc.org/learning/education/pinnipeds/casealion.asp | |
22. California Sea Lion California Sea Lion. Zalophous californ. Garbage dumping can destroy the food supplyand make the sea lions sick. References. Sea Lion. Compton s Encyclopedia. http://lsb.syr.edu/projects/cyberzoo/sealion.html | |
23. Pinniped Review order Carnivora superfamily Pinnipedia. family Otariidae, sea lions and furseals. Oorrobben. 1 The walrus, sea lions, fur seals and sea otter, 235 pp. http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/jaap/Pinniped.htm | |
24. Stellar Sea Lion Stellar sea lions live in the Pacific northwest and can be found from San MiguelIsland in southern California, to Alaska, to the Sea of Okhotsk, near Japan. http://oceanlink.island.net/oinfo/biodiversity/stellar.html | |
25. OceanLink Answers To Seal, Sea Otter And Manatee Questions SEALS sea lions. Seal Appetites. Seals are grouped as Pinnipeds, along with sealions, and walruses. Whales, along with the dolphins, are grouped as Cetaceans. http://oceanlink.island.net/ask/seals.html | |
26. Seals And Walrus Top of Page. sea lions. California Sea Lion California sea lions, likeother sea lions, are quick and agile swimmers. They use their http://www.stemnet.nf.ca/CITE/seamam.htm | |
27. PicturesOf.NET - Pictures Of Seals And Sea Lions Original pictures of seals and sea lions from PicturesOf.NET. Picturesof Seals and sea lions. Looking for pictures of lions? Click here. http://www.picturesof.net/_pages/seals_thumbnails.html | |
28. Steller's Sea Lion: Wildlife Notebook Series - Alaska Department Of Fish And Gam sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) inhabits the north Pacific Ocean and is the largestmember of the family of Otariidae, or eared seals. sea lions differ from http://www.adfg.state.ak.us/pubs/notebook/marine/sealion.php | |
29. BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Pacific Sea Lion Collapse Probed Scientists investigate why Steller sea lions are eating a fish diet that cannotsustain them in the cold north Pacific. Pacific sea lion collapse probed. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/3483961.stm | |
30. BBC NEWS | World | Middle East | Let Slip The Sea Lions Of War The US Navy deploys its crack team of mine detecting sea lions to theGulf to protect the US and British warships stationed there. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/2839155.stm | |
31. California Sea Lion, Phillip Colla Photography Common Dolphin. Marine mammal species. Seals sea lions Guadalupe Fur Seal. GalapagosFur Seal. Search Options Stock List. Photographs of California sea lions. http://www.oceanlight.com/html/calif_sea_lion_uw.html | |
32. Seal And Sea Lion Photos, Photos Of Pinnipeds, Phillip Colla Photography Common Dolphin. Marine mammal species. Seals sea lions Guadalupe Fur Seal.Galapagos Fur Seal. Seal and Sea Lion Photographs Pinniped Photos. http://www.oceanlight.com/html/seals_and_sea_lions.html | |
33. Fisherman's Wharf Sea Lions San Francisco California sea lions. Best of San Francisco s Fisherman s Wharf. Our favorite thing about ourleast favorite place, Fisherman s Wharf, are the sea lions that own Pier 39. http://www.sftravel.com/sealionsfishermanswharf.html | |
34. SCS: South American Sea Lion (Otaria Flavescens) Status Many hundreds of thousands of South American sea lions were killed by commercialhunters in the 19th and 20th centuries, some until as late as the 1950s http://www.pinnipeds.org/species/samslion.htm | |
35. SCS: New Zealand Sea Lion (Phocarctos Hookeri) Distribution and Numbers One of the rarest and most endangered sea lions, the NewZealand sea lion (also known as the Hooker s sea lion) is found only in New http://www.pinnipeds.org/species/nzslion.htm | |
36. Steller Sea Lions: Marine Mammal Research Consortium See full story . 14 May 2004. Stressed Out sea lions. The scoop on stressed sealions is contained in a recently published paper. See full story. 21 April 2004. http://www.marinemammal.org/ | |
37. Steller Sea Lion Biology - Marine Mammal Research Consortium Body Size, Male Steller sea lions average, a noseto-tail length of 3 m andweigh about 700 kg. Coat Male Steller sea lions have a thick mane. http://www.marinemammal.org/steller_sea_lion/steller_sea_lion_fastfacts.html | |
38. California Sea Lions Can Be Found Sun Bathing, Barking And Up To Their Old Antic California sea lions can be found sun bathing, barking and up to their old anticsat the marina s Kdock. Click here if you want to hear the sea lions. http://www.pier39marina.com/sealions.htm | |
39. The Differences Between Seals And Sea Lions Here s how you can tell the difference between seals and sea lions, even thoughthe differences are pretty small. The differences between seals and sea lions. http://ksks.essortment.com/differencesbetw_rluy.htm | |
40. New Scientist Sea lion scores top for memory. 1900 23 October 02. Subscribe and get 4 free issues.California sea lions may have the best memory of all nonhuman creatures. http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns99992960 |
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