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1. Sea Lion sea lions are marine mammals that have long torpedo shaped bodies covered in short coarse hair sea lions swim up to 25mph which makes them the fastest aquatic carnivore http://www.sazoo-aq.org/02meet/02sublinks/sealion.html |
2. California Sea Lion Information on sea lions. Black Bear. Bobcat. California Sea Lion. Caribou. Chipmunk When at sea they raft together, playing and leaping clear The California Sea Lion prey on schooling fish, rockfish, squid http://www.bcadventure.com/adventure/wilderness/animals/sealion.htm | |
3. Wildcam: Steller Sea Lions @ Nationalgeographic.com http://www.nationalgeographic.com/stellercam |
4. Steller Sea Lions Alaska Regional Office Alaska Science Center Steller sea lions. Steller sealions at Benjamin Island haulout Juneau, Alaska. Photo Greg Bledsoe, NMFS. http://www.fakr.noaa.gov/protectedresources/stellers.htm | |
5. WhaleTimes:Fishin' For Facts-California Sea Lions Fishin' for Facts California sea lions. Common nameCalifornia Sea Lion. Scientific name Zalophus californianus. Size Females can reach sizes up to 6 feet and weigh about 200 lb. Males can reach http://www.whaletimes.org/whacasl.htm | |
6. Sea Lions Web Cam - Pier 39, San Francisco Bay California To San Francisco. sea lions PIER 39 Web Cam Dine Above the sea lions" The Sea Lion Cafe offers PIER 39's best view - The World Famous California sea lions bark http://www.mapwest.com/web_cam/sealions | |
7. Steller And California Sea Lions Species descriptions of Steller sea lion and California sea lion The Northern sea lion is the largest of the sea lions. Males may be upto 310 cm in Oregon coast, Northern sea lions and California sea lions live together in http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/jaap/sealion1.htm | |
8. Sea Lion Cam On PIER 39 In San Francisco PIER 39 View Cam ! This is our Fabulous View of San Francisco Bay. The Golden Gate Bridge, and the. World Famous California sea lions. on K Dock at PIER 39. View our "Best Of" Page a Collection of http://www.pier39restaurants.com/cam.htm | |
9. Steller Sea Lions Diet sea lions are carnivorous. Press image to enlarge. Steller SeaLions (Eumetopias jubatus). Diving sea lions Press image to enlarge. http://www.sealioncaves.com/whatsee/steller.html | |
10. NMFS Alaska Steller Sea Lion Research Initiative (SSLRI) were accepted for federal assistance to research the possible causes of the declineof the threatened and endangered populations of Steller sea lions and to http://www.fakr.noaa.gov/omi/grants/sslri/default.htm | |
11. Other Sea Lions And Fur Seals Species descriptions of Southern sea lion, Australian sea lion New Zealand sea lion, Guadalupe fur seal and Galapagos fur seal Last modified Thursday September 24th, 1999. Other sea lions and fur seals 1 The walrus, sea lions, fur seals and sea otter, pp http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/jaap/slions.htm | |
12. National Geographic Coloring Book: California Sea Lion Picture Print detailed illustrations of California sea lions and other animals to coloror use in school projects. Includes cool animal facts and Web links. http://www.nationalgeographic.com/coloringbook/sketch_sea_lions.html | |
13. California Sea Lion Printout- EnchantedLearning.com sea lions are fast swimmers, going up to 25 mph (40 kph) in short bursts. Predatorssea lions are hunted by killer whales (orcas) and some sharks. http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/mammals/pinniped/Sealionprintout.shtml | |
14. What To Do If You Find A Beached Seal Or Sea Lion We rescue, rehabilitate, and release sick and injured seals and sea lions. ,We not only rehabilitate seals and sea lions, we count them too. http://www.fslmmc.org/home_txt.html | |
15. Playful!    The Sea Lion  Fanlisting       Animal Bytes California sea lionCalifornia sea lion. Social behavior California sea lions inhabit rockyand sandy beaches of coastal islands and mainland shorelines. http://sealion.fan-atic.net/ | |
16. All About Seals, Sea Lions, And Walruses All About Seals, sea lions, and Walruses. K3 Teacher sGuide A Sea World Education Department Publication. http://www.seaworld.org/just-for-teachers/guides/pinnipeds/ | |
17. Welcome To Pier Restaurants On Pier 39 In Fishermen's Wharf In San Francisco Seafood Restaurants on Pier 39 in Fishermen s Wharfin San Francisco with web cam of sea lions. http://www.pier39restaurants.com/ | |
18. Steller Sea Lion Gunshots and net entanglement are also to blame for sea lion deaths. SurvivalThe average life span of Steller sea lions is about 20 to 23 years. http://www.npca.org/marine_and_coastal/marine_wildlife/sealion.asp | |
19. Sea Lion Caves Florence, Oregon (Marine Life) The ocean, sometimes wild and always wonderful, surges into and out of the cave wherea herd of wild, golden Steller sea lions and their black pups take shelter http://www.ohwy.com/or/s/sealionc.htm | |
20. Error - SeaWorld/Busch Gardens ANIMALS Information on both the differences and similarities of seals and sea lions. http://www.seaworld.org/Pinnipeds/whatarethey.html | |
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