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61. LinuxQuestions.org - SDL And DGA Video Driver - Where Linux Users Come For Help LinuxQuestions.org Forums programming sdl and DGA video driver. Hi, Iam trying to use the DGA video driver with a sdl program I am writing. http://linuxquestions.org/questions/history/171374 | |
62. SDL Mailing List: SDL-News: [Fwd: Call For Participation ECOOP WS20 10TH ECOOP Workshop on Mobile Object Sysems programming Languages and ISO8859-1?Q?Birger_M=F8ller-Pedersen?=to sdlnews - For extra sdl Forum Society http://www.sdl-forum.org/Archives/SDL/0528.html | |
63. Re: [programming] R: [programming] Compilare SDL programming@ml.oltrelinux.com .Subject Re programming R programming Compilare sdl. http://archive.oltrelinux.com/archive/html/programming/2003-06/msg00020.html | |
64. [programming] R: [programming] Compilare SDL http://archive.oltrelinux.com/archive/html/programming/2003-06/msg00011.html | |
65. DDJ Contents. programming in sdl UML. Dr. Dobb s Journal June 2001. Whentwo languages are better than one. By Morgan Björkander. Morgan http://www.ddj.com/documents/s=866/ddj0106g/ |
66. Graphical Programming Using UML And SDL pp. 3035 Graphical programming Using UML and sdl. ago. Today, sdl isoften used as a full blown programming language. Although UML http://csdl.computer.org/comp/mags/co/2000/12/rz030abs.htm | |
67. No Starch Press: Programming Linux Games programming Linux Games Building Multimedia Applications with sdl,OpenAL(tm), and Other APIs by Loki Software, Inc. with John R http://www.nostarch.com/plg.htm | |
68. Term 1 First Year Timetable X1 410500, Mathematics - tut (even wks), programming - lab, sdl. 510-600, programming- lab, sdl. 410-500, Mathematics - tut (odd wks), programming - lab, sdl. http://www.city.ac.uk/mathematics/TimeTable1/Year1Term2.html |
69. Unix Select And SDL Viewing Dev Shed Forums programming Languages C programming Unix Select and sdl. http://forums.devshed.com/showthread.php?t=147653 |
70. Programming Linux Games The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://linux.detective.vl.ru/sdl/ | |
71. Computers, Programming, Games, Libraries: SDL ComputersProgrammingGraphicsLibraries. Adgali A game library useful for 2Dgames programmation. It uses the sdl library for the bitmap, sound and events http://www.combose.com/Computers/Programming/Games/Libraries/SDL/ | |
72. Programming Style(SDL + OpenGL) The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.ai.is.uec.ac.jp/~yutaka/cpp/SDL/opengl/ |
73. Programming (Ohjelmointi) Programming Languages & Techniques (Ohjelmointikielet yhteyttä, programming (Ohjelmointi) programming Languages Techniques(Ohjelmointikielet tekniikat) sdl. Systems Engineering http://www.dataclub.fi/SHOP/struct/9.243.364.html | |
74. POV-Ray: Newsgroups: Povray.programming: Re: Reading The Values Of A Object-para that this is one of the problems for the misplacements in the group povray.programming 2. the most visitors here need help about sdl/sdlprogramming. http://news.povray.org/<3f50d076$1@news.povray.org> | |
75. Diarmuid's Web Page My first project with sdl is this GUI library. In sdl, graphical programming isdone at a very raw level, one loads bitmaps, blits them to the screen, etc http://www.4c.ucc.ie/~dglynn/Programming.html | |
76. SDL Integrated Tool Environment an appropriate graphic sdl editor. We examine however at present the possibilities,which the commercial tool Cinderella with its programming interface offers. http://www.informatik.hu-berlin.de/SITE/site.html.en | |
77. SAM98 Berlin Paper 16 Generating readable and flexible C++ programs from sdl specifications ,N. Mansurov, A. Ragozin, Institut for System programming Moscow, Russia 17.00 http://www.informatik.hu-berlin.de/~sam98/program.html | |
78. Course PTR - Welcome! Microsoft DirectX or want to learn to program games using a differentAPI. It s a perfect resource for programming games with sdl. http://www.courseptr.com/ptr_detail.cfm?group=Game Development&subcat=Programmin |
79. Windows And Linux Game Programming: Integrating Sdl, Opengl, And Directx (Game D Booksearch Windows and Linux Game programming Integrating sdl, Opengl,and Directx (Game Development). Author Trent Polack Evan http://www.booksearch.nu/1592000746 | |
80. LinuxDevCenter.com: C++ Memory Strategies, Accelerated SDL, And Making Ports Sin efforts. sdl, the crossplatform multimedia programming library (yousaw that coming, didn t you?) is one part of that process. Bob http://www.linuxdevcenter.com/pub/a/linux/newsletters/20030811.html | |
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