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21. Simple DirectMedia Layer Mailing Lists. Newsgroup. sdl 1.0. sdl 1.2. sdl CVS Ask Sam Lantinga About sdl On PS2 And More. Ask Slashdot April 2001. Game programming w/ the Simple Directmedia Layer? http://www.libsdl.org/articles.php | |
22. Slashdot | Game Programming W/ The Simple Directmedia Layer? Game programming w/ the Simple Directmedia Layer? article related to Games. wrinkledshirt asks "I've just started programming with sdl for a game I've been wanting to make for a or hacking or professionally coding with the sdl? How does it perform http://slashdot.org/askslashdot/01/04/03/1747256.shtml | |
23. SDL Talk programming with sdl. Part I. Bill Kendrick. Linux Users' Group of Davis. December 21st, 1999. sdltalk-1-examples.tar.gz Source and Data, 117Kbytes http://www.lugod.org/presentations/sdl-talk-1 | |
24. SDL Talk programming with sdl. Part II. Bill Kendrick. Linux Users' Group of Davis. January 3rd, 2000. sdltalk-2-examples.tar.gz Source and Data, 670Kbytes. http://www.lugod.org/presentations/sdl-talk-2 | |
25. Programming Multimedia And 3D SouthGreece the OpenGL Trender implementation; Trender sdl - a software-only realtime renderer of 3D Studio files; Earth - a Linux renderer that uses Voodoo cards to show a simple model of the earth and the sun; 3DEnvMap - a Real-time 3D Renderer with Gouraud-Shaded Environment Mapping. http://www.softlab.ece.ntua.gr/~ttsiod/ | |
26. AdaSDL A set of Ada (programming language) bindings, ports, and some original applications based on sdl (Simple DirectMedia Library). Open source, LGPL http://sourceforge.net/projects/adasdl | |
27. Cone3D Programming - SDL, OpenGL And C++ Tutorials OpenGL (not for newbies) Tutorials. Official disclaimer these tuts are old, outdated, written without proofreading by someone who isn't too good in english, contain faulty code (tut nr. 3) and just http://cone3d.gamedev.net/cgi-bin/index.pl?page=tutorials/ogladv/index |
28. Programming With SDL - Tutorial 3 programming with sdl. Tutorial 3 Sprites. Introduction. The next few tutorialswill involve the creation of a full sdl application program(actually a game). http://andrew.textux.com/tutorials/tut3/tutorial3.html | |
29. Programming With SDL - Tutorial 2 programming with sdl. Tutorial 2 sdl Events. Introduction. In the last tutorial I covered the basics of creating an sdl project in Linux. Looking into the source code, you may have discovered a couple sections I didn't talk about. http://andrew.textux.com/tutorials/tut2/tutorial2.html | |
30. Cone3D Programming - SDL, OpenGL And C++ Tutorials Who knows The development of tuxn-run (previosly known as the sdl Lessonnr. sdl Lesson 7 is not out yet (. I don t know when it ll come out. http://cone3d.gamedev.net/ | |
31. Cone3D Programming - SDL, OpenGL And C++ Tutorials WHY!? bazzwazzle Props to you Mar, pretty good stuff ); Name Also checkout jnrdev.weedcrew.net a JnR tutorial with sdl; t85 sweet tuts. http://cone3d.gamedev.net/cgi-bin/talkbox.pl | |
32. Delphi Games Programming Quick link to menu ( Bottom of page) sdl programming Menu Take me back to the top.DelphiProjects with delphi. Directxprogramming with directx. Openglprogramming with opengl. sdlprogramming with http://www.djoker.tvheaven.com/sdl.htm | |
33. SDL - Sigma Definition Language this chapter we are going to discuss the second programming language, which is alsoan integral part of SCARLET, the socalled Sigma Definition Language (sdl). http://www.informatik.uni-giessen.de/staff/kutrib/scarlet/node63.html | |
34. RDL - Retina Definition Language After having a look at all the basic modules we need to create a RDL or sdl program,we will now try to understand their specific programming structures. http://www.informatik.uni-giessen.de/staff/kutrib/scarlet/node49.html | |
35. Game Programming Game programming. Why Use sdl Why your next project should use sdl(Simple DirectMedia Layer). Fast Event Processing in sdl - Using http://www.gameprogrammer.com/game.html | |
36. Tille's Homepage In short you can do something on your system with sdl very quickly, without the Aminimal knowledge of the C programming language is the only thing you need. http://tille.soti.org/training/sdl/intro.php | |
37. LinuxDevCenter.com: Animation In SDL [May. 15, 2003] sdl is simple there is nothing in it that isn t commonly used in game programming. Themain() program puts everything together. It first initializes sdl. http://linux.oreillynet.com/pub/a/linux/2003/05/15/sdl_anim.html | |
38. Embedded GUI: FLTK SDL sdl is a small and powerful graphic toolkit for an easily graphic programming basedon the language C. It allows the usage of different text fonts, animated http://www.ssv-embedded.de/trm/021203gui.htm | |
39. Adas' Linux Game Programming Dsdl_Swap32 DWAV_MUSIC -D_BCC32 -Ic\usr\local\sdl\include LIBS = sdl.lib import32.libc0w32.obj cw32.lib OBJS = test.obj sdl_main.obj PROGRAM = test.exe http://www.geocities.co.jp/Berkeley/2093/sdl.html | |
40. [SDL/C++] Surface Probleem - Programming & Webscripting - GoT - Powered By React Ik ben net begonnen met sdl programmeren en ben nu een sprite class Servers Internet Telefonie Devschuur® Webdesign Graphics programming Webscripting http://gathering.tweakers.net/forum/list_messages/915024 | |
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