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1. SDL Programming Page sdl programming page. SDL now! Crosscompiled Libraries. Pre compiledversions of various libraries can be found on the Xmingw32 page. http://david.acz.org/sdl.html | |
2. Programming With SDL - Tutorial 1 Back to Articles Programming with SDL. Every SDL program must include SDL.h. IncludingSDL.h gives you access to all the functions needed for sdl programming. http://andrew.textux.com/tutorials/tut1/tutorial1.html | |
3. Linux 3D Graphics Programming articles written by AnonymousGamer on basic sdl programming. Topics (not all complete yet articles written by AnonymousGamer on basic sdl programming. Topics (not all complete http://www.linux3dgraphicsprogramming.org/links.shtml | |
4. SDL Programming Examples sdl programming Examples. NEW! pig1.0.tar.gz - 660k This sdl programmingexample - a simple platform game - demonstrates the use http://olofson.net/examples.html | |
5. SDLmm - A C++ Wrapper For The Simple DirectMedia Layer Development Goals. Build a logical C++ glue, allowing for easyto-use object orientedsdl programming, keeping everything within it s own namespace, SDLmm. http://sdlmm.sourceforge.net/ | |
6. Search Results 15, SYSTEM SOFTWARE ENGINEERS ISDN, GSM, SS7, GPRS/EDGE, Call Processing, NetworkManagement, CDMA, 3G, sdl programming,Bletooth,UMTS,Edge,PSOS, VxWorks, Delhi http://www.careerage.com/infotech/netmgmt.html | |
7. Search Results 35, Project Manager ISDN, GSM, SS7, GPRS/EDGE, Call Processing, Network Management,CDMA, 3G, sdl programming,Bletooth,UMTS,Edge,PSOS, VxWorks, Delhi/Hyderabad http://www.careerage.com/infotech/net.html | |
8. Bluetooth LMP SDL Page remove the PARK state of slave, because slave must be unparked bymaster. Therefore, currently save is used for sdl programming. http://w3.antd.nist.gov/Hsntg/bt/lmp/lmp.html | |
9. File > Export > SDL You can also augment the dynamics and particle systems of the interactivemodeler with the flexibility of the sdl programming language. http://www.alias.com/eng/support/studiotools/documentation/DataTransfer/optionsF | |
10. Linux 3D Graphics Programming SDL Tutorials nlin 09/06/2001, 06h4918 Links. Introductory SDL Tutorialsis a series of articles written by AnonymousGamer on basic sdl programming. http://www.linux3dgraphicsprogramming.org/announce/listdir.php3?top=Links |
11. Lf288, SoftwareDevelopment: Implementing A Scroller In SDL Graphics see how to translete all this in code terms we will refer from now on to the conceptof surface, well known to those who have some basic sdl programming skills http://www.linuxfocus.org/English/May2003/article288.shtml | |
12. Assessment Challenges In Supported Distance Learning of the Project is to research which supports best help adult learners to succeedin distance learning, to document models of effective sdl programming, and to http://www.sabes.org/resources/adventures/vol15/15hooper.htm | |
13. Luke Campagnola - Code Brainchild. I wrote this mostly to get a feel for sdl programming inanticipation of our upcoming production, The Greatest Game Ever. http://luke.no-ip.org/code/ | |
14. I N N O I D E A - AMIGA Developer HELP Site Every SDL program must include SDL.h. Including SDL.h gives you accessto all the functions needed for sdl programming. The first http://www.innoidea.hu/subsites/amiga/developer/phpwebdev.php?keyword=SDL_Init&f |
15. SDL Mailing List: RE: SDL-News: About The Time Type In SDL From yy01@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn to sdlnews Hi,members, I have a question about the time type in sdl programming. http://www.sdl-forum.org/Archives/SDL/0354.html | |
16. Short Version 1.2.6 Of Amiga SDL Audio/video Library Author a simple make on the OFFICIAL libSDL website http//www.libsdl.org This site includeslots of games, utility, docs about SDL and sdl programming, with your http://wuarchive.wustl.edu/~aminet/dev/misc/SDL-Amiga.readme |
17. Short Version 1.2.6 Of Amiga SDL Audio/video Library Author org /a a href= http//www.libsdl.org http//www.libsdl.org /a /a This siteincludes lots of games, utility, docs about SDL and sdl programming, with your http://wuarchive.wustl.edu/aminet/dev/misc/SDL-Amiga.readme |
18. Gmane -- Mail To News And Back Again Along with embedded Ch, it is an ideal solution for game developers to developgames and beginning game developers to learn sdl programming. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lib.sdl/15629 | |
19. Re: [paragui-users] Making ParaGUI Play Nice With Other SDL Libraries Andrew. Robby Dermody robbyd@bogus.example.com wrote Hi, For starters,I m just getting into sdl programming (I mostly do network programming http://mail.gnu.org/archive/html/paragui-users/2002-07/msg00003.html | |
20. [paragui-users] Making ParaGUI Play Nice With Other SDL Libraries Hi, For starters, I m just getting into sdl programming (I mostly do network programmingand serverside stuff), so forgive me if I seem clueless on some areas http://mail.gnu.org/archive/html/paragui-users/2002-07/msg00002.html | |
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