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81. Networld Connections Inc. (c) Networld 2002 ComputersProgramming LanguagesScriptEase ComputersProgramming LanguagesScriptingLanguages ComputersProgramming LanguagesScriptX ComputersProgramming http://www.networld.com/search/search.cfm?S=&V=Cats&category=Computers:Programmi |
82. Networld Connections Inc. (c) Networld 2002 This Site URL http//www.cs.cmu.edu/~scandal/nesl.html Rank 2 Hits 11 6.Dr. Bob s European Clinic contains technical articles, programming tips, and http://www.networld.com/search/search.cfm?S=&V=Cats&category=Computers:Programmi |
83. About The Authors Before joining Sun, she helped document the objectoriented programming languageScriptX at Kaleida Labs and worked on Wall Street, where she wrote developer http://java.sun.com/webservices/docs/1.2/tutorial/doc/Bios.html | |
84. Software Diversified Services - Glossary Of Mainframe Industry Screen scraping A programming technique for interacting with online host ScriptXThe much-delayed, hardware-independent, multimedia scripting language that http://www.sdsusa.com/dictionary/glossAZ/s.htm | |
85. Travel Britain - UK Search Engine And Travel Guide Home Computers Internet programming Languages COMP110 Directories andprogramming languages COMP110 - DIRECTORIES AND programming LANGUAGES; http://www.travelbritain.com/search/Computers_Internet_Programming_Languages.sht | |
86. Pete Cole's WebLog - Tuesday, 04 May 2004 to ship some additional code to users to work with Internet Explorer (the ScriptXActiveX control Usability Observation Toolbox First for Forms programming. http://www.profundis.co.uk/peteblog/default,date,2004-05-04.aspx | |
87. Web Development: How Do I Code For ActiveX Installation? It is called scriptx from Meadco. Here is the company s website for their documentationhttp//www.meadroid.com/scriptx/indexa.htm Thanks in advance. http://www.experts-exchange.com/Web/Q_20744005.html | |
88. Custom Page Properties for advanced printing, like scriptx http//www.meadroid.com/scriptx/about.asp programmingGolive Dynamic ASP create web forms access2web convert database to http://forums.codecharge.com/posts.php?post_id=45761 |
89. AdminLife Microsoft.public.windows.inetexplorer.ie55.programming. http://www.adminlife.com/247reference/__site/139/rss.xml | |
90. VBÂÃ
ScriptXÂðÂgÂp·ÂéÂÃÂà The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://homepage1.nifty.com/MADIA/vb/vb_bbs/200301_03010028.html | |
91. IEEE Multimedia Newsletter Kaleida chose to provide an objectoriented environment with a true programminglanguage that could also be used to write simple scripts, called scriptx. http://www.computer.org/tab/tcmm/BRAUN/ABSTRACT.HTM | |
92. Technical Electives For EE List or knowledge of an objectoriented or fourth-generation (scripting) programminglanguage, for example, C++, Hypertalk, Supertalk, Lingo, Openscript, scriptx. http://www.ee.ucr.edu/~dtan/techelectivesEElist.htm | |
93. It's Like Déjà Vu All Over Again This is what we were trying to do at MacroMind before the VC s andcaretakers took over and then at Kaleida Labs - with scriptx. http://radio.weblogs.com/0100136/2002/06/01.html | |
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