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41. Phantom An Interpreted Language For Distributed Programming While such a programming environment is adequate for many tasks, objectbased RPCsystems and as Java10 Safe Tcl1 Phantom3, Telescript4 and scriptx 1 6 http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/courtney95phantom.html |
42. Neue Seite 1 Containing valid info about TCP/IP programming. www.voidpointer.com, Script DrivenInternet (SDI) web page http//www.meadroid.com/scriptx/, scriptx web page http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Guenter_Born/WSHBazaar/wsh0.htm | |
43. BYTE.com by IBM and Apple, is looking at September for the release of software developmentkits based on scriptx, the company s objectoriented programming language for http://www.byte.com/art/9407/sec4/sec4.htm | |
44. Distributed Computation Scheme 48 appears well suited to the Web and is executed by an abstractmachine; Scheme programming; scriptx, Kaleida IBM/Apple joint venture? http://www.base.com/gordoni/web/distribution.html | |
46. OOP Lang S Oriented programming System. TI, 1986. Multiple inheritance, class variables. Ftpftp//altdorf.ai.mit.edu/archive/schemelibrary/unsupported/CScheme.scriptx http://swiki.hfbk-hamburg.de:8888/MusicTechnology/43 | |
47. ScriptX Languages Software All websites for scriptx Languages Software in this Software directory Networks Online Games - PC Components - PC Peripherals - programming - Video Games http://www.5star-software.co.uk/Languages/ScriptX.html | |
48. How Do I Program For Other-than-English? multilingual; multilocalized; reflexive. programming Languages. PostScript. Whoknows? Scheme. We describe Scheme with other Lisps. scriptx. See Kaleida. SmallTalk. http://phaseit.net/claird/comp.lang.misc/mixed_human_language_programming.html | |
49. Writing Scripts If you ve done any playing around with programming you know about this, if not, don tworry, it s not going to Now, save this in your /usr/bin/scriptx directory http://home.nyc.rr.com/computertaijutsu/scripts.html | |
50. Computer Science Internship Program - Jobs This project will implement a set of these patterns as VisualAge parts and demonstratetheir use in the VA programming environment. Project scriptx Games http://www.cs.duke.edu/~rodger/csip/jobs.html | |
51. Midrange Systems : Kaleida Labs Airs New Multimedia Tools. (Kaleida Media Player It s got a complete deviceindependent programming interface for interactive multimediacontent development. scriptx, created to write applications for KMP http://static.highbeam.com/m/midrangesystems/january271995/kaleidalabsairsnewmul | |
52. Andrew Nicholson's Résumé and the language implementation used in the multimedia player scriptx . Investigationof new objectoriented programming environments and application design http://www.lesto.com/andrewn/resume.html | |
53. MILK: The Glossary It is Danfuzz s favorite movie. (More info) scriptx A programming language, classlibrary, and runtime environment developed by Kaleida Labs from 1992 to 1995. http://www.milk.com/glossary/ | |
54. BookFinder.com: Book Directory 0 scriptx Excellent Examples 0201407329 0201-40732-9 scriptx Design Guidelines0201407337 0-201-40733-7 Client/Server Clipper programming 0201407345 0 http://www.bookfinder.com/dir/293440-293599/ | |
55. November 1994 - DATABASE PROGRAMMING Assaf implements a scriptxbased multimedia application which was created in a way MediaDeveloperis a library of multimedia programming objects that let you http://www.cs.ubc.ca/local/reading/proceedings/ddj/2000_06/articles/1994/9411/94 | |
56. Programming Languages Book programming Languages Book. ActiveX. Ada. APL. AppleScript. Assembly. Awk. BASIC.BETA. C . SAS. Scheme. ScriptEase. Scripting Languages. scriptx. SDL. SETL. Smalltalk.SQL. UML. http://www.artistactoractress.com/programming_book/ | |
57. Bios For Contributing Authors writer specializing in the documentation of objectoriented programming languages atSun s Java Software division, she wrote documentation for scriptx, an object http://www.ictp.trieste.it/~manuals/programming/Java/tutorial/information/bios.h | |
58. Past Projects Ported a Director based educational game title, UnDo Me, to scriptx for theTED5 conference. Norton Guides Interactive programming Language Guides. http://www.mepis.com/book/print/28 | |
59. MEPIS | Managerial Educational And Personal Information Systems Designed an IDE for producing Interactive Titles in scriptx. read more. NortonGuides Interactive programming Language Guides. Submitted by warren on Tue, 04 http://www.mepis.com/taxonomy/page/or/59 | |
60. Scholarly Spaces 6 - Scholarly Practices a mixture of metaphors musical scores, playscripts, eventdriven programming, sprites is of interactive scripting systems like Kaleida s scriptx or General http://www.lcc.gatech.edu/~xinwei/papers/texts/scholarspaces/6.Survey.html | |
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