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21. Dictionary Of Programming Languages - Master List Scheme, 12/97, Lexically scoped variant of Lisp, MIT, 1975. scriptx, Maybe, Scriptinglanguage for PCs. SeeDo, maybe, Visual programming system for AI research, 1997. http://cgibin.erols.com/ziring/cgi-bin/cep/cep.pl?_get=epl_masterlist.phtml |
22. PO - Languages Scheme Scheme is a statically scoped and properly tail-recursive dialect of theLisp programming language; scriptx -; SDL -; Self - Self is an object-oriented http://users.utu.fi/sisasa/oasis/oasis-lang.html | |
23. References New Insights into Partial Evaluation The Schism Experiment. European Symposiumon programming, 1988. scriptx scriptx. Kaleida Labs, Inc 1995. original. http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/~spot/dag/bib.html | |
24. Multimedia Platforms - E. Kaleida And ScriptX It is developing scriptx, a crossplatform multimedia programming language and objectlibrary, now beta testing and designed to make multi-platform software http://ibis.nott.ac.uk/guidelines/ch11/chap1-1-E-4.html |
25. Don Hopkins' RadiOMatic BlogUTron If you would like to show an interesting MaxScript programming example, there sa neat I like MaxScript so much, is that it s extremely similar to scriptx. http://www.donhopkins.com/ | |
26. Don Hopkins Dylan. Sk8. Garnet. scriptx. Forth. Cellular Automata Machines. 6502 Assembly. 68k.SPARC. x86. MMX. PowerPC. AltiVec. Terminal Emulation. Network programming. http://www.donhopkins.com/home/ | |
27. Programming Scriptx Spot information technology programming scriptx - part of spot wot websitesdirectory, 25 May. information technology - programming scriptx. Search http://www.spot-information-technology.co.uk/programming/scriptx.html | |
28. Lymond At Mac.com - Wandering Path LP (October 1994 August 1996) Led application programming and interface designprocess for Robert Winter s Crazy for Ragtime, a scriptx-based multimedia title http://homepage.mac.com/lymond/wandering_path.html | |
29. Computer Programming Languages - S Screamer An extension of Common Lisp providing nondeterministic backtrackingand constraint programming. scriptx - Kaleida Labs. http://www.heuse.com/s.htm |
30. WSH Bazaar Link Page Containing valid info about TCP/IP programming. scriptx web page http//www.meadroid.com/scriptx/scriptx is a control which supports also a couple of other http://www.borncity.com/WSHBazaar/links.htm | |
31. One And Ten - One And Ten Classifieds Lisp Lisp. Literate programming Literate programming. Logo Logo. LPC LPC. M ScriptEaseScriptEase. Scripting Languages Scripting Languages. scriptx scriptx. SDL http://www.oneandten.com.au/modules.php?name=NukeC&op=ViewCatg&id_catg=207 |
32. DDJ Assaf implements a scriptxbased multimedia application which was created in a way RegelskiMediaDeveloper is a library of multimedia programming objects that http://www.webreview.com/articles/1994/9411/ | |
33. Travel Britain - UK Search Engine And Travel Guide Home Computers Internet programming Languages scriptx No MoreSubcategories Computers Internetprogramming Languagesscriptx http://www.travelbritain.com/search/Computers_Internet_Programming_Languages_Scr | |
34. David Williams Kaleida Labs, Inc. Mountain View, CA, July 1994Dec 1995. Staff Engineer.Senior engineer developing the scriptx multimedia programming language. http://www.djw.org/djw/resume/resume.html | |
35. Kaleida ScriptX The language itself is a full objectoriented programming environment with a distinctSmalltalk and C++ flavor. While the entire scriptx system enables one to http://web.media.mit.edu/~stefan/masters/node7.html |
36. End User Programming Directory Computer Science » End User programming. AppleScript (2) CGI Common Gateway Interface(12) JavaScript (9) Perl (5), Python (6) ScriptEase (0) scriptx (0) Tcl Tk http://www.webworldindex.com/phtml/Computers/Computer_Science/End_User_Programmi | |
37. Omniseek Computing /Computing/Programming Languages Intercal J Java JavaScript JCL Journals Limbo Lisp Literate programming Logo LPC PythonRexx SAS Sather Scheme ScriptEase Scripting Languages scriptx SDL Self http://computing.omniseek.com/dir/Computing/Programming_Languages/72661/ |
38. Ss.htm See programming languages, scripting; scriptx Character Simulation with scriptx A generalpurpose framework for dynamic behavior. (A. Reznik), Nov94, 76; http://www.cstone.net/~bachs/ddj/ss.htm | |
39. Av.htm in Character Simulation with scriptx (A. Reznik), Nov94, 78; Latin America A BoomMarket Waiting to Happen?, DUNov94, 1; The Liana programming Language, Oct93 http://www.cstone.net/~bachs/ddj/av.htm | |
40. Citations Phantom An Interpreted Language For Distributed Languages such as Java10 Safe Tcl1 Phantom3, Telescript4 and scriptx 16 Courtney, A. Phantom An Interpreted Language for Distributed programming. http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/context/159992/168366 |
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