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81. Douglas Gifford, Publications Imagining Scotlands The Return to mythology in Modern scottish Fiction , in scottish Fiction Since 1945, ed. by S.Hagemann (Mainz, 1996). http://www.arts.gla.ac.uk/SESLL/ScotLit/pubs/gifford.htm | |
82. Scottish & Celtic Reading List Dances of Scotland, by Jean C. Milligan and DG MacLennan Dictionary of Celtic mythology, By Peter Berresford Ellis Discovering scottish Battlefields, by http://www.scottishsociety.org/readinglist.html | |
83. Watches The Water.. [the Official Kelpie Mythos Fanlisting] this Fanlist has been created by Falce an italian girl passionate of mythology, Folk and Fantasy http://majigen.altervista.org/FLkelpie.html |
84. Scottish Myths And Legends Bookmark This Site! scottish Myths and Legends. http://www.heartoscotland.com/Categories/MythsandLegends.htm | |
85. MythSearch.com: Celtic Myth scottish. General Information. Myth and Legend scottish myth and legend. Welsh. Electronic Texts. Cyfarwydd Welsh stories, many from the Mabinogian. http://www.mythsearch.com/celtic.html | |
86. The Myth Of Samhain: Celtic God Of The Dead scottish Radiance, The Story of Halloween, at http//www.scottishradiance.com WJ Bethancourt III, Halloween, Myths, Monsters and Devils, at http//www http://www.religioustolerance.org/hallo_sa.htm | |
87. Myth Links slant. Dalriada Celtic Heritage Society for Irish and scottish culture, myths, and folklore. Gaelic languages, culture, and life. http://www.sierranv.net/~lsteele/myths.htm | |
88. Wonder Tales From Scottish Myth And Legend: Introduction Wonder Tales from scottish Myth and Legend, by Donald Mackenzie, at sacredtexts.com. http://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/celt/tsm/tsm03.htm | |
89. What's New In The NHS Media Center Chinese Myths Legends scottish Myths Legends Native American Myths Legends Greek Myts Legends African Myths and Legends Indian Myths Legends* Viking http://www.needham.k12.ma.us/high_school/nhs_media/WhatsNew.htm | |
90. Matt Ewart's Wallace Essay the Wallace was, next to the Bible, the book most frequently found in scottish households . In Professor Cowan s delineation of Blind Harry s myth, placed in http://www.braveheart.co.uk/macbrave/history/wallace/ewart.htm | |
91. Celtic Attic: Table Of Contents Irish Note cards; scottish Books; scottish Myths Legends; Welsh Myths Legends. Celtic Gifts Treasures Artwork Fairie Forest Prints; http://www.celticattic.com/toc.htm | |
92. Sisters Of The Silver Branch a magical pig skin, so they died shortly thereafter. Back to Top. scottish Myth. In the legend of Thomas the Rhymer (13th century),Thomas http://www.silver-branch.org/ssbapple.html | |
93. : The Black Irish Myth : : Robert C. MacLagan, scottish myths notes on scottish history and tradition (Edinburgh 1882) p 64 nb The eponym Mil Espane or Milesius has two possible http://www.darkfiber.com/blackirish/ | |
94. Update Log (11/12) Celtic Christianity. (11/10) scottish Language, Webrings, Archaeology, Celtic Lit/Myth (Ireland, Deities), Journals, directories, Organizations, About. http://celtdigital.org/Update.html | |
95. Scottish Constitutional Theology Into that little synopsis of the Scythian myth Andrew is then woven. The high qualities and deserts of the scottish people are attributed to nothing less http://www.alastairmcintosh.com/articles/2000_andrew.htm | |
96. The Scottish Website Directory scottish Website Directory This directory is dedicated to websites on or about Scotland. Got a scottish website Click here to get listed Menu. http://www.highlandtraveller.com/weblink/default.asp?FormName=Tree&category_id=3 |
97. How Myth Became The Legend Of Joseph Campbell - [Sunday Herald] Given his debt to Frazer, and his own scottish roots, it is curious country where Enlightenment sociologists first considered the function of myth by studying http://www.sundayherald.com/40821 | |
98. Playwrites And Actors Lab & Studio: Writers CarthageHistoryandMythology Gilgamesh3. Bulfinch'sMythology Gilgamesh4. EdithHamilton's NisClar-innse. ScottishMythology. ScottishGaelic. ScottishGenealogy. ScottishKingsandMyth http://www.playwrightsandactorslabandstudio.com/links.html | |
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