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61. The Scottish Gallery - Paul Reid - New Work In this, the artist s third major exhibition with the scottish Gallery, he pursues his concern with classical mythology and the narrative genre. http://www.scottish-gallery.co.uk/may03_reid.html | |
62. Gathering Of The Clans - Devoted To All Things Scottish survival. Although it is mainly associated with Oak trees in Celtic mythology, the European variety grows on deciduous trees. The http://www.tartans.com/modules.php.srl.op modload,name EZCMS,file index,menu 1,p | |
63. Celtic Attic: Celts Facts And Fiction survived in Brittany (in western France), Wales, the scottish Highlands, and Celtic mythology, which included earth gods, various woodland spirits, and sun http://www.celticattic.com/contact_us/the_celts/celts_facts_and_fiction.htm | |
64. A-list Message, [A-List] Scotland: The Mythology Of Highlandism scottish identity is a myth to protect the British Empire Historian s shock claim on birth of tartanry By Torcuil Crichton The Sunday Herald, 12 October 2003 http://archives.econ.utah.edu/archives/a-list/2003w41/msg00013.htm | |
65. Celtic Universe -- Scottish Wonder Tales From Myth And Legend mythology scottish Wonder Tales From Myth And Legend. Author Donald Mackenzie Publisher Dover Pages 224. Click on Author s name http://www.celticuniverse.com/~celtic/cgi-bin/cart.cgi/0486296776.html | |
66. Myth, Migration And The Making Of Memory Notes from Eastern Canada scottish Immigration to the Maritime Provinces in more A Critical Examination of Highland Emigration mythology Michael Kennedy. http://www.stmarys.ca/administration/gorsebrook/publications/harpervance.htm | |
67. Celtic Charms Celtic Jewelry In Celtic mythology, the mare is associated with the Goddess Epona. Celtic Goddesses AIFE Irish, scottish, Also spelled Aoife. http://www.silverenchantments.com/celtic-jewelry-knots-silver-charms-druid.html | |
68. Spinning In Myths And Folktales 1990. Whipperty Stoury scottish Fairy Tales. The Bear with One Leg Heroes Monsters and Other Worlds from Russian mythology. Elizabeth Warner.Peter Lowe. http://www.thorshof.org/spinmyth.htm | |
69. Elysian Astrology & New Age Shop Mythology And Folklore Books with stories of gods and goddesses, ancient legends, popular myths, infamous murderers scottish Traditional Tales Alan Bruford All over the world traditional http://www.elysian.co.uk/acatalog/Mythology_and_Folklore_Books.html | |
70. Photographs Of The English And Scottish Landscape English and scottish Sites. gatepost. Holed stones are known throughout Celtic mythology as cursing stones and sighting stones. http://merganser.math.gvsu.edu/myth/english-gal.html | |
71. Mostly Medieval: Beasties: Fabulous Beasts In Myth And Legend B. Banshee A spirit of Irish and scottish legend, sometimes known in Scotland as Bargvest Spirit of Celtic mythology usually appearing in the form of an animal http://skell.org/explore/mythad.htm | |
72. TWD -- Mythology And Folklore a wellknown scottish story. JACK THE GIANT-KILLER by Charles de Lint (recently reprinted in JACK OF KINROWAN), takes elements from Celtic mythology and spins http://my.erinet.com/~jwoolf/myth.html | |
73. Probert Encyclopaedia: Celtic Mythology It originated in the scottish highlands. TARANIS. In Druid mythology, Taranis is the god of the wheel, associated with forces of change. YULETIDE. http://www.probertencyclopaedia.com/D3.HTM | |
74. Web Rings Ring Fairy Tales, Folk Tales, mythology Next Site This Fairy Tales, Folk Tales and mythology site is owned by scottish Heritage in Scotland and in New http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/Heritage/FSCNS/Scots_NS/Mission/Web_Rings.html | |
75. Book Shops In Wigtown, Scotland's National Book Town. uk. Specialising in second hand books on folklore and mythology, scottish books, theatre, film and TV. Also a small general stock. http://www.wigtown-booktown.co.uk/bookshop_info.asp?businessID=10 |
76. Classical Music - Andante - Braving The Labyrinth: Scottish Opera, Despite Its P scottish Opera for All aims to break down those preconceptions by demystifying the every aspect of the story, from the geography, history and mythology to its http://www.andante.com/article/article.cfm?id=23743 |
77. Shape-Shifters: Art Inspired By Animal-Human Transformation Myths — Autumn Cernunnos, the lord of animals in Celtic mythology, wore the shape of a stag A similar tale is told in the scottish ballad Twa Magicians one magician (female http://www.endicott-studio.com/jMA03Autumn/gshifters.html | |
78. Trees For Life - Mythology And Folklore Of The Elder and rowan, the elder had strong associations with Faery and Goddess-centred mythology. The elder is not a common tree across the scottish Highlands, being http://www.treesforlife.org.uk/tfl.mythelder.html | |
79. Bluestone Design - Scottish Celtic Design Company- Links Page 5 We ve done our best to touch on all areas of scottish culture with a Druid, my loves are nature, stone circles and other sacred sites, mythology, herbs, poetry http://www.joeporter.saltire.org/bluestone/links5.htm | |
80. SCONE: Scottish Collections Network Return to SCONE homepage, Subject strengths Subjects in Religion Religions. mythology. Celtic religion and mythology. Classical religion and mythology. http://scone.strath.ac.uk/service/SCONEService/ConsSubjSel.cfm?uCtgyID=191&uDivn |
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