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41. ASLS: Scottish Language 16, 1997, The Duke s english The Language of the 16, 1997, Irish References in EarlyScottish gaelic Grammars A 16, 1997, MacDiarmid s Use of scots Synthetic or http://www.arts.gla.ac.uk/ScotLit/ASLS/NoFrames/ScotLang2.html | |
42. Irish & Scottish Gaelic And Nigel Tranter Books of Arbroath I have a cassetter tape that provides the words in four differentlanguages the original Latin, modern english, scots and Scottish gaelic. http://www.his.com/~rory/ | |
43. An Comanachadh: Holy Communioin (English Rite) In Scots Gaelic The Book of Common Prayer in scots gaelic Holy Communion (english Rite). ANTORDUGH. CHUM FRITHEALADH SUIPEIR AN TIGHEARNA, NO AN COMANACHADH NAOMH. http://justus.anglican.org/resources/bcp/Scotland/Scots_Gaelic_Engl_Communion.ht | |
44. Litirdi Albannach 1982: The Scottish Liturgy In Gaelic of the Communion Service of the Scottish Episcopal Church was originally publishedin booklet form in both english and scots gaelic, with the english on the http://justus.anglican.org/resources/bcp/Scotland/Scot_Gaelic1982.htm | |
45. Scots-Gaelic Books - Books - Learn A Foreign Language Scottish gaelicenglish/english-Scottish gaelic Dictionary, Scottish gaelic-english/english-Scottishgaelic Dictionary By RW Renton, JA MacDonald Publisher http://www.hobbydo.com/foreign/scots-gaelic-books-1.html | |
46. Scots-Gaelic Books - Books - Learn A Foreign Language gaelicenglish - english-gaelic Dictionary Scottish-gaelic, gaelic-english - english-gaelicDictionary Scottish-gaelic By Malcolm MacLennan Publisher IBD http://www.hobbydo.com/foreign/scots-gaelic-books-2.html | |
47. Gaelic Forum scots gaelic to english Translation Air a phostadh air adhart / Postedon 22/04/2004 185800 Air a phostadh le / Posted by James Mould. http://forums.highland.gov.uk/default.aspx?locid=153007&messageID=14556&isExpand |
48. Scottish Languages: Gaelic, Scots And Doric to Ridge Collected Poems in gaelic and in english Translation Sorley MacLean (October1999). The is a collection of poems of the scotsgaelic poet, father of http://www.undiscoveredscotland.co.uk/usbookshop/usbs-language.html | |
49. Scots-Gaelic Pronunciation gaelic. english. a. a (short, as in bat, hat, etc.; long, as in gate, mate, etc.).b. b (as in bet, bat). c. k (always hard, as in cat). ch. ch (as in Scottish lochor http://www.housebarra.com/EP/ep05/16gaelic.html | |
50. English To Scots Gaelic Translation Please -- Voycabulary Users Forum Thread Next Message Previous Message Date Posted 081242 11/22/03 Sat AuthorNahla Subject english to scots gaelic translation please Can someone http://www.voy.com/99/7/26140.html | |
51. English To Scots Gaelic Translation -- Voycabulary Users Forum Thread Next Message Previous Message Date Posted 163244 10/22/03 Wed AuthorGordon Forbes Subject english to scots gaelic translation Need some help http://www.voy.com/99/9/25438.html | |
52. Ethnologue: United Kingdom IndoEuropean, Germanic, West, North Sea, english. gaelic, scots (gaelic) GLS 88,892including 477 monolinguals, 88,415 bilinguals in Scotland (1971 census http://www.christusrex.org/www1/pater/ethno/Unit.html | |
53. Other Scottish Literature Resources Hjokfinnies Sanglines is a web zine published in english, scots,and gaelic that covers current cultural events in Scotland. In http://www.sc.edu/library/scotlit/other.html | |
54. INDEX WEB PAGE scots gaelic song and music in Scotland and North America; The Traditional BalladIndex; Songs recently collected in Scotland, Ireland, and New Brunswick; english http://users.erols.com/olsonw/ | |
55. Encyclopedia: List Of English Words Of Scots Gaelic Origin Media. Military. People. Religion. Sports. Transportation. Updated ,. EncyclopediaList of english words of scots gaelic origin. Sorry, no entry exists for this yet. http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/List-of-English-words-of-Scots-Gaelic-o | |
56. Re: Alba From Michael Everson On 1997-01-24 (www-international@w3.org From Janua is preferred is Scottish gaelic a national matter? ;Scotch , originallyborrowed from english, has become the usual form in scots dialect (usually http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-international/1997JanMar/0083.html | |
57. OSIS WebPreferences Klingon Language Version of the World english Bible; Manx gaelic Scripture Portions;Maori Bible; Modern Russian Synodal Translation; scots gaelic Gospel of Mark; http://www.thebibletool.com/preferences.jsp?add=ScotsGaelic |
58. Scotland - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia although many speak various scots dialects which differ markedly from Scottish StandardEnglish. Approximately 2% of the population use scots gaelic as their http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scotland | |
59. News: Potter Translated To Scots Gaelic A group of young gaelic students were taken aback by the fact that the Harry Potter novels had not been translated into their native language of scots gaelic. Unlike many who previously thought of http://www.hpana.com/news.cfm?nids=17417_potter_translated_to_scots_gaelic&r |
60. Scots Gaelic Definition Of Scots Gaelic. What Is Scots Gaelic? Meaning Of Scots scots gaelic. Word Word. Legend Synonyms Related Words Antonyms. Some wordswith scots gaelic in the definition http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Scots Gaelic | |
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