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1. Faclair GÃ idhlig - Beurla Based on "The School gaelic Dictionary," by Malcolm MacFarlane. A scots gaelic to english dictionary . http://www.sst.ph.ic.ac.uk/angus/Faclair/ | |
2. LINGUIST List 6.1153: Globalization, Yago, Scots Gaelic, Pidgin English Globalization, Yago, scots gaelic, Pidgin english Randriamasimanana, scots gaelic. Charles Randriamasimanana, Cameroon Pidgin english regarding scots gaelic, specifically anything http://www.linguistlist.org/issues/6/6-1153.html | |
3. Kettillonia New Scottish Writing Scotland publisher of original, adventurous, neglected and rare writing. Includes poetry and prose in scots, gaelic and english. http://www.sol.co.uk/k/kettillonia | |
4. Paraig MacNeil: Traditional Scottish Storyteller - Scottish Traditional Oral Cus Storyteller mostly in english/scots/gaelic or a mixture of all. Tales of the Fianna, clan legends, histories and genealogies. http://www.paraigmacneil.co.uk | |
5. Wikipedia List Of English Words Of Scots Gaelic Origin Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia's article on 'List of english words of scots gaelic origin' This is a list of english words borrowed from scots gaelic bard From BÃ rd, poet or reciter http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_English_wo |
6. Our Holy Redeemer Catholic Church Offers Mass in english and scots gaelic. Photographs of the old church building and the new, explanation of symbolism, profile of the parish priest. http://www.ourholyredeemer.btinternet.co.uk/ | |
7. Cloud Valley - Home Page english musician, heavily influenced by traditional Finnish, scots gaelic and North Iberian musics. Includes biography, discography, tour dates, reviews and contact details. http://members.aol.com/cloudval/ | |
8. Gaelic And Scots Languages Collection of gaelic and scots related URLs. related to the gaelic and scots languages. These include Irish, scots gaelic, Manx gaelic and scots. General gaelic the Irish language. The english translation of our name http://www.clan-maccallum-malcolm.3acres.org/Gaelic.html | |
9. Gaelic And Scots From Rampant Scotland Directory guide for learners of Scottish gaelic. It includes grammar lessons and uses Javaand frames. There are also Dictionaries with gaelic/english and english gaelic http://www.rampantscotland.com/gaelic.htm | |
10. Topònims En Llengua Escocesa (gaèlic) + Anglès - (Glaschu / Glasgow, Etc) scots gaelic to english word list of place names. In Catalan, gaelic, and english. http://www.estelnet.com/catalunyacymru/catala/skota_llista_de_toponims_escoces_a | |
11. A Scots Gaelic Primer - Part 1 A scots gaelic Primer Part One What makes scots gaelic (GÃ idhlig - pronounced "Gah-lick") so difficult to learn like it looks to a native english speaker. Hopefully, I can help http://www.tartans.com/articles/gaelicprimer1.html | |
12. Language - Mezzofanti.org gaelic Lessons An extensive guide to the Scottish gaelic language, in 22 lessons;although most of the text is in scots gaelic, and no english translation is http://www.mezzofanti.org/scots.html | |
13. Scottish Languages, Gaelic And Scots Danish, scots, english and gaelic. Danish, Jeg kender ham ikke. scots,A dinna ken him. english, I don t know him. gaelic, Chan eil iólas agamair. http://www.olestig.dk/scotland/scottishlanguages.html | |
14. Scots Since scots was once the state language of Scotland, it is a valid part of able totake its place as a language of Scotland, along with gaelic and english. http://www.omniglot.com/writing/scots.htm |
15. Yamada Language Center: GÃ idhlig (Scots Gaelic) Language Guide SMO s GÃ idhlig resources; Glasgow University Ossianic Society Celticcultural society with information in english and Scottish gaelic. http://babel.uoregon.edu/yamada/guides/gaidhlig.html | |
16. Scots Gaelic scots gaelic The vast majority of gaelic speakers are bilingual gaelic /english. Today there are very few people who do not speak english. http://www.flw.com/languages/scotsgaelic.htm | |
17. About Scottish Gaelic century to voluntary emigration, and expatriate gaelicspeaking scots are all BretonIsland, check out Am Braighe, the quarterly gaelic-english newspaper on http://members.tripod.com/~scotgaelic/aboutscottishgaelic.html | |
18. Scottish Gaelic Language having its peculiarities. In fact, Scottish gaelic is very endangeredby permanent expansion of english and scots. Nowadays only on http://members.tripod.com/babaev/tree/scottish.html | |
19. 3.13 What Is The Scots Language. Who Do I Contact For More Info? Who do I contact for more info? The scots language is a Germanic language relatedto english. It is not Celtic, but has been influenced by gaelic. http://www.ibiblio.org/gaelic/Alba/3.12.html | |
20. Wir Ain Leid - Gaelic Influenced Scots scots, gaelic, english, scots, gaelic, english. ben, beinn, mountain, glen, gleann,valley. gaelic, gaelic influenced scots, english. Tha i ag radh. She ss at sayin. http://www.scots-online.org/grammar/gaelic.htm | |
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