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21. Partners: General Register Office Scotland The UK government department responsible for the registration of births, marriages, deaths, divorces and adoptions in scotland, and for carrying out periodic censuses of scotland's population. http://www.familyrecords.gov.uk/partners/gros.htm | |
22. Directgov Home Quickfind AZ of central government A-Z of local councils N. Ireland, scotland and Wales Popular forms Browse by subject http://www.open.gov.uk/ | |
23. MapZones.com Government scotland, government, Back to Top. The United Kingdom does not havea written constitution. The equivalent body of law is based on http://www.mapzones.com/world/europe/scotland/governmentindex.php | |
24. Guardian Unlimited Politics | Special Reports | Special Report: Scottish Parliam Full coverage includes news, comment and analysis about politics in scotland plus web resources of government, political party and media sites. http://politics.guardian.co.uk/scotland/ | |
25. Official Government Source For Scottish Genealogy official government source of genealogical data for scotland http://www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk/ | |
26. Scotland On Sunday - Opinion - Hated Blair And His Chaotic Government Will Come Gerald Warner. Explains why Britain is now pervaded by loathing and contempt for the political class, and if the government goes ahead with its hunting ban it will end the consensus on which democracy depends and subsidiarity could turn out to mean something very different from what MPs and Eurocrats intended. http://www.scotlandonsunday.com/opinion.cfm?id=736252003 |
27. Oultwood Local Government Council Web Sites Index In Alphabetic Order (A) list websites for all letters local government web sites for scotland count,council, type, link map, country. 1, Aberdeen City, unitary, scotland, scotland. http://www.oultwood.com/localgov/councils.php?country=Scotland&linktype=&letter= |
28. Royal Commission On The Ancient And Historical Monuments Of Scotland Independent nondepartmental government body financed by Parliament, responsible for recording, interpreting and promoting the historic monuments of scotland. Provides information about the Royal Commission and access to the CANMORE database of the National Monuments Record of scotland. http://www.rcahms.gov.uk | |
29. Scotland :: Government :: Boon :: Uk Web Directory Vertex e-government International business process outsourcer withexpertise in e-government solutions and other CRM services. http://www.boon.co.uk/directory/8542__scotland/8694__government/ | |
30. The Principality Of Zugesbucht And Congregatio Catolica Sine Dogma Congregation formed by members of the Universal Life Church, and a principality of the church situated in scotland and consisting of one square foot in both the Camster Burn area of Caithness and in Overscaig. Information about the state's government and citizens. http://www.angelfire.com/me/lytz/ccsd.html | |
31. Scotland :: Government :: Local Councils :: Boon :: Uk Web Directory www.orkney.com. Oultwood Local government Index Local council site links for scotland,using clickable maps and lists. www.oultwood.com/localgov/scotland.htm. http://www.boon.co.uk/directory/8542__scotland/8694__government/8699__local_coun | |
32. Searchuno.co.uk : The UK Web Directory: Scotland/Government A comprehensive guide to the running of scotland and information on the ScottishParliament, post devolution, in the context of UK government and Europe. http://www.searchuno.co.uk/Scotland/Government/ | |
33. Scotland On Sunday - Scotland - Government Vows To Darken Our Nights In Campaign ITÂSa heavenly development for scotlandÂs stargazers. The government has announcedplans to tackle light pollution, which has made all but the brightest http://scotlandonsunday.scotsman.com/scotland.cfm?id=873082003 |
34. Scotland, Georgia Local government information for scotland, Georgia. Provided by the Georgia Municipal Association. http://www.gmanet.com/members/69336.shtml |
35. Scotland On Sunday - Sport - Other Sport - Stewart Urges Government To Rally For scotland on Sunday Sun 2 May 2004. Stewart urges government to rally for future ofSilverstone SIR Jackie Stewart has repeated his call to Prime Minister Tony http://scotlandonsunday.scotsman.com/othersport.cfm?id=499542004 |
36. Scottish Forum For Modern Government To provide new thinking, advice and support to government and other agencies working in the arena of public policy in scotland. http://www.rgu.ac.uk/sfmg/main.htm |
37. Institute Of Public Rights Of Way Officers A professional body which represents over 300 individuals who are involved in the management of public rights of way in England, Wales and scotland principally as local government officers. http://www.iprow.co.uk/ | |
38. Scotland: Scottish Flag The Rampant Lion flag flies over the offices of the Secretary of State for scotland(who is the representative of the UK government in scotland); that is Dover http://www.geo.ed.ac.uk/home/scotland/saltire.html | |
39. Tartan Day Official site from the Scottish government celebrating the Tartan Day American festival. Learn about the traditions and history of scotland, its plaids, clans, kilts, heritage and culture. http://www.tartanday.gov.uk/ | |
40. Board Of Agriculture For Scotland | Government Department | Scotland Board of Agriculture for scotland government department scotland.Correspondence (18751904); Letter to Frederick Orpen Bower http://www.nahste.ac.uk/corp/b/GB_0237_NAHSTE_C1294/ | |
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