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         Scientology:     more books (100)
  1. Scientology: The Fundamentals of Thought by L. Ron Hubbard, 2007-11-01
  2. Ali's Smile / Naked Scientology by William S. Burroughs, 1985-06
  3. Scientology: A New Slant On Life by L. Ron Hubbard, 2007-07-14
  4. Scientology 8-8008: How to Increase Your Spiritual Ability from Zero to Infinity by L. Ron Hubbard, 1994-08
  5. Scientology A History Of Man by L.Ron Hubbard, 2007
  6. Basic Scientology Picture Book by L. Ron Hubbard, 1985-06
  7. Scientology 8-80 by L. Ron Hubbard, 1989-09-28
  8. Scientology: A New Slant On Life by L. Ron Hubbard, 2007-11-01
  9. The Technology of Study from the Scientology Handbook by L. Ron Hubbard, 1994-09
  10. The Way To Happiness: A Common Sense Guide to Better Living by L. Ron Hubbard, 1989-09-01
  11. What Is Scientology?: The Comprehensive Reference on the World's Fastest Growing Religion
  12. Scientology: A New Slant On Life by L. Ron Hubbard, 2007-11-01
  13. Scientology: The Pied Pipers Of Heaven by L. Kin, 1994-01-01
  14. Scientology: A History of Man by L. Ron Hubbard, 1988-06

21. Secrets Of Scientology
mafia of religions The Secrets of scientology. monetary donations. In return, scientology promises its adherents total freedom . The
Scientology Scientologie scientology Cienciologia Cientologia Ron Ronald Hubbard Dianetics Dianetique Dianetik Dianetica philosophy religion solutions freedom, Scientology books, Scientology procedures, Scientology history, Scientology auditing, Scientology FAQs, happiness help rehabilitation, books cults terrorism, Xenu Xemu Marcab thetan NOTs: "The mafia of religions"
The Secrets of Scientology
The Church of Scientology is a rich and vengeful religious cult, or as one critic puts it, "a cross between the Moonies and the Mafia." But it would be a mistake to dismiss its underlying technology as harmless or ineffective. Scientologists know a great deal about thought control, social control, rhetorical judo (defeat by misdirection, deft use of logical fallacies) and high pressure sales, though as victims of their own technology, they wouldn't characterize it that way. Despite its extensive advertising campaign, including half-hour TV infomercials for Dianetics, the Church has been careful to maintain a veil of mystery about its teachings, in part by outlawing any meaningful discussion or analysis of them. (See the policy bulletin prohibiting verbal tech .) To learn the inner secrets of the cult requires years of strict obedience and large monetary donations. In return, Scientology promises its adherents "total freedom". The Internet, through sites like this one, is going to make good on that promise. This web site is dedicated to exposing the various technical tricks behind Scientology, until all its secrets have been laid before the public at no charge.

22. The Daily Rotten
The search engine Google is censoring the Internet's leading critic of the Church of scientology, Operation Clambake. Daily Rotten
Daily Rotten Archive Rotten Mugshots Today in Rotten History ... Amateur Porn More news available here: Daily Rotten March 20, 2002 Google censors Scientology critics A ROTTEN.COM EXCLUSIVE The search engine Google is censoring the Internet's leading critic of the Church of Scientology, Operation Clambake . The site has been completely removed from the search engine and from the Google Directory, which uses data from the Open Directory Project, DMOZ A spokesman for Google was unable to tell Daily Rotten why or how the site had been removed, explaining that many staffers were away at an offsite meeting. The spokesman did not return our phone calls today. Controversy first arose in February when a widely linked article reported on the Church of Scientology's supremacy over the search term Scientology . The author documents the manipulation of pro-Scientology website placement in Google. He suggests that using a network of cross-linked Scientology related websites with listings in the DMOZ directory, their collective Google "PageRank" was artificially inflated. Thus any websites critical of Scientology did not appear on the first page of search results for the term "Scientology". It was also suspected that a volunteer DMOZ editor and Scientologist, charged with maintaining the Scientology category may have been responsible for adding a great number of the shill sites, in an apparent violation of DMOZ policy.

23. The Secret Library Of Scientology
The Secret Library of scientology. A library for the critical study of scientology what L. Ron Hubbard would not want you to read! Pardon the bare walls.
The Secret Library of Scientology
A library for the critical study of Scientology
what L. Ron Hubbard would not want you to read! Pardon the bare walls. You're welcome to browse!
Anderson, Kevin
Report of the Board of Enquiry into Scientology (Also called the Anderson Report or the Australian Report)
Atack, Jon
A Piece of Blue Sky: Scientology, Dianetics, and L. Ron Hubbard Exposed
Cooper, Paulette
The Scandal of Scientology
Fischer, Harvey Jay
Dianetic Therapy: an Experimental Evaluation
Forte, John
Fuller, Laura K.
Scientology and Totalitarianism
Gardner, Martin
Dianetics (From
Kaufman, Robert
Inside Scientology/Dianetics (1995 revision)
Kent, Stephen A.
International society control by the Church of Scientology
Scientology's relationship with eastern religious traditions
Scientology Is this a religion?
Lamont, Stewart
Religion, Inc.
Malko, George
Scientology: The Now Religion
Miller, Russell
Bare-Faced Messiah: The Story of L. Ron Hubbard Annotated and augmented with essays by Chris Owen
Penny, Robert
Social Control in Scientology
Pignotti, Monica
My Nine Lives in Scientology
Roos, Otto

24. The Relgious Nature Of Scientology
Dr. Parrinder, Methodist Minister and Professor of the Comparative Study of Religions University of London, on the controversy as to whether scientology is a religion.
The Religious Nature of Scientology
Professor of the Comparitive Study of Religions
University of London
I must make it clear that I am not a Scientologist, on the contrary I am an ordained Methodist Minister of over forty years standing. I have no brief for the beliefs and practices of Scientology and might be critical of some of them. I know that complaints have been made against some aspects of the practice of Scientology. But I am concerned with religious freedom, which is essential to a democratic society. It seems contrary to religious toleration that the founder of Scientology, Lafayette Ron Hubbard , should be barred from entering the United Kingdom, unless some crime can be proved against him. And it also seems wrong to me that Scientologists should not be allowed to register their places of worship on the grounds indicated above. In 1971 I was approached by representatives of Scientology, since my interest in the meaning of religion was known from my writings and my position as Professor of the Comparative Study of Religions in the University of London. I examined literature sent to me, including the transcript of the proceeding at the Appeal Courts, and I thought it well to gain first hand information by meeting representatives of the movement several times and visiting their British headquarters. Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, is an old enlarged building with adequate but not very extensive grounds. My visit had been arranged but, as often happens, I arrived half an hour early and was able to wander round on my own for some time. From rumours about the Scientologists, I half imagined that there would be a guard at the entrance, or even guard dogs, but everything was open and I drove unnoticed into the car park. Then I went into buildings where students were at work, saw class rooms open, and finally entered the chapel which was like many a Free Church building.

25. Scientology Theology Reference. Theology Practice Of A Contemporary
scientology presents a clearly defined and workable route to spiritual awareness and self improvement. Including articles about the beliefs and practices of the scientology religion. A Reference

26. Scientology Vs The Internet
scientology versus the Internet. March 21, 2002 Google, scientology + Censorship. Priority Telecom disconnects Xtended Internet over antiscientology website.

27. De Hulpgids - Dianetics En Scientology Portal
Informatie over Dianetics, scientology, L. Ron Hubbard en de scientology Kerk in Amsterdam. Bevat beschrijvingen, een overzicht van boeken, een FAQ, een gratis persoonlijkheidstest en een agenda.
Home Gratis nieuwsbrief Test uw persoonlijkheid Winkelwagen Dianetics en Scientology
Drugs Drugs, gevolgen, afkicken, preventie, voorlichting, boeken, afkickcentrum Een nieuwe website over drugs
GRATIS boekjes over drugs


Oplossingen voor het drugs probleem
Freedom Magazine artikelen - Verenigde Staten

Relaties en Huwelijk Wat is het geheim van de liefde? Wat is de weg naar een gelukkige relatie of huwelijk? Wat is een relatie of een huwelijk eigenlijk?
Hoe kiest u een partner die bij u past?

Hoe kunt u uw relatie of huwelijk verbeteren?

Overige belangrijke onderwerpen
... Internationale sites Geluk Hoe wordt je gelukkig? Zijn er bruikbare normen en waardes? Kan je in de huidige samenleving toch gelukkig zijn? Hoe dan? Weg naar geluk - Site Weg naar geluk Morele code Geluk ... Het herstel van morele waardes en gezinswaardes Wat is Scientology ? Het komt in het nieuws. Er wordt over gesproken op radio en tv. Het groeit met een ongelooflijke snelheid. En het heeft de antwoorden. 'Wat is Scientology ?' Activiteiten voor maatschappelijke verbetering De 8 drijfveren Een beschrijving van Scientology Een Scientology Catechismus ... Successen van Scientologen - Deel 2 L. Ron Hubbard Grondlegger van Dianetics en Scientology Artikelen Author Services Inc (ASI) Erkenningen L. Ron Hubbard

28. Secrets Of Scientology
The Secrets of scientology. The Church of scientology is a rich and vengeful religious cult, or as one critic puts it, "a cross between the Moonies and the Mafia." scientology Scientologie scientology Cienciologia Cientologia Ron freedom, scientology books, scientology procedures, scientology history, scientology auditing, scientology
Scientology Scientologie scientology Cienciologia Cientologia Ron Ronald Hubbard Dianetics Dianetique Dianetik Dianetica philosophy religion solutions freedom, Scientology books, Scientology procedures, Scientology history, Scientology auditing, Scientology FAQs, happiness help rehabilitation, books cults terrorism, Xenu Xemu Marcab thetan NOTs: "The mafia of religions"
The Secrets of Scientology
The Church of Scientology is a rich and vengeful religious cult, or as one critic puts it, "a cross between the Moonies and the Mafia." But it would be a mistake to dismiss its underlying technology as harmless or ineffective. Scientologists know a great deal about thought control, social control, rhetorical judo (defeat by misdirection, deft use of logical fallacies) and high pressure sales, though as victims of their own technology, they wouldn't characterize it that way. Despite its extensive advertising campaign, including half-hour TV infomercials for Dianetics, the Church has been careful to maintain a veil of mystery about its teachings, in part by outlawing any meaningful discussion or analysis of them. (See the policy bulletin prohibiting verbal tech .) To learn the inner secrets of the cult requires years of strict obedience and large monetary donations. In return, Scientology promises its adherents "total freedom". The Internet, through sites like this one, is going to make good on that promise. This web site is dedicated to exposing the various technical tricks behind Scientology, until all its secrets have been laid before the public at no charge.

29. Nederlands Overheidsrapport Over Scientology (1984)
Rapport van de subcommissie sekten van de Tweede Kamer Commissie volksgezondheid, pag. 120160.
essays on scientology




Overheidsrapport over Scientology (1984)
Rapport subcommissie sekten Tweede Kamer Commissie volksgezondheid
Rapport van de subcommissie sekten van de vaste Tweede Kamer Commissie voor de volksgezondheid. p. 120-160 Beschouwing
Ontstaan en ontwikkeling Dianetics: The modern science of mental health en in verkorte vorm in het sf-tijdschrift Astounding Science Fiction , waarin in de voorafgaande jaren verschillende verhalen van zijn hand waren verschenen. De psychotherapeutische methode, in het boek ontwikkeld en aangeduid met de term dianetics , bevatte reeds belangrijke elementen van wat enige tijd later als scientology zou worden gepresenteerd. Zij was gegrond op de opvatting, dat elke mens een zuivere, analytische geest bezit die zijn persoonlijkheidskern vormt. Alle indrukken van de zintuigen worden door deze geest geregistreerd en benut voor het geven van de juiste prikkels. Uitgerust met een dergelijke feilloze computer is de mens in staat zelfstandig de goede beslissingen te nemen en gegeven zijn omstandigheden met een minimum aan geestelijke en lichamelijke klachten optimaal te leven. Zo gaat het echter in de praktijk niet, omdat in het evolutieproces van de mens een mechanisme is ontstaan dat de werking van de analytische geest ernstig verstoort. Dit mechanisme, de reactieve geest , heeft zich ontwikkeld als bliksemafleider voor pijn, die werd opgevat als een bedreiging voor het voortbestaan. De reactieve geest reageert op prikkels van buitenaf en legt indrukken vast van momenten van geestelijke of lichamelijke pijn, zogenaamde

30. --
COMMUNITY Add your views to the scientology message boards, including Learn About scientology The Next Life What s in Store for Us?
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Cloning Views
"My Gratitude to L. Ron Hubbard" ... More... RESOURCES Freedom Magazine Official publication of the Church of Scientology Scientology Homepage Official site of the Church of Scientology Locate a Scientology group More Scientology websites ARTICLES Tom Cruise Praises L. Ron Hubbard's "Study Technology"

31. Scientology Kills
scientology Celebrities MoreSpreading Entheta Since 1997. In fact, in scientology, thinking is a pretty lowlevel activity. Former Scientologist.
document.write('<');document.write('! '); dqmcodebase = "script/" //script folder location
"Valerie, the only difference between you and a pit bull is a dog doesn't wear lipstick." Will Teal
(former USPS mailhandler)
This website is not affiliated with the COS. It is designed for commentary and criticism within the limits of Free Speech.
Leah Remini
PRICELESS ILLOGIC A lovely ladybut apparently none too bright, as she attempts to dismiss critics of her 'religion' with an argument that makes no sense. But we'd expect no less from a member of the wacky cult... MORE More Celebrity Scientologists " In fact, in Scientology, thinking is a pretty low-level activity."
Former Scientologist NeopetsIs It Connected To Scientology?
CEO Doug Dohring is a member of the cult and has been involved with some of its other scandals, like the Reed Slatkin messbut is that a problem?. Are you OT VIII?
Then your name should be on this list OTII?
OT II can be read on the Net here . The Arrow, White Black Sphere, Hot Cold, and Dance Mob. And supposedly some
of this took place "about
trillions 214th Power years ago".

32. Glaubensbekenntnis Der Scientology
Weltanschauliche Grunds¤tze der scientology. Originaltext. Gilt f¼r alle Scientologen, innerhalb wie auŸerhalb der scientologyKirche.

33. AGSD - AufklärungsGemeinschaft über Scientology Und Dianetik - AGSD
Informiert ¼ber scientology, Dianetik und deren Unter und Tarnorganisationen.

34. Una Breve Storia Di Scientology
Dalla pubblicazione del primo libro di Hubbard fino alla fondazione ed espansione della Chiesa di scientology in tutto il mondo.
English Deutsch

Successivamente nacquero istituti, centri di addestramento, missioni e chiese
Dianetics: la forza del pensiero sul corpo Dianetics: la forza del pensiero sul corpo Continua... Scientology International. Tutti i diritti riservati. Scientology

35. Church Of Scientology, Los Angeles Organization
The Church of scientology in Los Angeles was the very first scientology Church in the world, founded in February 18, 1954 by several Los Angeles area
Church of Scientology
Los Angeles Organization
What is Scientology?
  • What is Scientology About?
  • - Introduction to the Scientology Religion
    - The Religious Heritage of Scientology
    - L. Ron Hubbard: The Founder of the Scientology Religion - A Description of Scientology
    - The Practice of Scientology
    - A Bridge to a Better Life
  • Scientology's Founder
The Successes of Scientology?
About the Church of Scientology Los Angeles Organization

36. Scientology V. The Internet
scientology v. the INTERNET Free Speech Copyright Infringement on the Information SuperHighway. The alt.religion.scientology Newsgroup.
From Skeptic vol. 3, no. 3, 1995, pp. 35-41. For more information, visit Contents:
By Jim Lippard and Jeff Jacobsen
The power to control the dissemination of information is the power to influence the beliefs and actions of human beings. Nothing has transformed civilization in such dramatic and unforeseen ways as the development of information technology which affects that power. The printing press, the telegraph, the telephone, radio, and television have altered societies by increasing the speed of communication, the quantity of information that can be communicated, and the potential number of recipients of any message. As each new technology becomes cheaper to use, the ability of individuals to create and spread their own messages is enhanced, and control over the flow of knowledge becomes decentralized. Institutions and individuals that require the ability to control information to retain power have found themselves ousted as technologies have undermined that ability. Falling into the last category is the Church of Scientology (COS), which has seen texts of secret Scientology teachings, affidavits and declarations from court cases, and even entire books by Scientology critics, made publicly (and anonymously) available on both the Internet and the Usenet, a collection of thousands of public discussion forums known as newsgroups. Rather than answering the criticism, Scientologists have responded in their standard manner-by attacking their critics with confrontation and litigation. This article is a summary of recent events in what began as the battle between Scientology and its critics and, because of these tactics, is now the battle between Scientology and the Internet.

37. Google Pulls, Replaces Web Page Critical Of Scientology
Article with comments from a Google spokesperson, a scientology lawyer, and a staff attorney at the Electronic Frontier Foundation. By Elinor Mills Abreu. Reuters
You Are Here: Frontpage Techtalk News Techtalk News Summary News Headlines Discussion Forums Friday, March 22, 2002 - Web posted at 8:05:42 am GMT
Google pulls, replaces Web page critical of Scientology
By Elinor Mills Abreu SAN FRANCISCO, March 21 (Reuters) - Google Inc. restored a Web site critical of the Church of Scientology on its Internet search engine on Thursday while free speech advocates slammed the company for removing the site in the first place. The home page for was "inadvertently removed" along with a long, two-page list of associated Web pages on Wednesday but was put back on Thursday, said Google spokeswoman Cindy McCaffrey. Neither she nor Krane were available for further comment. On Thursday evening, the Web site was listed fourth under Google search results for "Scientology" and 8th under "Church of Scientology." The Church of Scientology, whose members include actors Tom Cruise and John Travolta, has mounted challenges to Web sites and organizations that are critical of it in the past. STIFLING CRITICISM The DMCA protects companies that host or link to Web sites from being held liable if they notify allegedly offending Web sites that there is a complaint about them and give them a chance to respond, Gross said.

38. "Scientology" As A Search Phrase Analyzed By The VisIT Software
The Church of scientology s Supremacy over the search term scientology on Google. Fig 1. Search term scientology using only Google.
The Church of Scientology's Supremacy over the search term "Scientology" on Google
UPDATED 20 Mar 2002 ORIGINAL 12 Feb 2002 FINAL UPDATE? 8 Apr 2002: A Google search for Scientology now turns up astonishing resultsa balanced representation of what is actually out there on the net, ranked by popularity. It appears that whatever remaining issues may remain, the substantive central issuewhether this search engine accurately represents web contentis at least for the moment resolved. The rest of this page should, therefore, be considered, if not obsolete, at least partially superseded by events. 23 Mar 2002: Yahoo! Directory on Scientology Opposing Views noted for linking to this page, which is odd, considering that they deleted their link to although they have, so far, escaped scrutiny for doing so. Interestingly, this only appears to have disappeared for the search term "Scientology" itself. On a search for "Operation Clambake" it shows up first. Evening 22 Mar 2002: Kady O'Malley comments on How Ava Paquette Hoodwinked Google Morning 22 Mar 2002:

39. Decide If Scientology Is A Religion?
Dr. Alan W. Black examines scientology against seven dimensions of religion and finds all to be present in it.
Is Scientology A Religion? by Alan W. Black Associate Professor of Sociology University of New England Armidale, New South Wales Australia
More about the Scientology Religion in Ausitalia:
  • L. Ron Hubbard, The Humanitarian - Education
  • Scientology Technology to Help Children
  • Dianetics and Scientology Results and Success
  • Dianetics ...
    of the Founding Church of Scientology in Washington DC
  • 40. Gegevens Over De Scientology® Kerk
    Informatie van een aanhanger van de scientology Kerk.
    Welkom op mijn home page. In verband met de eenzijdige informatie op het Internet met betrekking tot de Scientology religie heb ik deze pagina ingericht met informatie over de Scientology Kerk, zodat het evenwicht enigszins hersteld kan worden. Gebleken is dat veel mensen die regelmatig op het net actief zijn, graag wat meer informatie willen hebben. Karel Jeelof.
    Beschrijving van de Scientology religie (Nederlandstalig)
    Een uitgebreide beschrijving van de Scientology religie. Scientology (Engelstalig)
    Wat is Scientology? Hoe is zij ontstaan? Wat is haar achtergrond? Hoe luidt haar credo?
    In het Global Scientology Information Center staan allerlei aspecten van de Scientology religie uitgebreid beschreven. Er is zelfs een Virtual Reality tour! Dianetics (Engelstalig)
    Wat is Dianetics? Wat kan het bewerkstelligen? Hoe is het ontstaan? En wat vindt u van een drie-dimensionale tour door de 'mind'?
    Lees het op deze internationale Dianetics site. En luister naar muziek tijdens het kijken.
    Een korte Nederlandstalige beschrijving omtrent L. Ron Hubbard. L. Ron Hubbard (Engelstalig)

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