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81. A Recipe For Invention: Scientist Biographies - Sample Student Handout - Case St Recipe for Invention Scientist Biography October 3 rd 19 th. CHOSEN LIST Of SCIENTISTSGOES HERE they did their research, what specific scientific contribution http://www.sciencecases.org/sci_bios/handout.html | |
82. Reference Books Unless a specific index search term is given, look The Grolier Library of ScienceBiographies, volumes 110 R Biographical Dictionary of scientists R 920 COL. http://chesterfield.k12.va.us/Schools/Falling_Creek_MS/Pathfinders/FamousScienti | |
83. Booklist: AccessScience. into topical study guides, with links from the outlines to specific entries. The Biographiesfeature, with information on 2,000 scientists derived from the http://archive.ala.org/booklist/v97/rbb/no1/44accessscience.html | |
84. The Mars Society - MDRS: Crew 29 Biographies to explore role specific and dialoguecontext specific probabilistic language Myeducational background is in Computer Science, Philosophy, and Linguistics http://www.marssociety.org/mdrs/fs03/crew29/bios.asp | |
85. Political Science Resources/United States Politics Gives specific procedures for getting one s name on the historical events and biographiesof cabinet Federation of American scientists; Greenpeace International; http://www.lib.umich.edu/govdocs/psusp.html | |
86. Senior 2/ Grade 10 Science 34 handson activities to download with a specific URL for site there is a fairlyextensive Biography of Benjamin Table , and the Union of Concerned scientists http://www.cecm.winnipeg.mb.ca/resources/tours/Kelly/senior.2.science.html | |
87. AccessScience @ McGraw-Hill you through the world of science and technology of entry (encyclopedia, research update,biography, news), limiting your search to specific topics, and http://www.books.mcgraw-hill.com/accessscience/about.html | |
88. Science Super Stars from Mr. Kirchhofer and complete a biography project about the that conveys informationabout a specific area that is related to one of your science units from http://www.columbia.k12.mo.us/mce/gkirchho/science_super_stars.htm | |
89. ICONnect: FAQs - Biographies Frequently Asked Question biographies. Q Where can I find biographies on the Internet and in books? A Hello, There are many biography resources, including Web sites, books and encyclopedias. http://archive.ala.org/ICONN/KCFAQ/biograph.html | |
90. Homework Help With Science: From Anatomy To Weather, Including Biographies, Expe Inventions and Inventors (see alsoBiographies). General Resources. History ofScience Museum, Florence, Italy. The World of Ben Franklin specific Thingies. http://www.schoolwork.org/science.html | |
91. LSU Libraries--Chemistry Library-- Chemical Biography: Guide To Selected Resourc General headings like Obituaries and Biography sometimes contain entries aswell. Other sources not specific to the sciences list obituaries and other http://www.lib.lsu.edu/sci/chem/guides/srs113.html | |
92. Popular Topics: Science of the Central Library, near the Science Humanities you want a biography of aspecific person, the this list below for some selected biographies grouped by http://www.wcl.govt.nz/popular/science.html | |
93. Library Guides Dictionary of scientific biography 19701990, (REF) Q 141 .D5. Encyclopedia of lifesciences, (REF) QH 302 .5 USA (latest) where to buy specific chemicals, (REF http://www.uwm.edu/Library/ris/guides/scitc129.htm | |
94. Bates College: Ladd Library Subject Guides: History Of Science Science History Science, Ancient Technology History Also see History specificsubject (eg, History Mathematics). Search for biographies using the http://abacus.bates.edu/Library/resources/subject/histsci.shtml | |
95. Stevenson High School Library Science And Health Resources collection of reference, history, biography and archival provides other great relatedscience links . List HealthWebs links to specific, evaluated information http://www3.district125.k12.il.us/Library/sciheasrc.html | |
96. Comrades And Partners: The Shared Lives Of Grace Hutchins And Anna Rochester - W This is a biography that explores the complex and multiple contexts that These specificitems are very similiar Comrades and Partners The Shared Lives of http://www.zooscape.com/cgi-bin/maitred/WhitePulp/isbn0847696200 | |
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