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61. Famous Canadians Theme Page there are links to information about specific works from There are over 50 biographiesof famous Canadian Profiles of 20 Canadian scientists including pictures http://www.cln.org/themes/famous.html | |
62. Biology Occupations Science and Biology. Vocational biographies, 1997. Individual work biographies, includesdaily activities and a file of specific career information from the DOT http://www.science.purdue.edu/Undergraduate/CareerDev/biologyoccupations.htm | |
63. Famous Scientist Awards Program 2. Check web site links for information on those specific scientists. 3. Narrowyour choices down to 4 scientists that you feel are worthy of this award. http://www.cesa8.k12.wi.us/teares/it/webquests/OutWorld/ | |
64. Biographies And Background ***. biographies search page This will often give you a person s dates and somebasic information, but without references for It is not specific to science. http://www.bshs.org.uk/educ/biog.htm | |
65. Women In Science Women of Achievement CT3235.T94 STX The World Who s Who of Women HQ1123.W65 REFSPECIFIC biographies To find information about women scientists in particular http://www.eiu.edu/~booth/resources/research/specTopics/womeninscience2.html | |
66. The MacTutor History Of Mathematics http//www.agnesscott.edu/lriddle/women/women.htm. Mathematics in SpecificCulture, Periods, or Places. biographies The scientists. http://www.ejhs.rbbcsc.k12.in.us/teacher_links/mrsamartin.html | |
67. ASU Noble Library - Scientific Biography Gillispie, Charles Coulston, ed. Dictionary of Scientific Biography . contributionto his/her specific field is allows one to determine scientists that were http://www.asu.edu/lib/noble/scirefrm/biogra.htm | |
68. Submarino Importados Biography Autobiography specific Groups LeRoy R. Hafen LeroyR. Hafen Utah State University Press biographies of prominent figures in the http://www.submarino.com.br/imports.asp?Query=&ProdTypeId=9&CatId=5328&PrevCatId |
69. African-American Heros - Biography Research a specific name, profession, geographic area, or nationality followed by the subheading biography Example steinbeck biography Example scientists biography. http://www.polk.edu/it/library/classguides/massey/afrheros.htm | |
70. Science (Multidisciplinary & Technology): A Brief Guide To Reference Resources is useful for finding a scientist in a specific area of The Grolier Library of ScienceBiographies. The index, not only lists scientists who have entries, but http://library.albany.edu/subject/guides/sciguide.htm | |
71. North Bethesda MS are biographies of people involved in literature, peace and science. Use the Patron sCatalog to find books in the NBMS media center on your specific person. http://www.mcps.k12.md.us/schools/northbethesdams/triumphs.htm | |
72. Grinnell College Libraries - Science Biography/History Information Strategy/Sour current science news from Science News magazine specific and more indepth sourcesof information more than 3,400 publications containing multiple biographies); | |
73. MyGateway.info: Science Australia and New Zealand specific magazines, newspapers word search locates scientistswith keywords includes the collected biographies originally published http://www.wcl.govt.nz/mygateway/science.html | |
74. Biography You can also find biographical materials on specific individuals, general biography BiographicalEncyclopedia of scientists. Dictionary of Scientific Biography. http://library.cudenver.edu/findit/subj_guides/biography/bio.html | |
75. MRC Library Internet Subject Guide - Biographies General biographies *Canadians *Women Subject specific biographies Arts *Sciences*Politics and Government Other Lists of Good Links Other MRC Library http://library.mtroyal.ca/subguides/biography.htm | |
76. Biographies Ohioans Ohioana Library Database World Biographical Index. Menu of biographies in specific categories Muslim ScientistsNASA Astronaut biographies (NASA) astronauts, cosmonauts http://community.lib.oh.us/Working_SCL/TOP FRAME/WEBLINKS/Biography/bio.htm | |
77. Myelin Repair Foundation For Multiple Sclerosis - Scientist BIOS Dr. MillerÂs expertise in the pathogenesis of autoimmunological disorders alongwith his specific expertise on the Scientist biographies and Lab Profiles. http://www.myelinrepair.org/scientist.html |
78. SLCL Reference - Selected Internet Sites - Science for major solar system bodies and bright stars for specific dates and biographies.4000 Years of Women in Science Biographical information on women who excelled http://www.slcl.lib.mo.us/reference/sites/science2.htm |
79. BUBL LINK / 5:15 Internet Resources: Biographies Science, Technology and Medicine biographies Index to biographical information aboutscientists, including individuals and those in specific subject areas or http://bubl.ac.uk/link/types/biographies.htm | |
80. :: NASA Quest > Biographies And Journals :: the science and instrument teams then use this tool to build sets of commands calledsequences, which, when sent to the spacecraft, accomplish a specific task http://quest.arc.nasa.gov/lfm/team/landry.html | |
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