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41. Biographical Information For individual biographies of specific individuals try a KEYWORD SEARCH onWebPalsin the for general biography 920; for biographies of scientists 300, 509 http://www.mctc.mnscu.edu/Library/reference/WebBib/Biographies.htm | |
42. UAF Rasmuson Library -- Subject Guide -- Art dictionary of scientists / edited by Trevor Williams Q141.C65 1994 REF. FINDINGADDITIONAL RESOURCES. To find in-depth biographies for specific persons, try a http://www.uaf.edu/library/tips/s.guides/bio.html | |
43. History Of Science Society -- Reading List well as their handling of specific theories length biographical studies of women scientists,some familiar Chapterlength biographies of seven major 20th-century http://depts.washington.edu/hssexec/library_list.html | |
44. DUMC Library - Subject Guides - Biographies Notable psychologists who made specific contributions to the Find Contains over 25,000biographies, past and information on both dead and living scientists. http://www.mclibrary.duke.edu/respub/refres/bios.html | |
45. Finding Biographical Information Many sources of brief biographies are dedicated to specific subjects, suchas writers, scientists, politicians, etc. When Did the Person Live? http://library.austincc.edu/help/findbio/ | |
46. Biographies - TRL Weblinks and Rulers; scientists and Inventors. specific Sites. Biographical Dictionary Over27,000 people from ancient times to the present. biographies of the Founding http://oak.timberland.lib.wa.us/biographies.asp | |
47. Science Education WWW Links specific resources or to School Education / Teaching for specific Groups of A sitewhich has short biographies of famous people, including scientists. http://alex.edfac.usyd.edu.au/Methods/Science/WWWFrameB.html | |
48. Science Institute and provides free access to global or countryspecific environmental data biographies. on15 African American inventors among other scientists such as http://www.gpc.edu/clalib/resources/natural.htm | |
49. Careers In The Biological Sciences and online links to many other discipline- and occupation-specific resources. Thissite includes a database of minority scientists, biographies of outstanding http://www.biology.missouri.edu/undergrad/careers/resources.html | |
50. Shapiro Science Library - Subject Guides - General Science/Reference to online versions of many of the subjectspecific journal title biographies. Science20th edition, 1998-1999 Contains profiles of US and Canadian scientists. http://www.lib.umich.edu/science/gensci/ | |
51. Speaker Biographies Selected Speaker biographies. of Energy s highest honor to be bestowed on its scientists. developmentand function have identified specific signaling mechanisms http://mammary.nih.gov/lgp/seminars/conference97/speakers/bios.html | |
52. Carnegie Mellon Libraries: Search: Databases By Subject: Biography as the McGrawHill Encyclopedia of Science Technology Online, this database includes2000+ biographies of famous scientists. Seach for a specific name or http://www.library.cmu.edu/Search/DB_BIOGtips.html | |
53. People: Biographies The Faces of Science African Americans in the Sciences. Biography Maker learn howto write your own bio TO MY Table of Contents SELECT A specific TOPIC OR http://www.teacheroz.com/biographies.htm | |
54. Using History And Biographies In Science Scientist biographies and classic research papers can become for a presentation ona scientistÂs life our links to read about specific noteworthy experiments http://www.visionlearning.com/library/module_viewer.php?c3=&mid=88&l= |
55. Reference Sources - Biography Research Guide - STCC Library back to the top. By specific Field. Dictionary of Scientific Biography, Q141D5 118+ Ref. The Biographical Dictionary of scientists, Q 141 .B526 1994 Ref. http://library.stcc.edu/guides/biography/refsources.htm | |
56. Best Links About Psychology history, science, biographies, and more versus Materialism Essays on Modern Buddhismand science 08 - Unofficial us to make the claim that specific content in http://www.museumstuff.com/links/science/psychology/ | |
57. Welcome To Adjunct Nation - Teaching Tools - Reference Room - Biographies Featured people include leaders, entertainers, builders, scientists and heroes. abouta series of books devoted to autobiographies, biographies, diaries and http://www.adjunctnation.com/tools/refroom/bio/ | |
58. Stevenson High School Library Science And Health Resources Science biographies biographies of notable scienctists from the links as well as subjectspecific science links. scientists on the WWW Collection of searchable http://www.niles-hs.k12.il.us/westirc/science&healthweblinks.htm | |
59. Physical Science Bookmarks-Biographies Physical Science Biography Bookmarks 8th Grade Schofield Middle School. Websitesspecific to scientist biographies biographies, The scientists A List. http://ccsd.net/schools/schofield/webresources/PhyScibookmarks.html | |
60. Science for images pertaining to public health; Today in Science History find people andevents of scientific importance related to specific dates; Science biographies. http://www.westseneca.wnyric.org/West_Seneca_Web_Pages/east senior/teacher/Sandr | |
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