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1. Best Links About Biographies There are writers, educators, scientists, heads of state, politicians, civil rights crusaders, artists reminder, the content on this biographies specific index page was last updated http://www.museumstuff.com/links/history/biographies | |
2. Biographies Homework People of the Old West. top. specific Sites. Authors top. scientists Inventors Astronaut biographies. Benjamin Franklin Glimpses of the ManLearn all about Franklin's many http://www.sdstatelibrary.com/forkids/people.htm | |
3. National Agricultural Library Kids' Science Page Lists of books, articles, and websites on specific agricultural subjects. Also includes related science fair projects, biographies of leading scientists, and 4H projects. http://www.nal.usda.gov/kids | |
4. Lives, The Biography Resource Lives, the Biography Resource, linking to thousands of biographyrelated sites including autobiographies, journals, letters, diaries, memoirs, biography collections, etc. Sorry, no specific homework or research help is provided To find the biographies of groups of people (for example, U.S. presidents or women scientists), look in one of the http://amillionlives.com/ | |
5. Biographies specific Group Pages 2) Black Heritage http and judges, leaders, musicians, scientists,and writers. History Biography Sites 2) biographies Late Medieval http://42explore.com/biographies.htm | |
6. Scientists Biographies to current and historical information about scientists and their for their links tosubjectspecific websites. about the history of physics, biographies, etc. http://www.fcps.k12.va.us/westspringfieldhs/library/pf/scibios.htm | |
7. Barrons: Biographies Of Great Scientists - Charles Darwin, Inggris, Anak-anak, B Nama Produk. Barrons biographies of Great scientists Charles Darwin Go directly to a specific verse. See all occuurrences of a word in context http://www.worldlanguage.com/Indonesian/Products/103456.htm | |
8. Scientists And Inventors This site contains 20 000 brief biographies. Use the searchable index listing to find biographies on specific people. This site from A Es Biography series. 5. Hispanic scientists http://www.newcanaan.k12.ct.us/saxeintra/scientists_and_inventors.htm | |
9. A Recipe For Invention: Scientist Biographies - Case Study Collection - National A Recipe for Invention Scientist biographies. by. Traci E There are many scientists that do not have a specific website completely devoted to themselves, their lives and their http://www.sciencecases.org/sci_bios/sci_bios.asp | |
10. Biographies The Topic biographies. Easier A biography is a written story of a person's life. It is also a type of book. Harder - Revolutionary War biographies, (14) Rock 'n Roll biographies, (15) scientists / Inventors in Electricity Broadway, Music, Opera, Dance, and Visual Arts. specific All-Star Pages http://eduscapes.com/42explore/biographies.htm | |
11. Biography & Personal Names Math biographies. Mathematicians see specific mathematicians on our Mathematicspage. Medieval scientists, Physicians Mathematicians. Women in Math. http://www.rbls.lib.il.us/dpl/ref/topics/refbiog.htm | |
12. Ethics In Science Annotated Bibliography, Towson University book and article references, Novels and (Auto)biographies lists such books raising ethical issues in consideration of ethical issues specific to science. scientists have a duty to http://www.towson.edu/~sweeting/ethics/ethicbib.htm | |
13. Biography Subject Guide For History 1302 Mathematical biographies biographies of prominent mathematicians. of in depth profileson great Canadian scientists. Information - Find a specific college or http://kclibrary.nhmccd.edu/biography-subject.html | |
14. Book Shop Directory: Biographies Book Shop Directory biographies, including specific titles, used, for children Shopping Publications Books biographies. CATEGORIES. For Children@ specific Titles. Used@ www.lifestories.org/ scientists' personal - as well as professional - reflections on http://bookshop.us/directory/Top/Shopping/Publications/Books/Biographies/417369 | |
15. Biographical Sources population such as women, or a specific field, such as musicians or scientists. Collection Gale group reference database includes biographies for science http://www.kn.pacbell.com/wired/fil/pages/listbiographli.html | |
16. Science & Technology Resources Online Depending upon your specific topic, you may find one or more of also includes newsfrom the world of science, biographies of famous scientists, and links to http://library.hiram.edu/oldsciences.htm | |
17. Computer Science Resources Online fulltext is available to Hiram users) or a specific title database also includesnews from the world of science, biographies of famous scientists, and links http://library.hiram.edu/oldcomputersci.htm | |
18. WTPS - WTHS - IMC - SUBJECT SITES - Science natural history, behavior and habitat specific Biomes Everglades and informationon the invention biographies of Women Physicists scientists from the http://www.wtps.org/wths/imc/SubjectSites/science.htm | |
19. Big Handout Materials specific details. 520. Compiles chronologically, from ancient timesto the present, short biographies of 1510 scientists. 521. a. RL 9.6. http://www.educ.ucok.edu/subwebs/aps/ppatterson/cataloging folder/Big Handout.ht | |
20. National Agricultural Library Kids' Science Page children s books and articles on specific agricultural subjects, science fair projectsand supplies, careers and biographies of leading scientists, and learn http://www.nal.usda.gov/Kids/ | |
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