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41. Subject Guides Better for historical figures. general Collections of biographies. scientists biographies Dewey call numbers for biographical books on scientists 925. http://hoover.mcdaniel.edu/guides/biographies.php | |
42. Science Cataloging Internet Resources Reference Materials. general, biographies of scientists, Agriculture. Astronomy,Biosciences, Biotechnology. Chemistry, Computer Science, Earth/Geosciences. http://www-unix.oit.umass.edu/~spell/scicat.html | |
43. Web Access Management Sample File general Reference Center articles in magazines and newspapers by over 5,000 of theworldÂs leading scientists. 1492 to the present, 400 biographies of key http://www.academic.rccd.cc.ca.us/~lib/indexes.htm | |
44. Microsoft SDB: Scientists > General Scientist Biographies general Scientist biographies businesses that offer scientists relatedproducts and services. general Scientist biographies Web Sites http://sbd.bcentral.com/10742.aspx | |
45. Biographies general AfroAmerican Almanac - biographies African American San Francisco biographiesTime 100 Artists and Time 100 scientists and Thinkers Part of Time http://www.garlic.com/~kpranger/bios.htm | |
46. ACT Library And Information Services - Biographies general Bright Sparks Provides information about scientists. general MathematiciansIndexes of biographies. general Rulers This site contains lists of heads of http://www.library.act.gov.au/eresources/onlinedatabases/biographiesssr.html | |
47. Biography Of Scientists general. Branch, Katherine. Pelletier, Paul A., ed. Prominent scientists an Indexto Collective biographies. 3d ed. New York NealSchuman, 1994. http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/~harkanyi/resources/pages/scibiography2.html | |
48. General Science Subject Guide, University Of Otago Library general Science. Contents. table. biographies. American B4162. The biographicaldictionary of scientists, SciRef Q/141/BL192/2000. Biographical http://www.library.otago.ac.nz/subject_guides/gen-science.html | |
49. MBLWHOI Library: Databases - General Reference of Science Find experts, funding; scientific biographies, CVs and by topic, brandand general categories written and edited by WHOI scientists (including works http://www.mblwhoilibrary.org/databases/general.php | |
50. Biographies general biographies. Lives links. Science and Technology. People and Discoveries 120 biographies of 20th century scientists. The http://www.sldirectory.com/studf/bio.html | |
51. Zeal.com - United States - New - Library - Sciences - General Science - History biographies/Science/Scient A to Z of biographies of scientists includingGiordano Bruno, Gregor Mendel, James Watt and Thomas Huxley. http://zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=226493 |
52. BIOGRAPHIES - Storming Media A Critical Analysis of the generalship of general Douglas Macarthur as Theatre Commanderin the biographies of Selected Soviet scientists 30 AUG 61; http://www.stormingmedia.us/cgi-bin/keywords.php?keywordID=1582 |
53. Mrs. Salvani Tools general resources including Search Engines. of Science AfricanAmerican inthe Sciences biographies and photos of African American scientists. http://www.ridgewood.k12.nj.us/WWW/BF/ridge/salvani/ | |
54. UW Women And Science Program Leader Biographies Mentor and Leader biographies from 2003* and Past Institutes. and to women s issuesin general during that work of many influential women scientists informed my http://www.uwosh.edu/programs/wis/leaders.htm | |
55. Early Modern Themes: Religion, Science, Philosophy numerous articles, introductory and general reference material , a David R Wilkins)biographies of mathematicians and some other scientists. http://www.earlymodernweb.org.uk/themes/scholars.htm | |
56. Sciences General B ASC, scientists collective biographies. B ASD, scientists individual biographies.B AWA, Scientific research general. B AWB, Applied scientific research. http://www.library.tudelft.nl/eng/resources/information_by_subject/owwet/owwet_a | |
57. Blupete's Literature Page Blupete s Biography Page Keynes; Thomas Robert Malthus; Adam Smith. Reformers (generalList The scientists (general List) Copernicus; Charles Darwin; Albert Einstein; http://www.blupete.com/Literature.htm | |
58. Scientists, Inventors And Explorers When looking for basic information, is recommended to begin with the ÂScientistsgeneral Biography Resources or with the Âgeneral Biography Resources . http://www.juliantrubin.com/sciencebiography.html | |
59. Biography Almanacs . general . Entertainment . Sports. biographies. Dictionary. Encyclopedia Notable WomenAthletesArtists. ArchitectsExplorersScientistsPoetsWriter sFilmmakersEntertainers http://www.infoplease.com/people.html | |
60. Kathy Schrock's Guide For Educators - General Science Eric s Treasure Trove of Scientific Biography a comprehensive onlineencyclopedia of famous scientists in history. Exploratorium http://school.discovery.com/schrockguide/sci-tech/scigs.html | |
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